
True evil is born with

They say "the environment that someone is raised it influences their behavior". ThIs saying could hold for anyone except Jin Asura who despite growing up with loving parents and caring childhood friends he didn't have a single bit of love in his heart only a heart of evil.

Cold_elf · Horror
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3 Chs

Chapter 3 Silence or Noise

The earth trampled fiercely, trees falling over, houses breaking apart, People getting killed or injuries by falling derbies and screams filling the air.

One could only call it true Chaos.

But all of a sudden the trembling stopped. The shaking that caused all the disaster so far. This same shaking that claimed the lives of so many lives suddenly stopped.

This sudden stop caused all the people who were being traumatized by the destruction around them to be shock.

What's happening why did it suddenly stopped.

that was the question on most people minds whiles the rest all over the world either started trying to help people that was trapped of mourn their family members who was dead right in front of them.

But one thing was sure it was quiet compare to the noise noise earlier before much quieter than before.

But just as as this quietness can sink in everyone in the world could hear a voice calling to them.

Even people who spoke differently languages could understand this voice as it said

"Hello, To all people of this annoying planet, that I was born on. Today is not your lucky day" The voices said

hearing the voices the people all over the world discussed.

Did you guys hear that?

What you guys heard it to?

Who is that? what did he mean by today is not our lucky day?

Is it aliens first an Earthquake and now Aliens?

I want my mommy?

Everyone had questions most wanted to know was this voice connected to the earthquake earlier why is it happening now.


In room sitting around a table

Figures could be seen sitting around a table which surprisingly was stable even after an earthquake. They all where different races however all of them had a dark or even frightened expression.

"What is going on are we finally getting attack from that planet" one of the men who had black hair and a darker complexion compared to the rest said

"No, it can't be scientist from our countries researching that planet detected no objects heading to Earth" another one or the men responded he look Asian.

These men were the world leaders who, before the meeting we're discussing about how to make up a situation where they could more control the people of their country with a new disease.

When suddenly they felt the room shaking. But the room was build to be Earthquake proof so nothing was damage in the room.

Those figures before was Kojo and Qin Zheng. Presidents of Africa and China.

" If it's not that then it probably just a normal di..." John Edwards the president of the US was going to finish his sentence as he heard a voice in his head.

'What is going on, is it a person from that planet, but I thought we found out a way to know of any ship from that planet got close to earth' John thought as he looked at everyone in the room and judging from their expression they probably could hear it to.

Not knowing what to do he was about to say something but they heard the voice again.

"For those wondering Yes you heard me right, today is your unlucky day because today is the Birth of me Jin the destroyer, and as a way too celebrate, i will give you more chaos than that previous earthquake could ever have But don't be sad today will not be the extinction or humanity or the destruction of earth. Just the ceremony that will be filled with a glistening chorus done by you all, all of y'all screams will make the best music, So please enjoy yourself, and remember stay safe Hahahahahah" The voice which sounded like a voice of normal teenage boy caused everyone to feel a sense of panick after every word he said.


Jin stood on the top of the highest mountain in the world, he felt amazing as power rantheough his body.

'This is it, this is what I need to be my true self, I need POOWWERRRRR" Jin yelled.

His voice echoed, as the entire mountain he was standing on started shaking violently, not long after it stopped.

His faced turned serious, as he thought of an important question.

"What exactly should I do to make them suffe-?!" Jin words cut short as his body began to feel heavy as if a planet was put on his shoulder.

'System....W..what's going on?' He asked the system. Each second his body fell heavier and heavier. His eyelids started dropping.

[ Sorry host, But the awakening wasn't 100% complete, host must go into an unconscious state for some time ]

Hearing the explanation of the system Jin felt annoyed but there was nothing he could do.


Just like that Jin body fell to the ground.

Some time after that 10 Mysterious figures appeared. They all looked at his body, Suprised by how Jin most important the aura in his body, seemly realizing something, they nodded to eachother.