
True Mates, One Heartbeat

Harley Rose spent her whole life thinking she was a non-supe in a world full of supernatural beings. Everyone treats her as if she's invisible because she doesn't have a drop of magic anywhere in her body. One day she has a chance encounter with a mysterious guy and her whole world changes. Power she never knew about, birthright, and a true mate. She will claim everything that is rightfully hers on hiatus

DaoistsDLWq · Fantasía
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10 Chs

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I slam the door interrupting the couple making out on the couch now seeing the lowlights and music for the romantic setting they were going for.

Pushing her shirt down while climbing off of Greg's lap, Chloe stands up facing me with a glare on her pretty face. Chloe has beautiful blonde tight curls falling around her shoulders like a curtain hanging down to the middle of her back with big round baby blue eyes now staring daggers at me.

Greg her boyfriend she hopes to become her mate pulls on his white polo shirt covering up a well-defined chest. Crossing her arms over her chest she practically snarls at me, " Did you enjoy the show? It's probably the closest you've come to second base."

Rolling my eyes at her I walk to my room saying before I walk in, " Take it to your room if you want privacy. This space isn't just yours. " She opens her mouth to no doubt deliver what she thinks is an insult but I shut my door in her face before any sound can come out.

My walls are purple gray with a light gray carpet and queen size bed in the middle of the room, lavender quilts cover my bed smothered and purple, pink, black, and gray pillows. All of my dressers are white except for the all black wardrobe to the left of my walk-in closet.

I have several guitars, keyboard, one violin, and a clarinet around the room with touches of classical historic decor.

Thank God we don't have to share a bathroom or my hair will all be gone from the stress of Chloe gold. We used to be close but then as she started going to a tier 5 school for Supernatural she begins to change and started acting like an upper girl.

But things really ended between us when she started hanging out with Sabrina and her friends.

Sabrina only hangs out with Chloe because she's with Greg whose parents are related to the 9th royal family here on earth. Unfortunately I know why she started to hang out with Sabrina, it's because of the influx of Hyrokin and ZaXing attacks.

Hyrokin are aliens from a galaxy about 50,000 light years away but they have been going throughout the universe conquering galaxies since who knows when.

They control about a quarter of our galaxy and are the main threat to us. They are a meter tall with silver grey colored skin tough as rocks and a single horn on the top of their heads. The ZaXing's are a group of evil people whose main goal is to open portals to he'll to let demons through and take over.

When the ZaXing first emerged no one took them seriously. They were just a group of rogue spell casters doing rituals to let demons into our dimension.

But fifty years ago they opened a large portal letting in thousands of demons into our world and ever since the devil worshipping ZaXings have been a major treat. Sabrina can't control ice, and she is very powerful, with a big pool of mana inside of her.

She knows 6 spells with ice, one of the hardest elements to control and is Salvnis our state number ninth student in her grade.

Chloe wants to learn from the best on how to wield her magic and no matter how much of a b**** Sabrina is, she's one of the best. Walking into my bathroom, I turned on my shower and strip stepping under it's hot spray. As I stand another shower of water all the tension in my muscles melt.

I relax so much I sit on the bench just feeling the water flow on my skin. After a couple of minutes I step out grabbing my pink towel and dry off.

"Hmm, I've never felt that comfortable in the shower before. I liked it so much I literally have to force myself not to step back in. Going into my room I step into white shots with pink stripes and pull a pink cami over my head. Brushing my hair and then braiding it so that it hangs over my shoulder.

I climb into bed under my covers snuggling with one of my favorite pillow. I think about the shower just had and remember the feeling I had.

It was like the water was calling me, like even right now l feel drawn to the pull of the water. It's like the water is pulling on a string directly connected to my soul, it's almost hypnotizing. I fall asleep thinking of the calming presence of water flowing like waves crashing onto shore.

I open my eyes to aunt Amanda leaning over me telling me to wake up. About three pushes on my shoulder later I'm climbing out of bed.

Remembering I agreed to go to DMU with aunt Amanda today. Going into the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth,I rummage around my dresser grabbing clothes to change into.

Once in the bathroom. I look into the mirror

shocked at what I see. I don't recognize the girl in the mirror. I lift up my right hand and my reflection does the same.

I close my left eye and the reflection in the mirror does the same. "No way!" I mutter in disbelief. "Wow." The heart shaped full lips in the mirror do the same movements that my mouth just did.

My rose gold and silver hair falls down in glossy locks like water at the beach glistening in the sunlight. Not only does my hair look shinier and fuller, it grew to length right above my knees I realize as I unbraid it. I've always had one blue eye and one green eye, but now the colors are more vibrant.

The blue has turned into a sea blue and green into a sea green. "So this is what having mana run through your veins feels and looks like. No wonder every supernatural is so attractive." After brushing my teeth I pull on dark jeans dark and a long sleeve white shirt with nasa in red letters on my right arm and nass in blue letters on my left arm.

Feeling how tight my clothes are I lookin the mirror to see that I've grown curves in all the right places. Before I was skinny and slender, now im curvy and slender. Its like everything is now equally proportioned all throughout my body. Grabbing my messenger bag I push my feet into white sneakers.

Walking out of my room and upstairs, I throw my too long hair into a messy bun walking outside towards aunt Amanda's black skimmer. I noticed her eyes rove over mefrom top to bottom.

Getting in the skimmer we pull out and head in the direction of Duel Mixed University. "You're not going to say anything?" I ask after she doesn't comment on my changes after it's been a while. Glancing at me out of the corner of her eyes.

She shrugs a shoulder nonchalantly. "It's to be expected. It happens to everyone, the mana now running through your veins just enhances your features. And thankfully it didn't enhance you too much or people would be able to tell you've come into power."

"I didn't even think about what the mana would do to me physically except allowing me to be able to shift form, that is if I have another form." I reply.

Fully looking at me her eyes glow a faint gold before returning back to blue and she faces forward. Usually when her lion looks at me I'll shiver and not make direct eye contact but this time I was able to stare directly without looking away.

"I'm pretty sure you do, I can sense another form in you." "Okay." I reply softly shocked. I lean back into the white leather seat looking out of the transparent glass that looks black on the outside.

I think about all of the forms that I could possibly have. I could turn into a werewolf, a lion, a bear, a coyote, or one if my favorites a fox. Arriving at the University of start to get nervous. Rubbing my sweaty palms on my jeans I get out of the skimmer.