Ben valasgez a fan of cobra Kai dies by getting shot by a robber and finds himself in a void.He then meets Rob who is kind enough to let him reincarnate in a world of his choosin cobra Kai! “Haha..this amusing”a man in a black chair laughed in a pitch black void while sitting on a chair and sipping on a drink as his red eyes flashed through the void
"Miyagi do karate is about balance it's not just about beating people up but protecting the week" Daniel Larruso was teaching his class who were meditating including Shawn who's anger issues have seem to subsided.
"Everyone,put away all the bad thoughts and onky good thoughts just relax"
After the miyagi dos had findihed meditation they went on to sparring in the backyard.
Shawn was landing low kicks on demitri who was blocking his kicks with his knees dimitri then grabbed Shawn's arm and tried to twist him on the ground but Shawn threw dimitri on the ground.
Daniel:Alright,Nice try dimitri just make sure when you do 2 blocks you hit with a counter don't try and throw down an opponent bigger than you it leaves a lot of weak points for you opponent to exploit.
West valley high
Shawn,Dimitri and the rest of the miyagi dos were walking down the halls with Sam walking leading them with her arms crossed.
Shawn:was it them?
Sam:Yeah,They where harassing me and bullying me that guy over there was the guy who was doing it the most.
Dimitri:You,know what his name is?
Sam:I think his names Edwin.
Shawn:Alright,well let's go sort this Edwin out.Shawn says as he cracks his knuckles and walks over to Edwin and the other cobras.
Shawn:Hey,I think you owe Sam an apology Edwin.What you've been doing to her is wrong.
Shawn says in a weird sense of calmness but the other cobras just laugh along with Edwin.
Edwin:Oh,yeah what are you gonna do about it?
Shawn was getting abit angry but still stayed calm but then one of the cobras pushed dimitri and another miyagi do memeber pushed back.
Shawn grabbed Edwin and slammed him onto the locker the other cobras and miyagi dos watched when Shawn was about to punch him Hawk grabbed his arms.
Hawk:Hey,How about you piss of pussy!
Hawk said In a confident tone as he looked at Shawn up and down.
Robby was also with Shawn.
Robby:Is there a problem here?
Dimitri:Nah,we're good hey guys let's go there not worth it.
Dimitri said as him Shawn and the rest of the miyagi dos left.
Robby noticed Sam's looked and asked her a question.
Robby:Hey,are you ok?
Sam:No,your freinds were bullying me!Harrading me and saying mean things to me!
Robby:Hey,I'm sorry there not like that they just-
Sam:No!There bullys my dad says that all the cobra Kai's are the same!You should quit cobra Kai because it will onky turn you into a bully.
Sam say the ending with puppy dog eyes and Robby looks at them and has a look of consideration in his eyes.
Hawk:Hey,come on man we gotta go we're playing football today.
Robby sighed as he glanced at Sam and then went to walk off with hawk.
After school
"Wait,what on earth happend again?"
Hawk:The miyagi dos they where tryna attack us that 'big black dude' Shawn who's ass you kicked in the finals was tryna beat him up but I stepped in last minute luckily Robby was there aswell I don't think I would have been able to take Shawn alone.
Nathan:Well,then we need to show them who's boss don't let the enemy think that we're weak.
Hawk:what do you have in mind?
Nathan smirks as he says "Let's trash there dojo."
Miyagi do dojo
It was 7pm midnight and Nathan hawk Edwin and some other cobras were trashing the miyagi do dojo putting spray paint on the walls and throwing tissue everywhere.
Hawk:Hey,do you think this is a good idea?I mean what if sensei silver finds out about this?None of the senseis are gonna like it.
Nathan:Fuck what they think Hawk you came to me and asked for advice and I gave you some advice now the miyagi dos will learn a fucking lesson!
Nathan said as he grinned and smoked a cigarette as he said to the other cobras "Go inside search anything of value break all the glass and if there's a medal or anything give it to me" Nathan said with a vicious smile on his face.
Nathan:"If Terry FUKING silver is here and it's only season 2 and even Shawn shows up at the finals then why not put it into hawks head to trash the miyagi do dojo!I can't wait till Daniel comes to the dojo!I have a plan to make him and Johnny fight" Nathan thought in his head.
The cobra Kai's then fled and went home.
In the morning
Daniel's emotions could be described in one word 'anger' his dojo was messy tissue everywhere spray paint on the fences and the car even mr miyagis car that he gave to Daniel himself before he died.
Daniel couldn't help but feel a rage as Sam came out and looked just as suprised and whey as he did as she said through gritted teeth "cobra Kai they did this dad they even stole mr miyagi medal of honour"
Daniel went into his car and drove off to the cobra Kai dojo even when Sam told him to wait.
Cobra Kai dojo
Terry:I'm gonna teach you an important lesson today class the 3 D's desire,discipline and devotion I can teach you the fort 2 but the last one I can't give you.Terry says as he finishes crossing past all 3 rows and stands next to Johnny as he says "Only if you put in the effort are you read to take the next step to greatness so the question is are you ready?"
The cobra Kai's shout in unison which Edna a deep grin on Terrys face and a look of curiosity on Johnnys face.
Daniel parked his car outside of the cobra Kai dojo his hands sweating and an intense look of anger on his face as he stormed out of his car and slam the door shut.
Daniel then walked in the cobra Kai dojo,when all the students turned towards Daniel.
Daniel heard a voice he thought he would never hear again.
Terry:We're teaching a class here?do you mind?
Daniel looked at the owner of the voice to see a 6,3 man with a ponytail on his face Daniel looked at him in shock.
Terry:Hello Danny boy!
A sadistic laugh crept itself into Daniel's mind