
Chapter 17

I was sitting around a small coffee table with Anna and four of her friends that she had introduced to me. Dina, Effi, Trish, Bonnie.

Dina had raven black hair that fell like a pin to her mid-back and piercing green eyes. Effi had wavy light brown hair that stopped at her shoulders and a beautiful set of blue eyes. Trish had natural blond hair that fell in luscious ringlets down to her hips and also had blue eyes but where Effi had dark blue eyes, Trish’s eyes were colored like the light blue sky. Bonnie had red hair that she had styled into a pixie cut, she had captivating green eyes with specks of brown.

The girls were all very young. Anna, who had caramel hair and lovely green eyes like her daughter Vanessa, could not have been older then twenty-five. Yes twenty-five is a very young age to have kids at but when you’re a werewolf – a rogue especially – you don’t know when your last day will be. As soon as a wolf finds his or her mate, they usually like to fully mark and mate with them as soon as possible.

“So Callie, how old are you?” Effi asked me.

“Well, I’m seventeen right now but I will be turning eighteen really soon.” I said, I didn’t want to give out the exact date though. I didn’t need a party thrown for me if I was still here when that date came and I didn’t know if Than would want any of the rogues to know exactly who I am.

Trish smiled, “I remember when I was that age, it feels like it was so long ago . . . I guess time tends to drag on when you’re stuck living as a rogue.”

Bonnie rolled her eyes, “Well we don’t get out much. Anyways, Callie, have you found your mate yet?”

“Um, yes,” I answered but not without glancing towards Than first.

“Is it Than?” Anna asked. “You did seem a little reluctant to answer when I asked if there was anything going on between you and Than.”

“No, No, it’s not Than.” I answered. Even though I may not act like it and no matter how many times I wish Than was my true mate, at the end of the day I’m glad it wasn’t him that fate paired me with Leo, he made a mistake, yes, but after a little payback and ass kissing I was going to forgive him. He is my mate after all; he’s almost impossible to hold a grudge against.

“But you had mentioned that you and Than had been together before,” Anna stated. Damn her why can’t she have the memory of a goldfish of something?

“Yeah, once upon a time.” I muttered.

“Come on your not old.” Dina said while rolling her eyes.

“Not yet at least,” I said and then changed the subject. “When growing up I was always told that rogues were mean and ruthless wolves, but you all seem to be the exact opposite, you’ve been nothing but kind to me.”

Anna laughed, “We are only rogues because we don’t belong to a pack. In fact a greater percentage of rogues have lost or been separated from their pack from a natural – or just any – disaster that had been laid upon the whole pack, than being kicked out of their pack for felony.” Anna paused and then sighed, “My pack had been smack in the middle of hurricane Katrina, most died and the survivors were too scared to try and find one another. No other pack would have been informed of the packs decease for the fact that werewolf bodies dissolve after death and can not be traced.”

I looked at her in shock.

“I met my mate the year after that, the day we first met was and still is the best day in my life – well and the day Vanessa was born.” She said with a chuckled, she obviously sensed my mood and tried to cheer it up.

“Where are you from Callie?” Bonnie asked.

Um, I-I,” I wasn’t sure what I should tell them, if it wasn’t for the royals, rogues would be freer. What would they think when I told them that my lineage practically took away all their rights.

“What are you ladies talking about?” Someone asked from behind me. I turned around only to come face to face with Than. I hate to admit it but he had interrupted us at the perfect timing. I was saved for explaining myself. For now.

“Callie, I’ll let you say goodbye to your new friends and then I’ll meet you in the bedroom you will be staying in. It’s the last room to the right, you can’t miss it.”

“That’s what they all say, and guess what I always miss it!” I said, strangely I wasn’t in a foul mood at the moment, surprising since I’ve practically been kidnapped by Than.

Than chuckled, “I’ll meet you there, don’t keep me waiting too long sweetheart.” He then walked off and down the hallway which I will soon be leaving through to meet Than in my room.

“Ohh someone likes you!” Effi said while giving me a playful punch on the shoulder.

“Yeah, yeah,” I said with a brush of the hands. “Before I go on a hopeless search for the last room on the right, I have one more question I want to ask you guys.”

“What is it?” Anna asked with a smile.

“Earlier today you guys attacked the royal castle, but you had said yourselves that you aren’t the attacking kind of rogues.” Oh Jeez, I’m not sure how to word what I was trying to say. I think I’m failing miserably. “Why did you attack?”

“Than had come up with a huge idea on how to help us be free again, either with rights or to belong to a pack again. The attack was part of his plan; we were just doing what we needed to live peacefully again. Any rogue would die for that chance without second thought.” Dina explained.

“Oh,” I said simply. “Well I better go meet up with Than, I don’t want to keep him waiting. I’ll see you guys later?”

“Whether you like it or not,” Anna said with a laugh and playful evil grin.

We each did a quick hug goodbye and soon I was wandering down the hallway that Than had disappeared down.

I had originally come with Than in hopes of a head count, find out which rogues are the fighters and which ones were weaker. I had come in search of their weakness, so that they could be defeated. But now after being introduced to them, I don’t want to do any of that. If anything I feel the need to protect these people. The majority of these rogues had been exiled due to something that was out of their control, they mean no harm to anyone. In fact many werewolf packs are of more threat to humans or other Supernaturals than a rogue would be. They didn’t necessarily deserve the life they received and when I become Queen I’m going to make sure the rogues that deserve to be treated fairly are.

I was in between the last two doors, one was on my right and one was on my left. I was reluctant to try and open any of the two doors. Than said it was the one on the right but what if he meant left or what if he meant his other right. I didn’t want to open the door to someone else’s room, I was new here and that is rude and impolite. But then again, I couldn’t just stand here in the middle of an empty hallway forever, eventually someone will come along and my sanity might be questioned.

I turned to my right and slowly put my hand on the doorknob. I’m the freaking future Queen of all Supernaturals, I shouldn’t be scared of opening the wrong door to a room. Even with that in thought though I still counted down from three before quickly pulling the door open.

I stepped in and closed the door behind me. I looked into the room and saw Than sitting on the bed, his head turned up when I entered along with one of his half-smirk half-genuine smile. Than was sitting beside someone as well.

I took a few steps forward. It couldn’t be who I thought it was. There is no way this person would be here in my room.

Sitting beside Than was one of the last people I had ever expected to see again.