
True Horrors Only Exist In Our Minds

the story talks about a 18 year old young adult, called "liran". liran lives in a special world where humans/mortals live together with gods in harmony and peace. however. liran had suffered from severe trauma and ecountered an accident that changed his life forever. the story talks about his journey to peace and enlightenment, yet liran and will do many things in the future

liran_1 · Fantasía
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82 Chs


Researcher: What is the basis for your claim? Everything appears to be in order...

Myself: I implore you to trust my words, for I speak not without reason. There exists a perilous entity that poses a threat to both of you. It is imperative that I guide you to safety, away from this place...

With that, I presented the paper bestowed upon me by Epsilon, as evidence of the gravity of the situation.

Myself: Should any skepticism persist, I urge you to peruse this document.

Two of the researchers directed their attention towards the parchment, exhibiting a clear display of intrigue.

After a brief contemplation, the second researcher spoke:

Second Researcher: Given that this is from Epsilon "himself," it holds veracity...

First Researcher: Very well, lead us to the desert as indicated.

Myself: Excellent. Please accompany me.

Initiating our journey, I set forth in the direction leading to the exit, with the two researchers following closely behind.

We continued our trek, traversing the distance for several minutes until finally reaching the exit.

Coming to a halt, I turned to face them.

Myself: I shall position myself behind both of you, ensuring your protection from the rear.

First Researcher: Very well. Your presence is appreciated.

Passing between them, I took up my position behind, while also directing my attention towards Derek.

Myself: Derek, kindly stand beside me.

Derek: Understood.

Derek made his way towards me, assuming his place at my side.

I then cast a glance back at the researchers.

Myself: You may proceed to open the door. Derek and I shall be right behind you, ready to lend support.

First Researcher: Very well.

One of the researchers proceeded to open the exit door, revealing a stairway that lay beyond it, leading to another door.

After a brief pause, we crossed the threshold of the first door and commenced our ascent up the stairs.


As I continued my stride through the city, making my way towards the path leading to the desert, I unexpectedly caught sight of Eve once again.

Myself: Eve?...

Eve, upon noticing my presence, turned around, casting her gaze downward upon me.

Eve: Liran? Where are you headed?

Myself: I am embarking upon a series of endeavors, which I find difficult to explicate in this moment. Nonetheless, I must proceed...

Eve: Oh... I see.

Before I resumed walking, Eve interjected:

Eve: Wait!...

Prompted by her plea, I ceased my steps and, after a short pause, turned around, raising my gaze to meet Eve's face.

Myself: Yes?...

Eve: May I accompany you?

Myself: What?... Why?

Eve: I simply wish to be in your company for a while. I find myself unoccupied at present...

Myself: Are you serious? There are matters I must attend to that I would rather shield you from. I cannot simply bring you along...

Eve: Please, I promise to observe without judgment, irrespective of whether these pursuits are righteous or otherwise. I implore you...

Upon hearing her earnest entreaty, I found myself torn between allowing Eve to accompany me and safeguarding her from potential danger. Yet, considering the presence of others who would also be in the desert, such as Astralux and Derek, it dawned upon me that we could ensure her protection.

After a brief moment of contemplation, I provided my response:

Myself: Very well, you may join me...

Eve's countenance brightened with a smile as she moved closer to my side, now standing alongside me.

Eve: Let us proceed, then...

With renewed determination, we resumed our stride, forging ahead towards the expanse of the desert.





Presently, we find ourselves traversing the arid expanse, standing upon the granular terrain. In close proximity stands Derek, accompanying my presence, while a pair of erudite investigators remain positioned a few meters ahead of us.

I express my gratification, addressing the two esteemed individuals:

Me: It brings me great satisfaction to have you both accompany us thus far, as we have diligently safeguarded your well-being.

The second researcher proceeds to articulate an impending matter:

2nd researcher: Allow me to express our profound gratitude. However, there exists a matter that necessitates discussion.

Curiosity piqued, I inquire:

Me: Pray, enlighten us. What is it that you wish to convey?

The second researcher, now poised, imparts their sentiment:

2nd researcher: We are profoundly grateful for the seclusion that you have provided by bringing us to this isolated locale. Uninhabited, as you are aware, it bears significant implications...

Following a brief pause, the first researcher interjects:

1st researcher: Regrettably for you, it was inadvisable to transport us to this place...

Yet, for us, we revel in your decision, for it now grants us the opportunity to extinguish both your lives and that of Derek.

Derek: ?!

The first researcher then cast a gaze upon Derek, commanding his attention.

1st researcher: Derek, I dare say you may recollect my presence...

Derek, bewildered and taken aback, responds:

Derek: What? Who in the world are you?

With an air of authority, the first researcher reveals their true identity.

1st researcher: I am Death.

Both I and Derek stood in utter astonishment, comprehending the gravity of the revelation. The researcher who accompanied us was Death in disguise all along. However, the question lingered: Who, then, was the other researcher?

In that instant, a profound metamorphosis occurred, as these two researchers transcended their mortal forms, assuming manifestations of immense power—an abstract embodiment, an accursed and dreadful entity.

Both of them now stood before us in their heightened and formidable states.


The sight of Death's reappearance in the familiar guise that had once instilled fear within me shook me to the core. The very same form that had nearly claimed my life stood before me once more.

Overwhelmed by shock and terror, I gazed upon their daunting presence. However, I found solace in the gloves bestowed upon me by Rythmeus. I couldn't simply allow Death to carry out whatever nefarious plans "he" had in store.

If my fate was to meet death's embrace, then I resolved to resist until the very end. I would fight back.

In a moment of heightened tension, a voice resonated through the air:

???: Hey! Stop!

To my astonishment, the voice belonged to Liran. As his voice reverberated, Death and "his" companion abruptly halted their movements.

Death: ?!...





Eve and I found ourselves traversing the desert, and as we continued our journey, a chilling sight unfolded before our eyes. There stood Death, accompanied by another enigmatic entity—Derek and Astralux by their side.

Upon witnessing their presence, I couldn't contain my urgency and called out:

Me: Hey! Stop!

Startled by my shout, they momentarily froze in their tracks. Death and "his" companion turned around, their gazes fixed upon Eve and me.

Death: Liran?!...

As I locked eyes with them, I noticed Derek and Astralux slowly distancing themselves, as if sensing the intensity of the situation. However, Death and "his" accomplice remained intently focused on me.

Me: I had suspicions about the two of you, and it seems my intuition was correct...

Death, seething with anger, retorted:

Death: Do you truly believe you can evade the wrath of the Black King? You feeble mortal! I shall obliterate you!

Upon hearing Death's threat, Derek mustered the courage to step forward, defying "his" authority.

Derek: No.

Death swiftly turned, directing "his" gaze downward, towering over Derek.

Death: What is the meaning of this? You dare to approach me and challenge my dominion? I should have eliminated you when I had the opportunity...

Derek, resolute, stood his ground.

Derek: You will not lay a hand on anyone. I refuse to allow you to perpetrate your wicked deeds upon us...

You are not Death; you are nothing more than a conceited, despicable being.

Death, taken aback, inquired:

Death: And what prompts you to make such a claim?

Derek: this is my destiny.


