
Trust of the Slave: Korgenyegia Book 1

In a country called Sad, humans take others as slaves. One particular slave, Marythelia, is treated better than most. At least by her master. However, she is still treated with violence if a rule is broken. Zargis is the king of his own kingdom, Korgenyegia. He needs resources. He needs hope. He goes in search of one man who seems to hold sway over his leader to ask for help, only to find an interesting slave girl he's drawn to. However, he's in a predicament whenever he goes home... Marythelia is not one for games. she will end them as soon as they start. But everyone keeps telling that the king of Korgenyegia is not playing games, that he is innocent in the way he has been manipulated. Will she believe him and those on his side? Or will she leave him heartbroken, left to do as he wills?

Patricia_Levy · Fantasía
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29 Chs

Five: Thelia

Marythelia was on her best behavior for an entire month. Her wounds had healed enough so she could go back to her normal jobs for Citron, and was thankful to the dragon for giving her the salves that sped up the healing process. As everyday passed, she grew more excited and restless to see Zargis once more.

The morning starting out the fifth week of his departure, Citron had sent her out to grab groceries from the village. He gave her a long list, explaining the types of vegetable he wanted or the type of fabric was needed. Marythelia probably could have guessed all of those things, but she wasn't about to make an argument with him when her time of fun was soon approaching. She nodded her head and took notes, telling her Master she understood his request before leaving hurriedly out the door.

By the time she was finished buying everything on the list, her arms were loaded with bags and her hands full of items ranging in color and size. Every step was an effort and weighed down. It took her twice as long to get back than it did to leave.

When she did return though, she saw a carriage outside the house. It was black with what looked like velvet red cushions inside. There was luggage loaded on top of it, as if the riders were staying for a long period of time in a fancy hotel, instead of out in the forest. Marythelia was pretty much disappointed, sure it wasn't Zargis, and made her way inside.


Marythelia spun around to see Otreg walking towards her, papers in his hands. She smiled shyly at him. "Hi. How are you?"

He smiled back. "I'm great now that I know you're here!"

Marythelia didn't know what that meant, but she could care less at the moment. "How was your trip from your Kingdom?"

"It was much longer than necessary, but relaxing all the same." He stood in front of her and pushed a lock of hair behind her ear. "You're looking better from the last we met."

"I tried to be presentable this time," she explained, curtsying.

Otreg laughed and embraced her. "I'm glad you're unharmed."

Marythelia pulled away and looked around. "Where's Zargis?"

To this question, Otreg went stiff and rubbed the back of his neck. He wouldn't meet her eyes. "Listen, Zargis isn't in the best state right now."

"What do you mean?"

"Well…" he trailed off, his eyes flicking to something behind her. She turned and understood instantly. Coming out the door of Citron's house was Zargis. On his arm was a woman Marythelia didn't know nor wanted to meet. Zargis seemed entranced by her, never turning his eyes away, not even to look where he was going. It was strange and unnatural.

Marythelia slumped and bowed her head, not understanding why it was she was so disheartened by this.

Otreg put a hand on her shoulder, but she moved away and passed Zargis and the woman, into the house. Citron was in his armchair and was smiling at her. "Oh good! Go put those away and then slice the cake! We're about to make history!"

"Yes, sir."

She went into the kitchen and did as she was told.

Once everything was put away and she sliced the cake and poured ale into glasses, she started back out into the sitting area. But, Otreg came in and blocked her way. "I need you to listen to me for a moment."

"I don't have time, Otreg. I have duties to attend to."

She started to push him out of the way, but he wouldn't budge. "Thelia, please!"

Marythelia glared at him. "Don't call me that! Let me though, right now, or I will be glad to take the punishment for making a scene!"

Otreg stared at her, a bit stunned, but grabbed her shoulders and hissed, "I need your help! Zargis hasn't been himself since we returned home. Lady Und has him wrapped around her little finger and he isn't listening to anything anyone says except her! He's flawed to do whatever a girl wants, so if that girl wants to kiss him to put him under her spell, he will oblige!"

"That's his problem!" she. hissed back.

Otreg shook his head. "Not this time. One of his trusted advisors was there when it happened. She forced herself upon him, he had no time to react."

Thelia felt a little sympathy for Zargis. She sighed and let her body slump. "So, why do you think I can help?"

"Because, I just do." Otreg releases her and glances in the other room. When he turns back, he says, "I'll distract the other two and send him outside. You can try to talk to him. Maybe he'll snap out of it."

"Or maybe he won't?" she says, just because she could.

Otreg shakes his head. "I have a feeling he will."


"I have good instincts?" he says and disappears.

Thelia shakes her own head and sets the tray on the table, walking outside to the barn. A few moments later, she heard the back door close and heavy footsteps heading towards her. She held her breath as Zargis appeared and stopped at the edge of the forest, breathing in and out deeply.

She approached slowly, afraid to interrupt whatever peace he is in. Her plan doesn't work because Zargis says, "I know you're there." Thelia gasped as he turns around. When his blue eyes meet hers, something in his body changes. He puts a hand to his head and squeezes his eyes shut, like the light suddenly blinded him. "Marythelia?" He blinks at her, brows furrowed.

She raises her brows. "It's me."

He looks around and seems even more confused. "Where am I?"

"At my place."

"But I just left," he whispers, staring at me.

Thelia shakes her head. "No. That was a month ago. Remember?"

He shakes his head and she realized Otreg was telling the truth. "Marythelia, I have no idea what has happened since the night I returned home." He stops and seems to being thinking really hard about something. Then, he growls and walks into the forest without another word. Thelia didn't know whether to follow or stay, but did the former in confusion.

"What is wrong? What happened?"

"Stay away from me, Marythelia!" he growled. "You wouldn't understand!"

She stops in her tracks and blinks at him. "Fine," Thelia murmurs and turns back. For some reason, tears sting her eyes as she walks back to the house, seeing the woman and Otreg arguing by the door.

Thelia doesn't remember putting the woman on her back, but somehow she did, spitting harsh words at her as Otreg holds me back. Marythelia struggles to get to her and make her nose bleed or her eye black, or maybe both.

The only thing that makes her stop is the sound of Zargis's voice and his hands on her face. "Enough!"