
chapter 8:Hawk

As Nathan recalled the events of Johnny going to the meeting to get cobra Kai unbanned from the all-valley the bell rung.

Nathan then went to his next lesson when he met up with hawk and the rest of the cobras.

Hawk:Hey,man what you doing after school?

Nathan:Nothing,I'm just gonna go to the dojo and then go home why?are you not coming today?

Hawk:nah,dude I am it's just that me and the guys were thinking of going to the theatre so you coming?

Nathan:yeah,sure what about Miguel?

Hawk:I don't know he isn't in school I'll have to ask him if he comes to the dojo.

Nathan:ok,I gotta go class dude see you at lunch?

Hawk:see ya later dude.

Hawk said as him and the rest of the cobras walked through the corridor looking all intimidating and badass to the other kids.

After school

Nathan went into the car with hawk and the rest of the cobras.

Nathan:what the hell hawk?where the fuck did you get this badboy?

Hawk:you know that guy that sensei hates?


Hawk:yeah well I stole it from him you know when he was trying to teach me his karate meditation bull shit he actually gave me the code to his dealership!like what a stupid fuck!

Hawk said as he lashed on to the car and started driving to the dojo.

Nathan:wow,your taking this whole cobra Kai thing well huh?what happens with dimitri?

Hawk:he still wanted to work at Larruso auto he even apologised to that guy.

Nathan:so your done working at Larruso auto?

Hawk:yeah,I'm done being a pussy I flipped the script dimitris a nerd he can keep training with that pussy all he wants but he's an enemy now.

They then pulled up to the dojo and hoped out the car and walked in to the dojo.

Brandon:Hey,guys so do you think the warmups 10 push-ups or 20 push-ups today?

Neil:I don't know I think sensei might go easy on us and give us 10.

Brandon:No,i think that sensei might push us to do 20 push-ups.

While Brandon and Noel where talking Hawk interrupted there discussion.


Hawk said to Brandon in a angry tone thag the whole dojo heard him.

Brandon:w..why a..are you so angry?

Hawk:what are you a dork?talking about how much push-ups sensei is going to give us like you can even do any?loser!

Hawk said as he grabbed Brandon but before anything else could happen Johnny walked out to the front of the dojo.

Johnny:Alright,everyone fall in.

Johnny said in a commanding tone as everyone fell into 4 rows.

Johnny:ok so as you know the all-valley is in 2 weeks and you pussys aren't ready for it yet!so I'm gonna give you some harder training,is that understood?!

Everyone:yea sensei!

Johnny:Good,now Hawk hop on the mat,since your new and you flipped the script how about you demonstrate some aggression.

Hawk:it's my pleasure sensei.

Hawk said in a cocky tone.

Johnny looked at hawk in annoyance as he loathed his arrogance he glanced at Nathan and Miguel before looking at Brandon and smirking.


Brandon:y..yes sensei!w..wait are y..you talking to me?

Johnny:yeah who else would I be talking to?now hop on the mat!

Brandon hesitated but hopped on the mat as hawk gave him an arrogant smirk.

Johnny:Alright,you two are gonna spar I'm gonna be the referee for this sparing match torny style as you know now fight!

Hawk got into a aggressive style as he raised his fists up into the air one below his chin and the other extended forward as he dashed at Brandon.

Hawk punched Brandon with a left jab and a right hook but Brandon dodged and threw hawk to the ground.

Hawk then got angry and spinning back kicked Brandon in the face.

Johnny:one point hawk.

Hawk then have Brandon a smirk and said.

Hawk:pussy,your not cobra Kai material.

Brandon:we will see about that.

Hawk then gave Brandon two hook and tried to hit a spinning back fist but before he could he received an elbow to the ribs by Brandon.

Johnny:point Brandon.

Hawk was inraged but returned to his fighting position.

Hawk then hit a high left kick and a a high right kick as Brandon took 2 steps back he then sweeped Brandon's leg and kicked his stomach.

Johnny:point hawk.

Brandon then got up and returned tk his fighting position.

Hawk then continued to fight aggressively as he tried to punch Brandon but Brandon blocked and punched him in the face.

Johnny:point Brandon.

Brandon and hawk then fought aggressively with back to back hook from hawks and punches from Brandon.

Hawk then tried to hit Brandon with a left hook but he grabbed his arm and threw hawk on the floor.and punched him in the stomach.Hawk groaned in pain.

Johnny:point brandon.

Brandon then raises his hand and an enraged hawk stood up and went back to his fighting position ignoring the glances of shock and disappointment he was getting from Neil and the other cobras.

After training

Nathan,hawk and the rest of the cobras went to the theatre and hawk trying to calm Miguel's phone.

Hawk:he's not picking up.

Nathan:shit I knew it.


Nathan:well you know how I told you sensei has a thing for Miguel's mom.


Nathan:well,Miguel's mom found out about cobra Kai and the all-valley and said that Miguel wasn't allowed to do karate anymore.

Hawk:what?!but Miguel is our number 1!

Nathan have hawk a threatening glare.

Hawk:(gulp)I mean our number 2 one of our best fighters our brother in combat!

Nathan:well there's nothing I can do about to but with a little convincing from sensei he should be back in cobra Kai before you know it.

Nathan hawk and the rest of the cobras entered the theatre with there sweets and popcorn.

They sat at the back of the cinema behind a group of girls as hawk started throwing popcorn at them.

Nathan:Hey,Aisha so how's school been now that Aishas gone.

Aisha:well,that bitch Yasmine moved to France and all the girls at school don't mess with me now.

Nathan:well,that's good it seems there no more wedgys to give out?

Aisha:(laughs)not yet Inleast.

Hawk continued to throw popcorn at the girls as they finally got pissed and started looking back and shouting.


The girl then turned back to watch the movie.

Nathan and hawk smirked at each other as Aisha looked at them both curiously and Brandon and the other cobras were immersed in the movie.

Nathan and hawk started throwing popcorn and sweets at the girls infront of them.

Nathan and Hawk continued to do that for the rest of the movie


yeah Eli joined cobra Kai and still became hawk but he didn't learn any miyagi do from Daniel and more will be explained in the next chapter per flashback and dimitri is in miyagi do earlier in this timeline.also since Robby didn't see Johnny give Miguel the gi in this timeline he's still chilling with the delinquents so he might go juvie or I might have him join ck.

Terry silver is also back but I don't know if he should become an instructor or just be an investor for now