
True love behind The keyboard

Adele Crawford is just a reserved, shy girl who you wouldn't believe they would hurt a fly. She does have a normal life and she's doing so great in her medicine course, until the time comes, she fall madly in love like any other teenager but it's not just anyone, it's Mr. Oceans. A business billionaire, who's also a doctor. His someone that is out of her league, older than her and she does everything in her power to make sure he stays and even if it means catfishing him for almost a year, and Mr. Oceans truly believes, his in love with the famous, wealthy Candice Swine but little does he know that his only been talking to a 18 year old who keeps lying to him all along. Will he ever finds out the truth?

sabathile_sibiya · Ciudad
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5 Chs

The grass is always greener

It's very early in the morning but the sunrise is already gushing through those house windshields, making the sunlight, reflects with a mass of energy and harmony through them, It is no doubt they are definitely creating such a lovely atmosphere to start a day to the owner of this property. A tall, energetic guy appears in the picture of all this, his paddling water with his feet and arms, underneath the crystal clear pool, as he softly paddles insid, he peacefully enjoys himself without rising up his head to take an ounce of breath. This is his everyday morning habit, his used to this so he barely worries about catching a breath, his motor is to keep taking turns whenever he reaches a concrete wall underneath, and he will simply do a creative spin inside, to start all over again, by bringing himself back at the belly of the water with so much freedom.

A silver grey sports car, anointed with purple doors at the other side just parked outside the same yard. Slowly the average heightened, remote gate closes itself, and diligently the driver watches on the left side of a car mirror, surveying the strong, aluminium two doors, patiently drawing back to close and the gate finally shuts back, and the gate automatically locks itself.

Zeynep rolls her eyes, when it finally closes, reaching out to her black shades on top of the glove compartment between the purple seats. She quickly slid the shades over her eyes, and leans over the passenger seat, to take the stake of white papers, packed neatly together. She lifts the hot Irish tea from the cup storage and swiftly she dashes out from the car. The door beams a loud noise, slamming back in her left arm that is holding the bundle of papers. There's a gate remote at the same hand and she turns around on the yard, securing the gate by clicking a red button. The tiny, screen that is attached on the white concrete wall next to the gate, boldly flashes a red light back and she turns back around, walking toward the house with so much quickening pace on her light-skinned legs, that is underneath a short, grey mini skirt and a grey blazer that perfectly squeezes her slender, waist.

Before meeting up with the bodyguard at the door, she first takes a stop and pulls down her shades to the bridge of her nose, piercing her green big eyes, gawking at the new Gardner's that are at the front yard, planting something that, she doesn't know about. "Mmmh" She mourns with sarcasm and picks up on the roses and Lillie's they are specifically planting. "Jesus Christ, Miles. " Zeynep rolls her eyes again, this is definitely written Miles' hand in this, honestly the guy is becoming reckless and soft, ever since these past few months and she really has match had enough of this.

When she quits analysing the yard, pushing her shades back to their position, she quickly approaches toward the guard, that is unexpectedly dressed in the most expensive maroon attire. His wearing some loose pants that match a lengthy blazer which handsomely closes the pattern all the way beneath his buttocks. Zeynep widened her eyes, looking blown away but rather she chooses to pull a straight face, letting him open a big, tall door for her that is made out of glass, marvellously it is connected to all the windshields that stretches widely all over the house.

As soon as the door slides open, her black heels knocks the tranquil, cleanest white tiles on the floor. Her head suddenly starts to spin. It's like she's walking in a whole different place. She would have seen this sooner, if it wasn't for the luxurious curtains hanging behind the windshield to cover this whole scenario, that she also doesn't know about. She literally had to be slapped by the curtains before she was through and now she's here, walking in the messiest joke she has ever seen! Softly she scoffs, standing bluntly as if she has just pissed herself, without her bones functioning underneath her formal, dressing code. She surveys all over the room and wonders if her boss has forgotten her role in his daily life routine. Her eyes gazes left right and centre, there's no corner in this room that she can stare with peace, she feels like her mind is spinning because everything! is all over the place. What In the world is she walking into!

After trying to ignore the whole facade ever since she walked in here, she fails to contain herself when looking at the petals of red roses decorated on the floor, other petals has now been tossed randomly away, pushed by the wind that Zeynep walked in with. That same syndicated gesture, leads her eyes to this soft, divine table clothed in a sweet, white table rug, it's tip of it's pattern is slightly tailing on the white tiles, making the colour combination to match and the whole bouquet of red roses, popping out the colour above the table.

Oh! The sweet lavender smell to her was so awful! The way it coerces the whole lounge, she feels like she's about to puke! Even the soft music is playing, low key in the background, she cannot take it anymore. "Spencer!...Spencer!!" The bodyguard comes rushing in, without being armored or anything, but he just slightly bows down his head, with no eye contact to syndicates high respect toward Miss Parker. "Geez! What... where is your gun!" she explodes, questioning him. "I'm sorry, miss Parker, but Mr. Oceans ordered...." Before the guard could finish his statement, she rapidly narrows her only index finger that she is an able lift from what she is carrying. It's good that he quickly noticed it, or he was going to deal with disastrous tantrums and a possibility of him being fired because Zeynep is very feisty and strict in her profession and she can be very impossible to work with, when she's around, all the servants knows you can never take any chances.

"I am so–disappointed in you Spencer, I am so disappointed"

Quickly she paces her small behind, that is sensually squeezed underneath her tight work skirt, kicking her vanilla, show stopping legs back and forth. She cannot wait to hear what her boss has to say about this. After crossing the royal biggest lounge she has ever walked in, decorated with such romance all over the room, she storms outside to another windshield, that is connected to the same lounge.

The sunlight hits her face again. She witnesses a middle-aged, blonde man in an exquisite tuxedo, standing on the concrete, wearing fine shoes, next to the chairs of the pool. She scoffs with sarcasm again, glancing endlessly at analysing this man who's wearing such and holding a glass of a champagne, freshly served in gullible bubbles shooting skyrocket to the top of the glass. Her mind concludes that her boss doesn't know her place anymore in his daily life routine. She doesn't believe what she is seeing with her own eyes! He has groomed an old man to serve him a bunch of bubbles at this hour?! She silently shouts in her head.

"Leave us!... Now!" She orders the servant with her head, and trashes the stack of papers over the chair, that is facing the pool and the shades follows, carelessly they are thrown along with the papers, she really had to take them off, since she is getting heated around here. She kicks her long, muscular legs on her heels, curving on the pool's concrete, while she silently grooms her composure. The hot Irish coffee is steaming hot in her fingers and it just keeps burning her temper. "Mr Oceans," she calls, looking down at the pool. "Mr Oceans!" She calls out louder, scanning inside the pool, watching the big fish called her Boss, swimming peacefully without a world to care for.

Miles opens his eyes under water when he could swear, he have heard the words achoing outside the pool and so he softly paddles with his hands, the waves from his paddle, just vibrated all over his upper body, giving him a tingling sensation. He only chooses to rise his head but only to maint it underwater water and simply finds a woman's figure, that is definitely shaped like Zeynep, but the funny part to him was that she looks like a shapeless peanut when viewed this way. Mr. Oceans smiles under water, it looks the dragon is breathing fire.

He chooses to turn a blind eye and swims back to where he comes from, when Zeynep notices his boss taking a motivated turn underwater. She almost loses it because she knows he had seen her just now, she knows this! "Oh Geat! You know what? Keep swimming!" She places her purple manicured hands over dark hair pony tail, short pacing on the concrete without a stop. She's desperate to kick anything right now. Honestly, she cannot believe she's been ignored like that.

At last, as soon. As Mr. Oceans rises his head above the water, beautifully his strokes his flawless, blonde hair to sleep and very swiftly they sleep as if the gel has been applied into them, the water endlessly drips all over his head. Whenever he strokes his hair, his arms form a big curveOl of a biceps making his body look so strong and scrumptious. His eyes at that moment are tightly closed, the waters are rushing above his face; he decides to not open them yet. Beautifully exhales with his nostrils and his peach mouth gaped open.

Zeynep sees Mr. Oceans, who's apparently ready to come out and calmly she decides to initiate taking a towel for him, over the chair that has been hanging there, longer than she can remember. Miles masculine hands, divinely presses on the concrete, picking up his strong, muscled body to exit himself out of the water and his drenching figure just handsomely stretches, so flat and tough at the same time, creasing out his eight packs around his tummy. Instantly the concrete wets he just poured a bucket of water over it, when he decides to seat by the pool and let his tough, hairy legs hang from the edge, freely he listens to the sensation of his feet for kicking the water. He silently seats, gazing at his house with peace and he also gazes at his lounge through a windshield, that is surprisingly still playing the soft music left by him and Zeynep never switched it off. Something is very big brewing in her, if she has ignored throwing those small tantrums.

"Hear," a feminine voice exclaims above his head. Mr. Oceans looks up, while his right eye tightly closes, the way Zeynep is standing beside him it is not creating much of a shade next to him, literally the sun just sharply hits his face and it's not acceptable, "Mmm" He softly mourns in agony, he looks away, smiling he cannot get enough of teasing his Assistant. Zeynep knew what to do, and that was to adjust herself in a better position to block the sunlight for Mr. Oceans. When he realises there's been progress made, he simply mutters one word, "Good"

Zeynep is tempted to roll her eyes, and finally watches him silently take the towel away from her hands, hallowing his head back to wipe his face. "Good Morning to you too, Zeynep" His husky voice greets her.

"I don't know but you seem to forgetting the description of my job Mr. Oceans and that is; I run this household. It is my duty to protect you, your assets and your reputation, but I don't know where I stand right now," Zeynep mutters.

Mr. Oceans cringes, when hearing so much authority coming from his Personal Executive Assistant so early in the morning "Well, first and foremost, I'd like to address that you wear longer skirts from now on .... We have the most important guest coming in today, and I don't want her to think my servants do as they please" He articulates this while he smiles, drawing the towel back to his face to hide the smug and freely he continues to wipe his glorious, heart-shaped face that beholds his squared muscular jawlines.

"Excuse me?.... I have to wear longer skirts. For whom exactly? The same person who's going to stand you up?"

Miles eyebrows promptly crinkle whilst still buried in the towel, his shoulders slumps down, and he decides to stop wiping his face, to give his attention to Assistant that certainly looks like she missed that joke "What.... what eating you up? Zeynep?"

Zeynep nods her head with incredible disbelief that his asking this question. She then gazes at the yard for an ounce of more seconds to prepare herself for answering this one.

"I don't know if you noticed, but there are Mob of Gardner's cluttering the yard–I don't know about, the bodyguards are posing as clowns, that gate needs a serious fixing. It's slow!. I don't know, please maybe I'm missing an early Christmas spirit, because the security is a disaster around here!" Zeynep even points a house on top of her Boss's head, and Miles deeply exhales his breath, his shocked by these guns being shooting at him, as he leans on his knuckles placing them to his cheeks to watch his Assistant, paces back and forth next to the pool, with her long, curvy legs for him to watch.

And that? What just happened? So this is where it gets down to?" Zeynep bluntly points straight to the lounge.


"What the hell, Miles! A dinner at your lounge? you are hosting a dinner in your house?! For a ghost lover you haven't even met? She's the figment of your imagination!!"

"Now that's enough! Never ever, raise your voice to me again, unless you don't like your job anymore" When he was done pointing her with his index finger, he ditches the towel, on the ground right when he was finished drying his face up, and instantly he pulls out his legs from the water, rising up from the ground and stands up five centimetres taller in front of Zeynep. Her body temperature quickly rises, while her cheeks promptly become red. She barely can even breathe right looking at her boss. She just cannot believe he said those words. In front of her face, that's when she asks,

"Are you threatening me?"

"Listen, I get... I get that you don't get all of this, I get it but I still highly respect you and your place in this home, not in this household... It's your home, you understand?" Miles even steps a little forth to her, his mood changing to this whole sour direction she didn't expect. Zeynep stands there in front of him and swallows her saliva hard, as if she's pushing the glasses down to her throat.

"And yeah, you must have missed my sense of humour and I was only joking about what you can wear.... but calling her the figment of my imagination? Calling the woman I love the figment of my imagination?... That's very low even for you"

Miles looks at her with his blue eyes that flickers the sun, they are very angry and emotional at this point. To her, it was no doubt that she has angered him very much and there she gazes at him, walking away from her sight.

"Miles... I'm only trying to protect your reputation, which is something you clearly do not care about" Miles, dragged his feet and promptly stopped, he looks up at the sky with his muscled, hulk back wearing only his underwear for Zeynep to look at.

"Because when all this comes down... everybody will only remember you as the stupid doctor, who got played by some pervert behind the keyboard and I'll be the only one who picks up the pieces"

Miles softly scoffs. He literally bowed down, staring at the grass. It is hard to sink in that Zeynep just murmured that statement past his ears. Without delaying, he takes a turn to look at her and immediately she knew. Maybe some words were a little harsh.

"Did you just called me stupid?"


"To you it Mr. Oceans!... I asked you a question "

"I'm sorry..."

"You work is done here, do you understand?"

Zeynep's eyes remains fixated on Miles, she cannot believe his saying these words to her, the same man who she worked hard for, for successful, beautiful four years without incriminating her loyalty to him but today... the man that is like his brother, her best friend to her, his saying all these things, just because of a woman he doesn't even know.

Zeynep turns around, on her to her walk she ditches the Irish Coffee at the pool, she knows that they were thousands of dollars spent just to make it clean. Miles tightly witnesses that act established in front of him. He stands right in his spot for more seconds, pressing his lower lip with so much agitation, if Zeynep was any closer he doesn't know what he would have done. Later he walks away, after gawking the uncapped cup, floating in his pool.