
TRTU [Temporary Hiatus]

Well Damn... I really died while taking a shit after my bath hey. I mean, really? The razor fell into the water and fucking electrocuted my ass to the end of time. I swear I even got heard at some point because of it! Sucks to be me hey. On to the void I guess since Im sure don't belong in heaven since I was never someone to go out of my way for others and I won't go to hell since I never did anything that can be considered evil. So the Void it is!

Norf · Derivados de obras
Sin suficientes valoraciones
21 Chs


After calming Xue'er down he checked his body again. 'It seems my cultivation rose to the 9th level of Profound Pupil. I'll cultivate until the Profound Master realm then I'll practice with my powers. Hoho and I got an interesting skill from my Dual Cultivation technique.'

Luo Tian then gazed at the two girls with a hungry look in his eyes. They didn't mind but we're curious since he never did so before.

"Husband looks like he wants to devour us Xue'er~" Xue'er blushed hearing Juewang speak and seeing how Luo Tian was looking at them.

"Girls it seems along with bloodlines I also got a dual cultivation technique and I must say it's quite detailed on everything about women, it even gave me the ability to make sure you don't get pregnant no matter how much I fill you up. My constitution was also changed by the technique and now I have quite the powerful Yang physique." He was really grateful to get such a skill since he was completely against the idea of having kids until the far future but wanted to have sex with his wives whenever.

Juewang grinned seductively hearing that he was looking forward to having sex with them, as a sword spirit originally she shouldn't be able to have children but from what she inspected from her body she found a fully functional reproductive system which she could only guess was Luo Tian's doing so hearing that she could have him fill her up with cum without worrying him about pregnancy she was very happy.

Xue'er on the other hand was blushing hard thinking about dual cultivating with Luo Tian. Though she didn't say it, it was clear from the hungry look in her eyes that she was also looking forward to it.

They spent the rest of the time together just talking since Xue'er couldn't stay for long.

--3 hours later--

"Big brother.... Xue'er doesn't want to leave your side.." The only place she ever felt truly happy was by his side so she didn't want to leave his side for a single moment.

Xue'er and Juewang were by both his side's so he turned to Xue'er and kissed her. They kissed passionately for a few minutes before separating.

"Xue'er I will go to the family hunting contest in 5 days with Feng Lei. When the time comes I want you to be walking by my side okay?" She was very happy hearing him propose that.

Though she was bumbed they wouldn't meet for 5 days since she could now be with him in public she was satisfied.

So she nodded." Bye bye Big brother and Sister Juewang" As she said her goodbyes she disappeared form the world crest.

Luo Tian looked at Juewang this time. " Little wife I would like to have you walking by my side too, what do you say?"

Juewang smiled hearing him say the same to her. " Hehe husband wants to show off his wives. It would be my pleasure to walk with you husband."

This time she took the initiative and kissed him. Unlike the innocent kiss he did with Xue'er this one was wet and hot.

Luo Tian ended up on top of Juewang as the continued to battle with their tongues though Juewang was being completely dominated.

They separated after enjoying each others tastes for 10 minutes. " Pant... Pant...Little wife I can't have sex with you yet. I want you and Xue'er to talk about it first."

Juewang though was very much looking forward to having sex with him she understood that it wouldn't be fair to Xue'er if they did it without talking to her.

"I understand Husband now go train. You can't afford to waste any time." She encouraged him to train so she could watch and get her mind off having sex.

Luo Tian nodded and immidiately began cultivating as he sat cross legged.

He spent 40 minutes to enter Profound Master realm 1st level but spent just over an hour to enter the 2nd level. " The bloodlines increased my cultivayion speed further but sigh.... it's only going to keep getting harder to increase my cultivation."

If anyone heard what Luo Tian was saying they would slap him across the face. People normally spent years or months to break through a single level yet here he was complaining that it was taking him hours to breakthrough.

Luo Tian stopped cultivating after that and started practicing his abilities. He needed to be able to control everything precisely especially now since all his powers became much stronger.

He spent half a day learning how to control his new pressure and killing intent precisely like before.

He spent the rest of the day practicing his armament haki. He would sleep on the grass cuddling Juewang. She said she didn't mind so he didnt argue.

On the second day Luo Tian focused on his frost abilities. He gained the ability to make water from his black tortoise bloodline which was also part of the reason his armament haki was awakened thanks to the higher defense it provided. His Ice Phoenix bloodline merged it's ice ability with the first monarchs to form a single extremely cold ice that is able to completely freeze a living person instantky as long as the strength gap is not large. He practiced controlling the temperature of the ice and though it was bone-chilling cold Luo Tian felt at home in the frost.

The third day was spent with his white monarch abilities. He focused on controlling the temperature of his flames and precise targeting with his lightning. He guessed that the damaging effect of the golden crow flames was suppressed when the Phoenix flames were merged with it and the white flame since he wasn't feeling any backlash.

His conquerors haki merged with his Azure dragon's suppressive and majestic aura to develop a single aura.

This gave him the natural demeanor of a ruler. A single gaze from him was brimming with his Absolute Rulers aura. That was what he named it.

His white tiger bloodlkne made his body much more flexible and agile as well as making him develop a thick and powerful killing intent.

The strengthening his body gained from the Azure Dragon bloodline also contributed to awakening his Armament haki.

He spent the remaining time practicing his sword skills with Juewang. Thanks to his 5x multipler all his results were amazing.

He spent his 5 days just like that and time flew by.

It was the morning of the 5th day right now. He could tell because somehow the World Crest simulated actual day and night.

"Little wife is there a way for you to stay in my body instead of the world crest? For example when you make contract with a strong beast a mark appears on your body and the beast stays there?" He didn't like leaving Juewang in the world crest all alone just to avoid trouble.

"There is a way husband come here. " She prompted him to walk to her since they were a few meters apart.

Luo Tian was in a black robe. He learned how to suppress his rulers aura so although his gaze was sharp it wasnt as intimidating.

"Husband bite your lip and make sure blood comes out." She stood up and looked up at him since she was 175cm tall while he was 187 cm now.

He did as she said and she did the same. She immidiately kissed him and made it as wet as possible.

Luo Tian was confused but didn't refuse it. He pulled her in by the waist and deepened the kiss while she wraped her arms around his neck.

Luo Tian could feel his left wrist burning up but ignored it and focused on enjoying the kiss. Every time he would kiss his wives he would activate the Ying Yang Authority technique which released his charm and made everything he did to them feel amazing.

They separated after a few minutes. Throughout the kiss though it was difficult since his skills made her almost lose focus Juewang was making a contract with him. It was an equal contract between them meaning none was superior.

"Huff...I always welcome a kiss from you Little wife but what does it have to do with what I asked?" He was confused since she didn't explain anything to him.

"Husband look at your wrist." Hearing what she said he looked at it and saw a ring black tattoo with runes going around his wrist and another circle of runes at the top of his hand.

Juewang showed him her wrist and she had the same tattoos.

"I see.... It's about time I show off my wives to those trashes so let's go meet Feng Lei and go begin my revenge." He was looking forward to their reactions when he gets there.

Juewang smiled and nodded. Juewang dissapeared which confused him but what he heard next cleared it all.

"Husband I'm in the tattoo." Juewang explained to him in his head.

Luo Tian smiled" Perfect"and then exited the World Crest.

As he arrived in the Dark Spirit mountain the thick smell of blood assaulted him. In front of him was a mountain of beast corpses and Feng Lei who was lying on the ground.

"Feng Lei I'm back." As he said that Feng Lei jumped with a happy expression.

"Haha Young master youre finally back! You even grew taller!?"

Feng Lei hadn't seen Luo Tian for 5 days. Even though Luo Tian would come out to hunt for food every time he did Feng Lei was out hunting too.

"I became much stronger in these 5 days Lei, I'm at the 2rd level Profound Master now." Luo Tian explained to Feng Lei. "Hoo i see you used the bloodline and now you are Profound Pupil 9th rank. Nice job Lei."

Feng Lei ran up to him with a grin on his face.

"Hehe Its all thanks to you. Young master lets go show them your power!"

Luo Tian smiled and nodded his purple eyes shone brighter as he muttered."Return"

A 10 minutes later 5 black and purple figures were standing in front of Luo Tian and Feng Lei while 1 was kneeling with its sword stabbed through the ground next to it.

'Igris and Beru managed to reach the mid level of elite rank... and the 4 soldiers reached the peak of mid normal rank...considering they were killing normal beasts that had low quality essence it is quite the improvement.' He retracted his shadows and looked back at Feng Lei.

Feng Lei was wearing a black robe with black shoes that he just changed into so they were both wearing decent clothing.

Luo Tian though wore decent clothing still looked extremely handsome. The two of them left the mountain. and made their way to the hunting contest registration.

--A while later in the city--

Many disciples of the Luo Family had gathered in the training grounds to sign up for the hunting contest.

Before arriving at the training grounds Luo Tian, Juewang who had left the tatoo and Feng Lei passed by the place Xue'er said to meet.

"Xue'er!" Shouted out Luo Tian.

Hearing Luo Tian call her Xue'er who was sitting looking up at the sky thinking about Luo Tian jumped and ran to her gates.

After a few minutes of waiting Luo Tian sees the gate open and a beautiful girl in white robes jumps out into his arms.

"Oof" Air was knocked out of Luo Tian's lungs as he caught her.

"Big brother you're finally here. Xue'er missed you so much!" She had been thinking on Luo Tian everyday for the past 5 days.

The only time she stopped thinking of him was whenever she cultivated, other than that he was on her mind all the time.

"I missed you too Xue'er." Luo Tian was a similar case to her though since he had Juewang with him it wasn't as bad.

"Young master who is this beautiful sister?" Feng Lei saw that she was familiar but couldn't remember exactly who she was.

Xue'er separated from Luo Tian and was about to say exactly who she was but Luo Tian said it first.

"Feng Lei this is Li Xue'er she's the little girl we used to play with 10 years ago. She promised to come back and marry me and here she is now as my future wife so she's your other sister in law."

Feng Lei was shocked hearing that this was the little girl they used to play with. "Haha sister in law grew up to become a fairy. Big brother is so fierce to have two beauties as his women!"

"Let's go cripple a bunch of rats now" Luo Tian had been getting stronger just for today and he could finally start his revenge.