Ben valasgez a fan of cobra Kai dies by getting shot by a robber and finds himself in a void.He then meets Rob who is kind enough to let him reincarnate in a world of his choosin cobra Kai! “Haha..this amusing”a man in a black chair laughed in a pitch black void while sitting on a chair and sipping on a drink as his red eyes flashed through the void
Johnny was in the cobra kai dojo when the door opened Johnny heard the noise of the door opening and got out of his seat to check who it was.
Out of the shadows appeared a tall man with shoulder lengthed hair.
Terry:so you've succeeded in winning the tournament.
Johnny:Yeah we won now cobra Kai is the most badass dojo and the valley and Larruso ain't got shit on me.
Terry:That's good that's good,well then I guess it's time for me to make an appearance.
Johnny:Yeah you can come by the dojo anytime and teach I'll be happy to have another instructor around.
Terry:Well that's good,then we can build up the reputation of cobra Kai and begin expanding.
Terry said as a large grind spread across his face.
Johnny looked at Terry reluctantly as he said.
Johnny:Sure,but uh one last thing.
Terry:what is it?
Johnny:my computers broken can you fix it?
Terry:no need I'll get you a new one even though this is the 5th time you've broken one.
Terry then left the dojo leaving Johnny to think about the words that escaped terrys mouth as he cracked open his beer and reflected on the conversation that just took place.
Celebration party
At a large mansion like house a party was going on kids jumping in pools,drinking beers arm wrestles people having fun.
Hawk:Wow,what a badass party Nathan way to go.
Miguel:Yeah Nathan this is a badass party but how did you even get this house?
Nathan:oh,my parents own This house it's for occasions like this.
Hawk:Man your parents are rich huh!
Brandon:He's the champion and the man of the day.
Hawk:Cheers to Nathan!
Everyone lifted the glass up and cheered to Nathan.
Miguel went towards the back of the party to take a phone call while hawk and the others were arm wrestling.
Hawk:Got you that's 3-1 now beers on you.
Brandon:Oh shit man.
Everyone cheered for hawk at the arm wrestling table as Edwin massaged his shoulders and the other cobras cheered.
Miguel took the call at the back of the party.
Sam:Hey,uh Miguel I've been trying to call you for hours now where have you been?
Miguel:Oh I'm at a party.
Sam:a party?where how come you never told me?
Miguel:well you never asked Sam and I'm partying with the cobras.
Miguel said as his throat became dry.
Sam:when are you gonna stop hanging out with them?I already told you I don't like them!
Miguel:And when do I get to meet your parents?why haven't you told them about us yet?
Sam:Miguel I..I my dad he just-
Miguel:Yeah,hates my sensei!I know you've told me so many times!anyways I've gotta go!
Just as sam was about to speak Miguel cut of the phone.
Nathan came from behind Miguel tapping him on the shoulder.
Miguel:oh hey Nathan things with Sam just aren't going good right now.
Nathan:Trouble in paradise?
Miguel:More than that she just wants to keep our relationship a secret from her parents and it's been to long now.Everytime I bring it up she changes the subject.
Nathan:I told you that bitch belongs to the streets she's a dumb stupid bitch and if I was you I would slap that bitch in her mouth.
Nathan said without hesitation as he poured himself another shot.
Miguel stared at Nathan with shock and smirked.
Miguel:Oh,wow relationship advice from the expert anyways how's your love life going champ?
Nathan:Unlike you I don't stick to one girl I have multiple girls speaking of I have one to get to right now inabit.
Hawk said as he wrapped his arm around a hot brunette.
Hawk and the cobras then went to take a sip in the pool as they had enough to drink.
Nathan and hawk where kissing multiple girls and Hawk was gassing up Nathan as all the girls clinged to the champion of cobra Kai.
The party continued on and eventually everyone left including Nathan.
The next day west valley high
Miguel Nathan and hawk where chilling outside west valley high when they saw Robby on his scateboard.
Hawk:Hey,man what's up dude.where were you at the party last night?
Robby:Oh I wasn't feeling it.
Miguel:Hey,Robby you come to this school now?
Johnny:Yeah,my dad enrolls me he's already sorted out everything and he wants me to get my life together so yeah.
Hawk:Well coke with us me and Miguel and Nathan will teach you how to get all the babes.
Robby smirks as they all walk inside west valley high.
Everyone whispers as Nathan miguek hawk and Robby walk through the hallways.
???:woah,it's the champion.
???:Isnt that Nathan Crawford I heard he won the all valley!
???:Yo did you see what he did to that big black dude in the final?Man that shit was crazy!
Hawk:Hey what are you doing make way for the champ!
Hawk shouted as he tried to scare the people in the hallways as they all cleared of to the side for Nathan.
Miguel and Robby smirked as Nathan said bye to them and went to his class.
Sam saw Miguel and went to go talk to him and saw Nathan walking past him so she gave him and intense side-glance.
Nathan looked at her smirked and shakes his head as he made his way to go and have a make out session with a girl.
Dimitri could be seen going to his locker taking out his things as he left his locker Hawk pushed into him.
Hawk:Oh,shit my bad dude!
Hawk said as he laughed along with the other cobras.
Dimitri was about to punch hawk when he saw a teacher.
Dimitri:Your lucky today Eli,but watch your back your not always gonna be surrounded by these freinds of yours.
Dimitri said as he went to his lesson.
Miguel rolled his eyes at hawks stupidity as Sam once again tried to tell Miguel to quit cobra Kai.
Sam:see!There just a bunch of assholes!
Miguel:Hawks not like that he was just messing around.
Sam scoffed.
Sam:Yeah,sure one day he's just messing around the next day he's bullying someone.
Miguel:what?no!sam you can't just keep making accusations about people who you don't even know.
Miguel:Anways when am I gonna meet your parents?
Sam:I already told you Miguel-
Miguel:no you know what?forget it I have waited for too long Nathan was right!I should have broken up with you a long time ago.
Miguel said as he stormed off.
Sam looked at Miguel storming off angrily as she went to her next class.
Sam then had to sit through a class with hawk and the rest of the cobras messing around.
After school Miguel,hawk,Robby and Nathan went to the cobra Kai dojo.
Miyagi do
"That's it dimitri keep going"
Daniel was training dimitri out in miyagi do while Sam was watching scrolling on her phone.
Daniel noticed this and clicked his tongue sighed and walked over to Sam.
Daniel:Give me that.
Daniel:Come on Sam your just scroll on your phone all day we're here to learn karate!
Sam:I don't want to learn karate!
Daniel:Come on Sam just give it a try ok?If you don't like it I won't ask you again and you can continue-
Daniel takes a deep pause when he notices what's on Sam's phone.
Daniel:what's that! it's nothing-
But before Sam could say anything Daniel took the phone out of Sam's hand and looked at her phone I'm shock.
Daniel:How long!
Sam:come on dad it's not that big of a deal.
Sam:a few weeks,ok they've been saying mean thinngs to me bullying me ok they know karate what am I suppose to do?!
Daniel:You should have told me sweetheart,I could have helped you.
"Get up!"
"Sam I'm going to teach you how to defend yourself against these bully's now get up"
Sam then got up and Daniel started training Sam how to wash cars with wax on wax off.
Therapist session,Doctor Linyans office
"Shawn its great to see you,and the fact that your finally showing up to your sessions is progress now tell me what's been going on"
Shawn:Oh well,I've actually been getting into less fights on the streets now and I even joined a karate dojo.
"Oh really,that must be nice karate huh?something to give you peace of mind?"
Shawn:Yeah,I've been learning karate from this man at first I thought it was a joke and didn't take his lessons seriously but learning to control my anger and gain peace of mind has really helped me.
"Wow,that's great Shawn I think your making excellent progress"
Shawn:Yeah,I was also hoping my brother could come aswell but he doesn't like fighting and stuff.
"Yeah,well Shawn I think this karate thing is going really well for you and this man's lessons are having a good influence on you"
Shawn:yes they are thank you doctor linyan.
At the cobra Kai dojo
The cobras walked into the dojo laughing and giggling but when they walked in they saw a man with a ponytail over 6 foot tall wearing a karate gi with a grin plastered on his face as he looked down at the kids like a predator ready to pounce at there prey.
Another dimension
"Are you sure this is wise?"
"Yes him being in that world is an anomaly in itself so I just changed things up abit"
"How far are you planning to go with this?"
"As far as i would like 😈 let's see if Ben valasgez can truly handle what's to come in that world (laughs) Yes the most suprising bit has yet to happen yet (laughs)"
As a crazy man laughs on a throne in darkness a butler watched him with a blank look on his face.
"Well,I truly pity the soul that is called Ben valasgez"
The butler says as he grows a sadisistic grin on his face.