
Trouble at the Magic School

Markus Is a collage student who is transferred to a completely new world where he then is ended up at an all girl magic school. Follow Markus's adventure throughout this new world. Note: This is set in a anime/manga world. This is my first story so feed back would be appreciated.

That_FantasyReader · Fantasía
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The Trouble Begins

I put my head on my desk. I close my eyes but try not to sleep. I don't even know why I even go to collage if their just gonna teach me stuff I already know. "Pst" Someone to the right of me is awaiting my attention. I left my head up and like to the right of me to see Audry. A girl who I don't know to well. She has always had a determined look in her and it went well with her red hair and red eyes. "Markus the teacher called on you." She said, making a awkward smile. I turn my head straight to meet my teachers eyes. She has her hands on her hips. "245.32" I said bluntly. The whole class almost gasped. I guess they didn't think I'd get it right. "That's...uh correct." Mrs Meranda always didn't like me, I never knew why though. She turns around and continues teaching. I put my head down on my desk once again. I few minutes more and I get to go home. I sang those words in my mind almost humming it. I started to feel a poking in my back. I lift my head up and turned around. I don't even know the name of these to douches. "Do we have a problem?" I ask them. "Shut up loser and turn around." Ouch such an insult oh my God I think I'm gonna cry. Not! these two weirdoes are here just to pick on people, I swear. I grabbed the ruler they were poking me with. I broke it over my knee and put the pieces on one of their desks. That might have been an overreaction but I don't have time for them, it's the last day of school then I get to go on summer vacation. By then everyone was looking at me. I put my head down to try and settle the unwanted attention. I really hate being looked at. Finally the bell rang and I headed out the classroom. My last class was right next to the exit so I would always be the first one out the school. I opened those doors thrilled to finally be free...for the next 3 months. I started walking to the detection of my home. I always never really had friends in school, and collage for that matter. I opened the door to my house. "I'm home!" I yelled. I set down my backpack and laptop on the living room couch. I open the door to my room and to find a massive book on my bed. My room was messy and I always wake up by falling off my bed so my bed was messy too. I sat on my bed and opened book just out of curiosity. The book had such sloppy writing to the point where it was unreadable. I flipped every single page thinking that there had to be something. Then I found some words I could actually read. "Write your name in your blood?" I say out loud. I pulled out my pocket knife and looked at the top of it. This is gonna hurt isint it, I say in my mind. I take my finger and press it against the tip of the blade. I take my finger off as it starts to bleed. I press my bleeding finger against the paper and I start to write my name. M-A-R-K-U-S I say as I write. After I'm don't writing my name I look at it for a bit. So it was just a waste of blood? I close the book and walk to the bathroom. I turn on the water and wash off the blood on my finger. I go back in my room and open my laptop and get started on some homework. My finger was tingling but I was able to get my homework done in under 30 minutes. Pretty pathetic how they give you homework on the last day of school. I noticed the book glowing. It felt like a dream. The light filled the entire room. When the light faded I was some place totally different.