
Trust of the Slave: Korgenyegia Book 1

In a country called Sad, humans take others as slaves. One particular slave, Marythelia, is treated better than most. At least by her master. However, she is still treated with violence if a rule is broken. Zargis is the king of his own kingdom, Korgenyegia. He needs resources. He needs hope. He goes in search of one man who seems to hold sway over his leader to ask for help, only to find an interesting slave girl he's drawn to. However, he's in a predicament whenever he goes home... Marythelia is not one for games. she will end them as soon as they start. But everyone keeps telling that the king of Korgenyegia is not playing games, that he is innocent in the way he has been manipulated. Will she believe him and those on his side? Or will she leave him heartbroken, left to do as he wills?

Patricia_Levy · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
29 Chs


The journey from Korgenyegia to Sellan was awkward and silent. With me was Zargis. Otreg was busy doing stuff so he couldn't come. When I had met him in the foyer of the castle, he had apologized for his actions. I hadn't said anything and followed him to the carriage.

When we finally landed and came to a stop in front of Citron's house, I felt my heart jump into my throat. I knew this wasn't going to be good. I knew I had enjoyed my time in Korgenyegia, no matter the disputes with Otreg and Zargis. I had met some nice people and got to look and feel like a girl. I learned a lot about the dragons that was fascinating and I'd become passionate with some of the subjects concerning them. There was much I wanted to do to help the dragons thrive, but not only was there not enough time, there was no one I trusted.

Zargis opened the carriage and stepped out, then turned and held out a hand for me. Out of politeness, I took it and stepped down to the ground, then looked about. It was the same from when I had left. It was gloomy and the forest seemed dark, but out of the house came Citron, who looked older. "What are you doing here?"

Zargis beat me to the punch. "Marythelia has come to be your slave again."

Citron squinted then turned to the inside of the house and shouted, "Shut up! I'm trying to talk!" When he turned back to us, he was furious. "Hurry up! I have guests!"

"We—" I began but trailed off at the sight of Unda coming out.

Her eyes went wide at the sight of Zargis and started to run towards us. I sidestepped to get out of the way, then watched as she threw herself in his arms and sobbed. "Zargis! I knew you'd find me! You have no idea what it was like when Otreg left me here to take that brat to Korgenyegia! She was filthy and rude and screaming when he bought her out of her slavery! Oh, please take me home!"

I glanced towards Citron who was shooting daggers at Unda. For once, we agreed on something. Unda was manipulative.

Zargis pushed Unda off him and straightened his clothes. "Unda, I have business to see to. I don't need your tears ruining my clothes." He stepped around her and took me by the arm, then strode towards Citron.

I barely was able to stay on my feet, and when we came to a stop, I yanked my arm away from him and crossed them over my chest. Citron glanced at me then to Zargis. "What the blazes is going on?"

Before Zargis could speak, I held up a finger. They looked at me. I smiled and said, "You two may talk. I have something for Unda I think she lost."

Without waiting for anyone to protest, I strode back to Unda and reached into my pocket. She stared at me with a wary expression then her eyes widened when she saw what was in my hand. "I think you dropped this in the carriage on your trip here. I found it and held onto it, hoping to give it back to you," I say, handing her the lipstick.

She took it and glared at me. "You didn't put it on your grimy lips, did you?"

I gawked at her. "Do I look like I need makeup?"

Unda eyed me, but I didn't give her a chance to respond. Turning I headed back to the two men. When I got there, Citron was glaring at Zargis. "You know how much trouble it was to try and keep her? You know how much money your friend gave me for her?" He glanced at me. "As much as having her back would be helpful, I'm not paying you for her."

"I didn't ask for payment. I asked if you would have her back," Zargis said, and I thought I heard irritation, like he wanted to be done with this.

I smiled at them. "Why don't we talk about it over ale? I know Zargis has had a long journey and could use a drink."

Citron nodded and waved his hand for Zargis to go inside with him. To my delight, Unda called Zargis, who sighed and went to see what she wanted. So I wasn't seen, I went to the side of the house, acting like I was getting something, then hid behind the corner and watched the couple.

Zargis was saying something to Unda, who repeatedly stomped her feet and threw up her hands. Zargis said something else, then began to head back to the house. As I watched, Unda took out her lipstick and painted her lips, then slipped the accessory back into a pocket. Faster than Zargis could react, she planted her lips on his and kissed him.

I blinked, and before my eyes, something within Zargis's body changed. First, his eyes seemed to squeeze themselves shut, as if he was in pain, then, he relaxed. After a moment, he wrapped his arms around Unda's waist and kissed back.

Finally, they pulled apart and Zargis looked around, no recognition on his face. He said something and I heard Unda laugh, pat his back, then lead him inside the house. Right at the door, I heard her say, "…we'll just thank him and be off."

I didn't hesitate. I sprang into action and hoped everything Cam and her friends told me was true.