
Trouble Finds You

Sam just lost everything. Her father lost his battle to cancer, she found out her boyfriend was cheating on her, she gets laid off, and only has a cousin she has never been close to living in California. So she packs up whatever will fit of what's left of her life into her fathers 1939 Benz, and runs from the painful memories that surround her. However, you can't always run from your troubles, sometimes the right kind of trouble, finds you. This is a R-18 story. Contains Sex scenes, Explicit language, and adult situations. Please consider these before reading and I advise to read a different story if any of those aforementioned topics are not your choice for literary indulgence. Comments, Reviews are always welcomed and appreciated! I hope you enjoy Trouble Finds You! *This is taken from a collection of MY stories on a different reading site, Ink itt, - Strangers by OccasionallyMara87

Mara_Heller · Ciudad
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23 Chs

21 Trouble

Ethan had contacted the bank and explained to them on their websites contact page, that the check book was lost, and gave them the date of his heart attack. He also explained that he had been out of state and only just returned to discover this. That any and all transactions with checks needed to be stopped, flagged as fraudulent and to have them contact him as soon as possible. Ethan and I took a shower and tried to get some sleep, taking turns listening until the snores of Nurse Hubet were heard.

I wake up to Ethan tugging my shorts off.

"Ethan?" I groggily start to sit up, but he tugs my legs back towards him, sliding his fingers into me fiercely.

My eyes pop open as he begins to fuck me with his fingers, rough and fast.

"Oh.. fuck..." I moan loving this surprise, wake up sex. He becomes rougher, demanding, silently, that I come on his hand. I let him pull my legs up together, holding them against his chest, as he thrusts his fingers harder into me.

Right when I feel my core tightening up, ready to give in to his demanding hand, he pulls his hand from me. I was expecting to feel him thrust his cock into me, but after a second or two with him not moving, I open my eyes to read his expression.

That's when I hear the sound of Mark's voice shouting, "Ethan get dressed now!" Then the thundering of Mark's footsteps up the stairs has us up and throwing on clothes as quick as possible.

He bangs on the door, and Ethan shouts at him, "Give us a second, or walk away, Sam's not fully dressed yet!"

I'm jumping to pull my pants on as quickly as possible, "I'm good, I'll be down in a second." I urge Ethan to go.

He opens the door and rushes out, pulling it to not expose me putting a bra on.

Mark's voice is urgent and upset, "You need to come hear this."

I hear them rushing down the stairs, so I quickly grab my socks and shoes, and run downstairs as the sound is turned up on the laptop for us all to hear. By the sound of it, Nurse Hubet is on the phone with someone.

"What are you talking about?!"

You can hear him, pacing, trying to keep his voice down, but his temper is rising.

My socks and shoes are just on when he begins talking again.

"They must have put a hold on it because of the amount. Banks do that. His grandson has not got back yet, there's no one that has that authority for his accounts. I'll call the bank when they open here in ten minutes and find out what the problem is. If something seems fishy, the old man here will just have to have another heart attack..."

We all look at each other for a second, before we're running outside to the truck, and climbing in to drive off like a bat out of hell.

"Sam, call the sheriff's office, tell them we have someone who's threatened to kill pa and is in the house, and we are on our way there. Tell them we have his threat recorded. When we get there, I want you to stay in the truck." Ethan instructs me.

"Like hell I will stay in truck. If anything you should stay in the truck." I say calling the sheriff department.

Ethan opens his mouth to retort, but someone answers the phone and I immediately begin to inform them of the situation. They have me hand the phone over to Ethan, talking to him.

We agree to try and get Pa out of the house if we can and out to the barn's roof if things seem off, just as we pull up to the house.

Mark urges me, "Go in first, act like it's a normal day. We are going to want to keep him here until the sheriff shows up."

Ethan is fuming in the back seat, but the sheriff agrees with Mark's words. Ethan puts an earbud in his ear, and pulls his phone out to also listen to the mics.

I hop out as Mark does too, only heading towards the barn. I walk up to the front, and quickly knock and open the door.

"Hello?" I call out, "Jim? Nurse Hubet? It's Samira!" I say happily. Trying to be nonchalant as possible.

Nurse Hubet walks out of the bathroom, smiling, "Oh Samira, lovely to see you..." He stops and looks at me confused, before snickering.

"What?" I ask, honestly confused.

"Did you just wake up or something?" He asks, motioning me to come to the bathroom.

I furrow my brows, and draw out my answer, "uh...yess?" I walk to the bathroom and look in the mirror and see why he's laughing.

My hair is an obvious state of bed head, a mess of odd locks of hair in disarray. I blush and mutter, "That asshole..." and use my hand to try to brush my hair a bit, "brother is a flipping jerk.."

"Thanks for letting me know." I mumble in thanks to him.

"Not a problem. Brothers can be jerks sometimes." He chuckles, watching me with a grin on his face that makes my skin crawl.

I retort, turning the water on in the sink to wet my more stubborn locks, "Tell me about it... Do you have a brother too or something?"

Nurse Hubet chuckles, "Yes, I am one of six brothers. I also have three sisters."

He leans against the door frame, eyeing me up and down when he thinks I am not looking at him by focusing on my hair.

"Wow, that's a big family. I am sure it got a little crazy growing up in a household of that size." I smile at him, knowing I'm distracting him better with my ass moving back and forth as I try to brush out my hair with my hands.

He nodded with a suppressed grin, "That's putting it mildly. It was chaos majority of the time."

I finish and turn around, "I can only imagine. Would you like me to help out with anything? I'd much rather be in here helping you out, than shoveling shit outside." I bite on the corner of my bottom lip, sticking my hands into my back pockets, and shrug my shoulders up, in hopes to keep him distracted.

He sighs, smiling, "Sure, thing. It's time to make some breakfast so I can give him his meds. If you want, you can help me with that. He always complains I burn the toast and that he wants real eggs." He rolls his eyes, annoyed, "He knows he's on a heart healthy diet, egg whites are what he's allowed."

He motions for me to follow him and we enter the kitchen and start making breakfast. He knows how to talk to people, and I can see how he could manipulate someone easily. If I had not heard for myself, his words earlier, I'm not sure that I'd be able to think he was doing anything wrong.

He pulled a small cup out and began opening up pill bottles and putting them into the cup as I plated the food. His phone started ringing and he quickly answered it.

"Hello, no, I'm at work still. I'll call them later, I got a little busy. Just chill, I'll call soon enough. I'll call you when after I find out what the problem is. Bye." He hangs up and catches me staring at him.

I shake my head, "Sorry, am I keeping you from taking care of something?" I do my best to look guilty, looking down at the tray of food.

"Oh, no don't worry about it. I can handle it in a bit. Just waiting on a check to clear with the bank and my son is impatient." He shrugs, waving my concerns off.

"Son? Oh... I thought...." I trail off, looking away, feigning embarrassment.

He quirks an eyebrow up at me as I turn my attention back to him, clearing my throat. "Thought what?"

I try my best to make the blood rush to my face, so I can look convincing, saying timidly, "I didn't know you..... were married."

Nurse Hubet laughs, "I'm not. His mom and me split when he was two, she left us and we never saw her again."

I raise my head and drop my jaw, "Really, she left you both? I'm sorry to hear that. That must have not been easy." I pick up the tray and motion to take it to Jim, "I'll take him his food, if you want to place his pills on it, I'll make sure he takes them."

Nurse Hubet picks up the cup and places it on the tray, "Thank you, if he gives you trouble, come get me, I need to make a phone call. By the way, don't be sorry, my son and I have been better off without her. She was not a good mother or person. I only found out later how bad." He gives me a sad smile and I nod, taking the tray to Jim's room.

Jim was still asleep, so I left it on the table next to his bed and hurried back to the kitchen.

"Nurse Hubet, Jim is still asleep..." I trail off as he's on the phone. "Sorry." I mouth as he looks up at me.

He just hangs up the phone and shakes his head. "It's okay, I can call later, but we need to wake him up, his meds are on a time schedule, that is getting close to the end of it's flexibility. I'll help you wake him up."

He follows me to the room and we rustle Pa awake. At first he seems out of it, wanting to go back to sleep, but when he sees me there, he begins to sit up.

"Good morning, Jim." I smile at him lovingly, grabbing the tray to set in front of him.

"Good morning, my girl. You're here earlier than I expected." Jim says brightly.

"I helped make your breakfast." I say proudly, clasping my hands together behind me and rocking my hips.

"Then I'm sure it will be delicious." He smiles at me, lifting his cup of coffee up to sip.

Nurse Hubet excuses himself and leaves to go make his phone call.

I quickly and softly, open up the bedroom window, whispering to Pa, "If things get hairy, I'll get him away from you. You get out through the window, don't worry about me. Sheriff's are on their way." I sit back down in the chair by the bed and help him get ready to eat his food.

I try and have a conversation with Pa, like how did he sleep last night, and anything else I could think of, while I tried to pay attention to the conversation down the hall.

"WHAT?! WHY?!" Nurse Hubet's raucous voice carries down the hall. My eyes widen and I grab the pills on his table and dump them into my pocket tossing the cup into the trash.

"I'm taking your tray to the kitchen, I want you crawling out that window, NOW." I stress to Pa.

"I don't want to leave you in the house with that maniac.." Pa whispers.

I grip Pa's arm and help him up out of the bed, "This is not the time to argue. Now, get going."

I let him go and grab the tray, trying hard not to shake at the nerves and adrenaline running through me. My heartbeat and blood rushing to my ears makes Nurse Hubet's voice sound muffled. Similar to when you are swimming with your head underwater, you still hear, but not clearly.

As I entered the kitchen, everything came in clearly again. Nurse Hubet is pacing, talking to the bank most likely.

"...a hold?" His head pops up when he sees me and I can tell he's pissed.

I smile apologetically before I set the tray next to the sink quickly, and head to the door. I motion I'm going to go help outside, and he just waves me off. I exit the house, making my way towards the barn and out of sight of the kitchen windows. I hurry to Pa's bedroom window, where I find Mark helping Pa to the Barn.

"I give us a few minutes before he realizes Pa's not in there and realizes somethings up. Where the hell are the sheriff's? They should be here by now?" I inquire, getting on the other side of pa, to practically lift him with Mark to carry him to the barn.

"I don't know, but Ethan is on the barn roof, waiting to get pa up there with him. He's armed if need be." Mark gives me a look, and I nod, understanding.