
True Forms

Alyssa finds herself in a new world with her son. A man saves her life but she soon finds out that this world was full of shape-shifting beasts! Alyssa tries to fit in as best she can with her new mate, but things take a turn for the worst.

alyssa_winkel · Fantasía
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31 Chs

Chapter 26: This is How Our Night Was Going to Go

When we got back to the cave, I could sense Alfie's presence already inside. I stopped before entering, and I was stuck in place by nervousness. I had a pit in my stomach, and I just knew that this would not be a good situation once I turned and Alfie saw my mating mark of Doc.

After a few moments of standing in place with our prey in our mouths, Doc rubbed his furry fox cheek against my white lion cheek trying to reassure me. I could feel his calm mood coursing through my body, but I just couldn't bring myself to move. I just knew Alfie would try to kill Doc for mating with me. He said he was okay with it, but I knew he just said that to make me happy, he really didn't want to share me with his best friend; he didn't want to share me at all.

'Are you almost back to the cave?' I heard Alfie ask in his thoughts, pulling me back to reality. I knew that I needed to enter at some point, but I just couldn't lift my feet from their place. 'Can you hear me? Is everything okay?' Alfie continued. I could hear his heartbeat speed up inside that cave, but I still couldn't move my feet; they were planted to the ground and felt too heavy to pick up.

Doc walked behind me and gently pushed me forward just enough to move me from my spot and take a step forward. I looked back to Doc and gave him thankful eyes as I jumped into the cave entrance just as Alfie was about to come running out. I dropped my prey on the ground as Doc came into the cave with his prey. 'Sorry, Alfie, I was just a few steps from the cave, sorry I made you worried.' I thought as I sat down and started licking the blood from my lion legs and paws. I was terrified to turn and allow Alfie to see the mating mark next to his own.

Just as I was in the middle of cleaning my fur, Doc dropped his prey and shifted into his human form. I froze in the middle of a lick and stared up at Doc. My heart was beating faster than it ever had before as Alfie's eyes locked onto the blue phoenix mark on Doc's chest directly over his heart. This moment made me wish I weren't a fucking shifter so that my mark wouldn't be so distinguishable. My entire body filled with fear, but serenity coursed through my blood as Doc stood tall. Alfie's eyes would not even blink as he stared at Doc's mark and I could sense the rage building each moment.

I turned into my normal form as I said, "Alfie, I'm sorry I should have told you, but please don't…" I was interrupted by a deep growl that sent fear down my spine. I tried to speak once again, but right when I opened my mouth, Alfie shifted into his true form and lunged at Doc, who shifted and dodged easily. "Alfie, stop please!" I yelled as tears started to drop from my eyes. I tried to get in the middle of them, but I was held back by two sets of hands, one holding each of my arms back. I turned around to find Royce and Matty. Behind them, Pauline was laying down with my mom on the animal skin bed and I knew that this fighting couldn't be good for her.

I turned into my white lion form and jumped between the two animals about to lunge at each other. I growled at them, warning them of what would happen if they continued. Doc stepped back and shifted back as he raised his hands in a surrendering motion. "Alfie, fighting is just going to upset her, and I refuse to do anything that will upset her." just as Doc finished though, Alfie still lunged at him, jumping over me, and ripping Doc's skin open in many places throughout his body. Doc just took each bite and slash of the claws that Alfie gave him and only reacted by grunting for each new cut he was given. I dropped to the ground screaming and crying, knowing full well that I couldn't stop Alfie in this state even if I tried. Suddenly, I heard a slight groan from the other side of the fire pit. Everybody froze in their places and looked over at my mom who was sitting up in the bed. Her eyes were a dark green as they glowed and looked around to find anybody that she recognized. I ran over to her as I dried my tears from my face and brought her into my grasp. I could hear Matty and Royce run over to us as well, and when I heard Alfie start to walk over, I shot him a look that could kill. I didn't want him coming anywhere near me right now.

I looked past Alfie and at an injured Doc who was struggling to get to his feet but managed to get on them after some grunting and pain. I would have helped him, but I wasn't going to leave my mom who was just waking up after two weeks of being in a coma.

"Matthew, stop talking, my head is throbbing." My mom said quietly while holding her temples.

"I wasn't even talking, baby." Matty responded. Well, I guess that would be the true mate bond.

"Mom, Matty, the reason you could hear Matty talking was because when you are true mates, or soul mates, in this world, you can hear each other's thoughts. So, Matty, I'm guessing that you were thinking something when she said that? She can hear what you were thinking, and you can hear what she is thinking."

There was a slight pause for a second while my mom was trying it out for herself. Matty's eyes opened wide as a smile went across his face. "She told me to stop thinking or she will slap the thoughts out of my head." He said with a chuckle.

"Well, Mom, I'm guessing your hungry. We have some meat cooking; would you like me to grab you some?" she nodded her head as she sat up quickly. Matty lurched forward as if to stop her from moving, but realized she was now completely fine and healed.

My mom sat up in the bed with Pauline in her lap and Royce next to her telling her all about his friends, and how he is excited to hunt on his own soon. I looked at Alfie and a now healed Doc and motioned for them to go outside with me. Alfie was still pissed off at both of us, but he stood up with a huff and made his way out of the cave.

Once we got outside, we walked towards the forest to where we could be at least partially protected from the rain. Once we found a large tree with many branches and leaves, we stood in a triangle formation and stared at each other, waiting for one of us to start talking.

"Alfie, what the actual FUCK were you thinking in there?" I said bluntly while staring at him with a death glare again.

"I know I told you to mate with him if it would make you happy, but I didn't think it would be so soon, and I definitely didn't think you would mate outside while on a hunting trip. I mean, we didn't even talk about it after that, and I figured you would at least talk to me before actually mating with him. At least I thought that you would talk to me about how you felt about him, I mean come on, his mark is just as close to your heart as mine. You never told me how much you cared about him, and if you had, I wouldn't have gotten so angry or surprised. You caught me off guard coming home with mating marks. And if I'm being honest, I was a little hurt seeing you mark on him before even being warned about it before you got to the cave."

"Alfie, I didn't realize how much I cared for Doc until we spent these two weeks together. He has been there for me way more than you have. It's like you didn't even care about how I was feeling. Doc actually helped me get through these two weeks my mom was in a coma. The more I started to realize I loved him, the more I wanted to imprint and be with him forever."

"You love him?" was all that could escape Alfie's mouth as his shoulders dropped defeatedly.

"I love both of you. I love you, Alfie, because you are the one that keeps me safe, and makes sure I am healthy and loved. I love you, Doc, because you care about me, and want me to be okay emotionally and you satisfy needs that nobody else can. You both are my mates now, and if you don't accept that Alfie, then tell me now and I will leave." I could tell that my last three words jabbed at Alfie's heart; he physically flinched at the pain in his chest.

"You would leave?" Alfie asked with his eyebrows curling upwards. I knew I had hurt him with those words, but I wasn't joking. I was prepared to leave if he didn't accept Doc. Doc was the only one who was comforting towards me and the only one that took care of my emotional wellbeing and not just my physical.

"Yes. I would take Pauline and Royce and leave. My mom and Matty would come with, and Doc would as well if he wanted. We would all leave. I will not accept you being controlling over me. Just because you are the alpha of this town, doesn't mean I will take being controlled."

"Don't leave, please… I won't fight Doc anymore. He can stay here… I accept that he is your mate…" he paused many times while talking as if the words he was trying to say were getting lodged in his throat.

"Okay, then let's go back to the cave. You can stay up with everybody else. Me and Doc are going to sleep in the safe room since we had stayed up nearly the entire time my mom was out." I stated as if it were a command and I wasn't backing down or compromising – and I wasn't. Alfie just simply nodded as he walked slowly behind me and Doc as we walked to the cave. I let everybody know where Doc and I were going to be and walked to the safe room with my new mate in tow.

When we got to the saferoom, Doc started the fire and made sure to push the boulder in place to ensure we aren't going to be watched. We cuddled up on the bed in the spooning position. My back was to his chest, and my front was facing the fire.

Just as I closed my eyes to fall asleep, Doc pushed his hand down from around my waist to between my legs. He started to slowly move his fingers back and forth on top of my clit as I could feel my crotch getting wetter by the second. I let out soft, breathy moans as he continued to speed up and slipped a finger inside of me while his thumb continued to play with my clit. I reach my hand behind me and combed my fingers through his hair and grabbed a fistful as I could feel another finger slip inside of me.

"Did I tell you that you could do that?" he whispered softly as he nipped at my ear. I shook my head to say 'no' and he rewardingly sucked my ear lobe into his mouth. "Get on your back." He said with an alpha-like tone as he pulled his hand from between my legs. I could feel my body ache with hormones at the sound of his commands. I listened to him and got on my back. He got on top of me and started kissing and licking on my neck.

I was aching to have him inside me again, so I pleaded, "Doc, please fuck me." I was practically begging for his cock to be deep inside me; my body was begging for it. He nipped at my neck punishingly, but all it did was make me yearn for him even more. I wrapped my arms around his upper back and dug my claws into his skin as I pulled him impossibly closer to me. "Doc, stop teasing me, I want to cum together again, babe." As if he was yearning for me just as much as I was him, he pushed his cock deep inside me with a hard trust and bit down on my shoulder, hard.

I could feel the blood dripping from my shoulder and onto the bed, the pain just made me want him to fuck me harder. I mimicked him and bit into his shoulder. Tasting his blood in my mouth made my eyes burn as they glowed bright. The euphoria I was feeling made me want to have a litter of pups for him, but I knew that wasn't practical right now.

He thrusted in and out of me harder and faster until I could feel his cock swell full of cum. "I want you to let out all of your pleasure as we cum together. I want you to claw me, bite me, scratch me, I want you to taste my blood as I fill you will my children. I want you to scream my name as you release onto my cock. You got it?" I nodded between loud moans. I could feel my pussy squeeze around him as he bit down on me again and clawed into my hips as he pulled me into his cock even harder and deeper. He wanted me to feel every inch of him inside me.

I let out a loud scream as I dug my claws into his back as deep as I could and bit down on the crook of his neck. I could feel him releasing his cum deep inside me as I squirted out onto the bed. When he had finished releasing his seed inside me, he stayed inside me as his cock softened and we cuddled together. "I love you, Doc." I said as I leaned in for a deep, passionate kiss. He responded with his tongue entering my mouth and his penis hardening once again – still inside me. I guess this was how our night was going to go.