
True Forms

Alyssa finds herself in a new world with her son. A man saves her life but she soon finds out that this world was full of shape-shifting beasts! Alyssa tries to fit in as best she can with her new mate, but things take a turn for the worst.

alyssa_winkel · Fantasía
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31 Chs

Chapter 4: Take me Home, Away from This Anarchy!

I opened my eyes to see that we weren't covered by a blanket after all, we were covered by Alfie's large black tail. Its fur was softer than my mom's cat back home; I had never felt something so soft. I started twirling my fingers into the strands when Alfie's eye slowly opened and he let out a chuckle, "You know that tickles right?" I felt heat come into my cheeks and I quickly released the intoxicatingly soft fur. Alfie carried his body out of the bed and stood up high to stretch every muscle in his body. I could see his skin crawl from the temperature difference of the bed to the cave. He looked out of the cave to see the sun nearly at its peak. "We need to get ready for the choosing tournament." He turned back to see Royce still sound asleep, "Hopefully he stays asleep for awhile longer until the end of the tournament."

I nodded and wondered why it was already nearly noon. The days on this world must be much shorter than the days on Earth. He takes my hand to help me up and I wince in pain. Every morning I get the same pain, I should be used to it by now. He releases my hand and bends down to slowly pick me up and carry me to the entrance of the cave, "Wait, we can't leave Royce in here alone, what if he wakes up?"

"It's ok, the hill isn't far from here, you can see the entrance from where you will be seated" There was a slight pause before he continued, "and I'll be able to hear if he moves or wakes up from the guardian platform." I nod slowly but still worried. What if it was too loud during the tournament and he didn't hear him cry?

We walked to a nearby hill. It was about a hundred feet high, with two platforms near the top and obstacles towards the base. The larger platform sat at the top of the hill with a huge throne sat on it. The throne was covered in animal skins and was made with extreme care. The smaller platform was 10 feet below that and was completely bare, the edge of the platform hung far out from the hill. A drop from that platform would surely be death for me. My stomach dropped to my feet and I peered behind Alfie's shoulder to see 50 or more men stretching and getting ready. Many looked as if they were ready to take their last steps.

In an instant Alfie jumped onto the hill and run to the top. He set me onto the beautiful throne and walked to the lower platform. Without moving his lips, he spoke, "Don't worry, I won't let anybody pass." I nodded my head, giving him the confirmation he was looking for. He stepped to the edge of the lower platform and spoke was great bass "The female known as Alyssa has chosen only one guardian, and that guardian is me. Even though this is the first time I have been chosen as guardian, know that I will not take this lightly. If any males would like to forfeit and walk away, now is your time." No man left and they all appeared to swallow a large lump in their throats. "Ok, now, even though this is the largest choosing tournament we have ever had, the rules remain the same. You will fight each other to get through the course, the strongest men will come through and face me. Any that pass me, and I can assure you, there won't be any, will battle to the death to have a spot in the final choosing. Do you all understand the rules I have stated?" A simultaneous howl commenced, and they all started running through the course and battling each other.

I could see blood flying and bodies being thrown impossible distances. Doc was at the front. Even though I was 100 feet away from the bottom, I was terrified. I curled up onto the throne and hid my face between my knees. Tears started streaming down my face and I covered my ears with my palms. I couldn't stand to hear the cries of men that I didn't even know. These men fought to my attention, and I had no intention of even talking to them. They were being killed and injured because of me. It was all my fault.

Thoughts started scrolling through my mind as I heard Alfie grunt and fight the men who were reaching the lower platform. He met with Doc and throw him a hundred yards to the entrance of his own cave effortlessly. 'I am so worthless. It's my fault these men are getting hurt. Alfie please don't get hurt. I couldn't stand to see you in pain.' I peeked through my knees with tear will eyes. My vision was blurred, but I could see Alfie throwing many men off of the platform, it was a constant fight of 10 to 20 against one. My one. I hid my eyes again and cried louder, 'Please Alfie, take me home, away from this anarchy.' In an instant I heard the loudest snarl and bark I had ever heard. I peaked my head out thinking Alfie was hurt, but he was scaring the other men off. He snapped at them until every man was tumbling down the hill.

In what seemed like an instant, Alfie was on my platform. He crouched in front of me and spread my legs to reveal my tear covered face. He slipped his hand between my knees and tugged on my chin. I lifted my head to meet his eyes to mine; he wiped my tears from my cheeks and pushed my hair from my eyes. In a moment he was leaning in and our lips met. His lips felt like velvet on mine, they pushed harder into mine and it felt like we were one. Our lips started to spread, and he passionately pushed his warm tongue to mine. He embraced my head with his right hand and my hips with his left. He cupped my left ear as if it were a precious artifact, holding my right hip and lower back like a piece of expensive china. He pulled back slowly, and our lips separated. My gut churned as I yearned for more, "Lets go home." he said softly as he pulled me into his grasp once again. We head down towards his cave and I heard Royce start to move around in his bed.


Until dark we played with Royce and chased him around the cave. We weren't bothered by anybody else at the cave entrance, and I felt comfortable. Alfie brought a full cow carcass and roasted it over a much larger fire. The large meal made me think we were going to have guests, but then I thought about how Alfie didn't eat at all yesterday. I also knew that wolves didn't need to eat daily, and maybe he thought me and Royce would eat a bigger meal as well since we barely ate last supper. He effortlessly ripped chunks for Royce and me to eat; they were about the same size as yesterday. Then he sat next to me- touching me hip to hip- and repeatedly pulled large chunks off of the cow and brought them to his mouth. He tore through the meat with ease as his fangs extended passed his lips. I figured he must have gassed all of his energy today at the choosing tournament and needed to refill. This world sure was different than home, but I could get used to it.

Royce quickly fell asleep from the large amount of protein he had to digest, and we laid him in his bed. Me and Alfie sat on the edge of our bed and watched as the ginormous moon peered into the night sky. I grabbed his hand and pulled his cheek to face me, "Thank you for ending the tournament to get me. I was really overwhelmed with being the reason all of those men were being hurt."


He pinched my chin gently, "Don't worry about them. Nobody died today, and they are males, they will heal by the morning. You only need to worry about me and Royce from now on, we will be a family." My heart fluttered and my whole body felt as if I had millions of butterflies coming out of cocoons under my skin when I heard 'family'. I wasn't scared at the word, even though we had just met a few days ago, I was imagining our future together. Suddenly I felt a familiar pair of lips land on mine. He slowly pecked my lips and moved down to my chin, neck, chest, and stomach. I thought things were moving too fast, and I couldn't sleep with someone I just met, but it felt so right. Our bodies were made for each other. He lifted my sweatshirt off carefully to reveal my tattoos; he had never seen them yet. He chuckled and kissed each one. He started with the one on my chest, then to my forearm, onto my right ribcage, and down to my right upper thigh. He bounced back up and kissed my lips again as he slowly lowered my back onto the soft bed below us. He naturally ripped his shorts off of my body and did the same with the ones on his. He revealed my light green thong and carefully slid it down my legs and off. My red and blue striped sports bra was the only thing remaining on my body. He slowly lifted it over my head and arms, and set it neatly next to the bed, on top of my thong and sweatshirt.

His eyes illuminated in the brightest gold I've seen yet. I looked down to see his large penis dangling millimeters away from my pussy. It was the girthiest penis I had ever seen, let alone fucked. It was nine inches long and about three in diameter. His veins were coursing as I could see each heartbeat pump through his unbelievable penis. He pulled my chin so I was facing him and pressed his lips against mine once again, but this time with more passion. He slid his member inside of me and I wined in pleasured pain. He slowly pushed it deep inside me as I could feel him touch the back wall of my vagina. He slid in and out, gradually getting more aggressive.

I felt a shooting pain in my back and arched it up towards him. He tried to pull out when I thought 'Don't stop, I like the pain. Wrap your hands around my neck so I can't cry out. I don't want to wake him.' His eyes shown even brighter than before as he wrapped his large hand around my neck and tightly squeezed the perfect amount. He continued until I could tell he was about to finish, 'No don't do that inside of me, pull out and do it on my stomach. I'm not ready for another baby yet.' I thought and he complied. He pulled his large penis out and came all over my stomach. The warm white liquid covering me felt so relieving. I took one finger and dipped it in a white puddle in my belly button and brought it to my mouth. I licked my finger clean and swallowed his liquid.

He laid next to me and covered us in his large tail once again. I closed my eyes but couldn't even bare the thought of sleeping; I had too much on my mind. I looked down at my chest and saw a large black wolf howling at the moon that appeared. Seeing that mark finalized us as partners, and I needed to do something that I never thought was possible. "Alfie, I want you to bite me."