Ben valasgez a fan of cobra Kai dies by getting shot by a robber and finds himself in a void.He then meets Rob who is kind enough to let him reincarnate in a world of his choosin cobra Kai! “Haha..this amusing”a man in a black chair laughed in a pitch black void while sitting on a chair and sipping on a drink as his red eyes flashed through the void
Miguel had knocked out kyler and thanks to me telling everyone that he was from cobra Kai some pools joined outside of the dojo a lot earlier this time.
Nathaniel:"This means that there will probably be more cobra Kai's before the Halloween dance"
I thought of fixing the plot but now there's no point I've fucked the plot uo enough and I might aswell just keep fucking if up more.
Obviously I need to make sure the rivalry's between dojos still happen but other than that I don't care about the plot.
West valley high
Miguel wakes with Nathaniel with confidence through the hallways of west belly high.
Everyone looked at him while shivering to each other.
Nathaniel:wow your popular now Miguel.Everyone must be joining cobra Kai aswell!
Miguel:yeah I know but sensei was a little bit hard on them at cobra kai.
10 students where standing outside of cobra Kai.
Johnny:This is perfect!where's all these students come from Miguel?
Miguel:There from my school sensei and after they saw the video of what I did to kyler they decided they wanted to kickass!
Johnny:Ok I'll take them in for a trial see if they are pussys or not.
The people outside of sobers Kai then whent in.
Johnny:Alright get into a row there's only 10 of you so one row.
Johnny:ok now you all wanna join cobra Kai?Then you have to not be a pussy!What I see in this dojo is a bunch of pussys!
Dimitri:Excuse me sir but I don't think your allowed to.
Dimitri then straightened up and the rest of the students looked agitated at Johnny shouting.
Johnny:If you don't wanna be here then get out!
Dimitri:Find karate is not for me anyway.
Dimitri then walked out of the dojo.
Johnny then walked up to the students and saw a kid with a lip.
Johnny.Hey,lip what the hell happend to you?
Eli:Can you..p-please not call me that?
Eli said shyly.
Johnny:what?lip?welk who wouldn't?what do you expect people to not mock you for having that scar?I mean look at you it practically stands out on your face.
Eli then looked down shyly.
Johnny:Haven't you got something to remove it?maybe change your hairstyle or?
Eli then stormed out of cobra Kai angrily.
Miguel:Sensei maybe you shouldn't have been so hard on them.
Johnny:whatever there pussy's if they wanna leave then that's fine with them alright now flinchers get in line.
Johnny:miss Robinson?
Aisha:yes sensei?
Johnny:warm them up.
Aisha then warmed the students up by punching them in the face.
Johnny was in his office when Miguel came to talk to him.
Miguel:Sensei?aren't you going s little hard on them?I mean dimitri and Eli left and the rest are probably going to leave to!We don't even have his for our dojo sensei.
Johnny:well I've got a suprise with you since you beat up them bully's of yours.
Johnny then took Miguel to his car and open the trunk he then gave Miguel a white gi.
Miguel:is this for me sensei?
Johnny:yeah it's for you kid you've earned it!after what you did to those bully's of yours it's all yours.
Miguel and Johnny then hugged each other.
Flashback end
Nathaniel:Wow so he gave you a gi huh?You must be hit top student!
Miguel:well I wouldn't say that.But anyways when are you gonna join cobra Kai.
Nathaniel:why do you want me to join?
Miguel:I mean you already know kickboxing and your pretty big aswell so I think you'll do well in cobra Kai.
Nathaniel:Ok I'll join cobra it free?
Miguel than looked at Nathaniel with a straight face.
Nathaniel:I'm joking I have the Kinsey tk pay sheets I'll join you tomorrow after school.
Miguel:ok sweet,I got to go talk to same see you later.
Miguel said as he walked off to Sam's locker with a huge grin on his face.
Later that evening
Nathaniel had whent with Miguel to the dojo.
Miguel and Nathaniel walked into the dojo everyone saw Nathaniel and knew that he was the one who beat up kyler.
???:Hey isn't that that due that kicked Kykers ass.
???:Yeah with that tornado spinning roundhouse kick?
???:yeah,j got that on video man I replayed that shit like 10 times it sounds better with the sound effect edits though.
The students continued bickering in the dojo until.
Johnny said with a hint of unpleasantness in his voice after only seeing 7 studentd in cobra Kai.
Johnny:what happend to the others?
???:Oh they left becasue of Eli and dimitri badmouthing cobra Kai.
???:Yeah dimitri told some of them to stop going to cobra Kai saying that you were a criminal and ripping them off and not teaching them proper karate.
Johnny then became furious and Miguel had to calm him down.
Miguel:Hey,Hey sensei I'll deal with Eli and dimitri ok but we have a new student who wants to join remember Nathaniel the kick-boxer that kicked kylers ass in the cafeteria?
Johnny:Oh yeah big kid you said he could fight.
Miguel:yeah well this is him,Nathaniel meet sensei Lawrence sensei meet Nathaniel my best friend.
Johnny admired Nathaniel's muscle and his tones physique and looked impressed.
Johnny:You look like a future champion Nathaniel you ready too become a cobra?
Nathaniel:Yes sir!
Johnny:Good Johnny said as he smiled.
Johnny:Get in line!
Nathaniel than began warming up in the corner of the dojo.
Miguel:Ready for this?
Nathaniel:Yeah im ready.
Nathaniel than got into the middle of the mat to fight Miguel.
Johnny:ok remember this is only to see what skills you have alright first to 3 points fight!
Miguel went on the offensive and punched Nathaniel but Nathaniel blocked Miguel than tried to hit him with a side kick but Nathaniel blocked that aswell.
Johnny:Come on enough defence fight!
Nathaniel than round house kicked Miguel.miguel dodged the roundhouse kick but the roundhouse kick turned into a spinning back kick to Miguel's chest.
Johnny:1 point Nathaniel.
Nathaniel than scored another point with a weep to the leg and a kick to Miguel's stomach.
Miguel than dodged Nathaniel's punches and grabbed his arm and threw him on the floor and punched him.
Johnny:Point miguel.
Nathaneiel than went on the offende throwing punches repeatedly and throwing kicks.
Miguel would dodge a left kick by Nathaniel throw a right hook but Nathaniel would intercept his right hook and knee him in the body.
Johnny:winner Nathaniel.
The dojo looked shocked as everyone went back in there positions and started training.