
True Hybrid System : Blood of Human, Dragon, Phoenix and Angel

Orion, A mythical world which gave birth to various Species and Races. The world created many realms as the extension of its consciousness but due to this a mythical energy was created within its inhabitants called Mana. This Mana caused the inhabitants to evolve faster and without any restrictions. After countless years many different Species and Races were formed each with their own uniqueness. This Races founded countless ways to use mana. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Lucas, a lost soul somehow breaking the laws of the universe came into this world but this transmigration caused a lot of chaotic energies to be created in his soul. In the last desperate moments he made a mysterious egg into his vessel. The chaotic energies didn't disappear and instead caused more damage to his soul. His soul was so damaged that his consciousness was split into two parts but for better or worse it was a good thing. The primary consciousness went into a deep slumber without any of his past memories while the secondary consciousness with his past memories but without any will reformed the chaotic energies from flaws to pros and attached itself with the primary consciousness. This led to the creation of a system. This was supposed to be a good thing but everything comes with price. The mysterious egg was that of a dragon but due to the consequences of the system formation, his blood reached its truest and purest origin leading into the creation of a species which is hated by every other species :- Hybrid. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Author here~ This novel is a system novel but unlike most of the systems which have features such as level up and others this system is a bit unique. I thought that I should inform this but I would like to avoid the use of the system as much as possible as I have seen many novels which revolve completely around the system. Except for that, this is my first contest. I was confused at first as to whether to choose the WSA contest or the writing prompt but decided to go along with the writing prompt as I found the inspiration to write this novel so please support this novel if you like it. Yes, according to the title, the protagonist has the blood of a human, dragon, phoenix and angel but even if he is overpowered he is not broken. If you have read the synopsis you might have noticed that nothing he got came without a consequence. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– - Daily updates if not any problem. - Chapter length - 1000 to 2000. - Not my image if you want it to be removed or want credit please comment. Extra chapter :- 5 power stone - 1 chapter 10 power stone - 2 chapter 20 power stone - 3 chapters

DukeofDemon · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
26 Chs

Loyal companions - 2

It was currently early in the morning in the imperial castle. Everyone except the emperor and the imperial prince have woken up.

Everyone has prepared themselves to do their work. Head maids and butlers can be seen giving orders to every other servant.

The chef's have started to pick up checks on the fresh materials which are just not transported from the whole empire but the whole world.

The gardeners are checking on the gardens and parks of the imperial castle while preparing what they have to do for today.

The guards have started to train and practice

Along with these servants a particular maid could be seen waiting for something or somebody. She was a maid who caught the attention of everyone passing by either due to her mob cap or due to her body.

The maid was standing in front of the gates of the imperial castle. Actually it was not the main gate as every place has its own gate. She was standing in front of the sapphire palace's gate for some people.

The maid was obviously Lucy. The end to her wait soon came along with a carriage carrying the insignia of the imperial family protected by some imperial guards. The carriage stopped right in front of Lucy. She ordered some maids who were alongside her to take the luggage from the carriage.

Two young kids came out of the carriage, each around the age of Lucas. They had their own unique features.

One of the boys had complete crimson red hair with crimson red eyes. His expression was gentle as he was carrying a silly smile on his face. His hairs were messy but they were not rough. Instead they seemed a bit fluffy like a dog. He had pale white skin with a beauty mark near his mouth. His eyes were a bit droopy.

The other boy was the complete opposite of the first boy. First of all he had golden blonde hair which was straight and a bit long tied in a braided ponytail resting on his shoulders. He had emerald eyes which went well with his hair. Except for that he was wearing glasses and had a sharp look in his eyes with a stern expression. He looked more elegant and mannered than the other boy.

" Please follow me, I am the personal maid of his imperial highness, the first prince Lucas de Algar Silvia's, Lucy." Lucy said while giving them a small bow.

"Okay!!" The red haired boy said with excitement.

"Yes," The blonde hair boy replied with calmness.

They both started following Lucy. The red haired looked around with curious eyes while the blonde haired was not as excited as the red haired boy but he still looked around with curious eyes.

"Isn't the imperial castle huge ?" Suddenly the red haired boy asked the blonde haired with excitement.

"You fool, of course it is huge after all the imperial family is just not the rulers of an empire but the whole continent." The blonde haired said with an annoyed look.

Even though they were fighting a bit they seemed to get along pretty well, Lucy thought.

" Big sis Lucy, where are we going ?" The red haired asked while looking at Lucy with sparkly eyes. Usually Lucy would have not replied but when he called her big sis her resistance crumbled.

" We are going towards the sapphire palace where his imperial highness lives. You both will be staying there from today onwards." Lucy said, causing both blonde hair and red hair to get excited.

"Currently his imperial highness is sleeping when he wakes up, you both will be summoned so that you can introduce yourself. Until then you can unpack your luggage and rest while I prepare some clothes which are worthy enough to be in the presence of his imperial highness." Lucy explained in detail. When the matter of clothing came both the boys flustered because compared to their clothes even the servants clothes were better.

They finally reached the sapphire palace causing both boys to stare at the majestic palace with awe. Lucy chuckled at their behaviour and started to explain :-

" The only person who lives in the sapphire palace is his imperial highness. The sapphire palace was built for the next emperor's from the past generations. That's why the sapphire palace contains the imperial library, the garden of roses and everything related to learning."

Both boys nodded their heads in understanding and Lucy led both of them to their room. Even though the sapphire palace has many empty rooms, they are not to be used except for the guests of the prince. The reason was pretty simple: it was to create a strict environment for servants as well as imperial family members. This allows them to keep the authority of the imperial family over their servants.

The room for the boys was a room which was above a level of servants but it was only one room with two beds. That means that they have to stay together. Lucy expected them to nag her but they didn't say anything and started their conversation on who will take which bed.

'Maybe the environment they grow up in has made them accustomed to different circumstances which is not seen in normal noble kids.' Lucy thought coldly.

" I will inform you when his imperial highness asks for your presence. Until then do whatever you wish in this room. I will send someone to bring you something to eat." Lucy actually said.

" Okay," Both the boys said in unison.

Lucy came out of the room and ordered a nearby maid :-

" Bring those two young master food."

" M-madam." The maid asked with a timid voice when Lucy was going to walk away.

" Yes ?" Lucy asked. She also saw a few maids hiding behind the corner of a wall as if they were curious about something but didn't have the courage to ask the question.

" W-who are those two kids ?" The maid asked timidly.

" They are going to be the loyal companions of his imperial highness. That's why you should treat them with respect." When Lucy said that the maid flinched but nodded her head profusely.