
Chapter 3:Miguel’s inspiration

Nathaniel had just gotten out of the principals office and had been given a suspension of 3 day which means he would be back to school on Friday.

Nathaniel couldn't think of how much he fucked uo the plot until he realised that he just has to get kyler to fight Miguel and Miguel to get training from Johnny who reopens up cobra Kai.

From what he knew in the series when kyler bullied demitri and drew a dick on his arm in season 3 kyler bullies anyone with weakened even after getting beaten up.

When he beat up the bullies he also noticed Sam looking at him like she found love.Obviously he didn't like Sam and thought of her as a disgusting bitch and he would never get her not becasue of the plot Becasue he simply just doesn't like the bitch.

Miguel pov:

I just got out of my house and thought of how Nathaniel kicked ass man if I could only kick there asses like he did so they would stop calling me "Rhea"I then noticed a drunk man with a beard go into his house all wobbly.

Miguel pov end.

Johny then went into his house after a rough day at work thinking about what he was gonna do next after going to see Larruso he thought about something but quickly put the thought away.

Johnny then looked in his fridge to see if he had something to eat and drink.

Johnny:Shit now I need to go and get some food and drink!

Johnny walked to the shop and bought a pizza a donut and a beer he then whent Purdue and sat down eating and drinking.

As Johnny was eating and drinking he saw some boys come out of the shop pushing another boy.

Miguel:Guys you don't have to do this.

Kyler:oh come on Rhea.

Kyler said as he began to throw the stuff on the ground that Miguel payed for.


Johnny looked on with suprise and curiosity when Miguel said that.

Kyler:what you say Rhea?!

Kyler said as he punched Miguel in the stomach.

Miguel then started groaning but remembered how Nathaniel beat up kyler.

Miguel then punched kyler in the face.

Kyler then gravers Miguel and started beating him up.

Johnny was suprised that Miguel punched kyler in the face he has never seen a kid step up to his bullies the way he did.

Johnny then started to get involved.

Johnny:alright enough your gonna kill him!

Kyler and his freinds kept beating on miguel and broke the side of Johnny's car.

Johnny:Hey!watch the car I just got that fixed!

Kyler then turned towards Johnny but then looked down to see blood all over Miguel.

Kyler and the bully's then ran away.

Johnny then checked up on Miguel.

Johnny:Hey?You ok kid?

Miguel:yeah I'll be alright.

Johny then helped Miguel up.

Miguel:I think I need an ambulance.

Johnny:No I'll take you to my house and get you stitched up alright ambulance over this?it's for pussies?are you a pussy?

Miguel:No!But can we really go in your car I mean look at it.

Johnny:It doesn't matter I'll get it fixed now get in!

Johnny then took Miguel to his house and stitched him up.

Johnny:alright you look better now.


Johnny:yeah you look badass!Now all the chicks are gonna whant you when you go to patty's!

Miguel:I don't go to party's.

Johnny:of course you dont your a nerd.now you should get going you don't want to worry your parents do you?

Miguel:no i don't I should get going by mr Lawrence.

Johnny:Hey,how did you know that my last name is Lawrence?

Miguel:oh I saw it on the wall when I came in it said Johnny Lawrence 2 time all valley champion.is that true?!

Johnny:yeah it is but that was along time ago now go home kid.

Miguel than left johnnys house and whent home.

Johnny then thought about ehat Daniel said in the dealership and about cobra Kai.

Meanwhile west valley high

Nathaniel went to class as normal and noticed kyler and Brucks and the rest of the bullies ignoring him he then noticed sam and the rest of the girls staring at him in lessons.

Nathaniel:why are all the girls staring at me?

Dimitri:Becasue your that guy now!

Nathaniel:That guy?

Dimitri:your him man your that cool guy that prople can make a badass edit on social media about I mean you kicked ass man what was that?

Nathaniel:I learnt self defence when I was younger I took kickboxing lesssons and train everyday do you want me to teach you?

Dimitri:hmmm nah I'm more of an observer but I'm sure Eli here would like to kicksss right Eli?

Eli then looked at Nathaniel and then looked back down at the table looking at his lip.

Nathaniel:Hey I think I know a guy around here that knows karate he is a 2 time all valley champion that just lived near me.His name is Johnny Lawrence maybe you guys should ask him to train you.

Miguel:wait I know who that is he is my new neighbour he just moved in like a week ago apparently he knows karate!

Nathaniel:yeah maybe you should ask him to teach you.

Miguel:good idea.

Dimitri:No no stop it look just becasue hulk here kicked ass doesn't mean you will look face it your always gonna be that loser that is freinds with that cool guy and maybe once just once will a girl talk to you to get to hulk over here.

Nathaniel:Dimitri can you just shut the fuck up and actually stop being so negatvive for once?!

Dimitri:Ok hulk my bad.

Dimitri said with a hint of sarcasm.

Miguel scoffed at the two while pondering about if Johnny Lawrence would say yes to teaching him karate.

Miguel than waited outside Johnnys apartment waiting for him to come outside.

Johnny then came outside and looked suprised seeing Miguel.

Johnny:what do you want kid?

Miguel:well I was wondering since you were the 2 time all valley champion back in the day that you could you know teach me some karate.

Johnny then looked at Miguel intensely.

Johnny:you wanna learn karate?

Miguel:yes I do!

Johnny had already planned to open up cobra Kai but this was even better now he had a student to train his first student of cobra Kai.

Johnny:ok I'll train you meet here tmrw after 2pm sharp don't be late.

Miguel:wait so does that mean your going to bd my karate teacher?

Johnny scoffed.

Johnny:No I'm gonna be your sensei!