
True love - i meet my soul mate in dream.

this book true love- i meet my soul mate in my dream is about a girl named ember .she is a college girl in his nineteen . one day , she go to sleep and when she wake up she find her in different room and the person standing near her bed was a real gentle man his voice is sweet like honey.he asked me who are you why i found you fainted near my house ? his tensed face seeing me making me curious who is he , his soft attitude towards me make my heart beat fast . i don't know how to answer but i want to say something and reply him but i also don't know what to say .i asked him i don't know about what are you saying iam sleeping in my room and when I wake up i am here ... do you all want to know what happened to her and how she reached at different places ? who is that person? what is happening in her life ? just read this book and you will know about her life ... . .. i write this novel in easy way that you can understand what is happening.. . please give me comments about my writing.. . i want you to love my book as i love with this book.. . #sweetlove ,# love in dream, #real v/s dream, # romantic,# romcom, # pure love ....

The_Mahek_Khan · Fantasía
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138 Chs

After a month

i wake up and see him sitting next to me i thought it's a dream and give him a smile . the sun kiss on his cheeks and his eyes are shining in the sunlight and i care his cheeks and say " i miss you so much ..". with a smile on my face . and then after sometime I realize that it's not dream and hurry and get up from bed and our heads clashes " auch !". " are you alright ". he asked in worried voice .

i rolled my eye up untill it meet his eyes and say " yes i am but we need to do it again". he said " agai..". I don't let him finish his words and place my hand on his forehead and crash his and mine head again " auch ". this time this ouch is from him . i can't control and smile appear on my face .

He said," I see you smile after the long time". at the time no word came out from my mouth and I was just like silence between us for a couple of minutes.

And we see each other in our eyes then he say " just get up from the bed. we are leaving".

and I was like" where ?".he said", I had some work to do and college and then we have to go on a shopping ".

" shopping why ? ".he said ,"you will get to know in a short while ".after saying that he leave the room .

I am all alone in the room and thinking the moment we spend a minute before Get up from my bed with a smiling face .

And while getting ready for today and thinking he came back to himself after a month to me this time I think he's acting like a mature .

After a long time we are going out so ,I decided to wear a white long dress with a beautiful gold earrings and a pair of high heels in white .

when I get downstairs I see Nana and she say "good morning" to me and I reply" good morning to you too". she said," come eat breakfast". I reply," yeah I am coming ".after a while I'm finished my breakfast ". stand up to go for washing my hand then, see Dylan coming downstairs with some handbags in his head. I asked him ,"what is it ?."

he says ,"you will get to know in a short while ".

I thought,' from the starting he is just being so secretive and not telling me anything that he will let me in a short while '. I dont know what he is hiding from me , after thinking lot i decide that let's forget about it and go .

After a while, driver call "the car is ready ". we get outside I don't know this time but the Dylan is going to drive without arguing with driver

and this is something that never happened before . I sit on the car and forget to lock my seat belt . dylan you move forward towards me and I was like "what do you want ?".

And he said ," I am helping you to put your seat belt". " oh!" . I said "thank you ".and then he helped me to put my seat back on then he said next to me" let's go ". and I know what do you mean by these word .he's going to drive as fast as he can in a couple of minutes we reached at the college .

And he said," you go at the library or cafeteria where you want when I will finish my work I will find you ".

I say, " okay". he turn back with his mysterious bags .

I was like "okay". I go to library and walking to find the intresting book for read in the novel section. I see Adrien at the library he greeted with me and said ,"long time no see ".I reply," yeah! it's almost a month ". he said," yes ... Amp ..can we talk ".

I said," okay but where?". he said ,"let's walk and talk ". we both say that at a same time and with the concidence of word a smile occur on my face . he says," you look good ..when you smile ".i see him and a flash of Dylan when dylan said the same words to me. " Hey ember are you alright? ". A hand appear on my cheek . I get back to reality and remove my adrein's hand and say ,"i am good".then we start walking on the back lawn of library . he asked me about ,"why are you not coming college in back days ?".

The image of bad memory come in a flash in my mind and it creates a silence between us then , I want to break that silence because it is little uncomfortable so I say ,"let's not talk about that ".he said ,"okay if you are not the comfortable to sharing these to me then we will not talk about that". And I was like ,"okay ". that may be better .

then, he asked ,"what is going between me and Dylan? I say ," nothing special ". After the a few step I realized that what happened a month ago and I don't want that happen again if dylan see us again and that make my goosebumps stand . I say," I have something to tell you". He reply," you can tell me if something is bothering you ". I take a deep breath and say ,"okay let's just not talk and let's not meet anymore , not in college and not anywhere ".

he said ," what ? Why ?" .

I say " so , sorry but I don't have any answer about your question and I have something to do . so , let me leave first thank you for small talk ".and I leave him behind . i know he has too many questions about me but i don't even know the answer and run to the library to make my mind fresh and want some peace and silence .