
Trivia Matters

In a world where reality and a mysterious game-like system intertwine, Arlow, an ordinary young man, finds himself thrust into a perilous adventure. After inadvertently witnessing a brutal murder in a dark alleyway, Arlow discovers that the event is connected to an enigmatic game. He narrowly escapes the scene, deeply unsettled by what he has seen and eager to understand the game-like messages that begin to appear before him.

KADDRTheWriter · Ciudad
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10 Chs

Chapter 3: The Venberg Public Library

Dudrag parked the taxi by the curb, his eyes scanning their surroundings warily. "We've arrived," he warned Arlow. "Remember, be cautious. I didn't sign up for death, and we have no idea what we'll find inside. If something dangerous approaches, let me know. I'm ready to ditch everything and run - F.E.A.R: Fuck Everything and Run."

Arlow nodded, preparing himself for whatever lay ahead. They entered the library together, pushing open the heavy wooden doors, which creaked ominously.

Inside, the air was stale and thick with the scent of aging books. Dust particles danced in the weak light filtering through stained-glass windows, creating colorful patterns on the rows of shelves that stretched out before them.

Arlow carefully surveyed their surroundings, searching for any hints that could guide them to their next destination. He noticed the librarian's curious gaze directed at him and his companion. The halfling librarian, with features of both a human and a peacock, remarked on the uncommon partnership between a dragon and a human.

"A dragon and a human together? How intriguing," the librarian commented as she reached for a small book on her desk. "What brings you two to the library at 3 in the morning? Are you high on drugs or something?" She playfully twirled her pen between her fingers. "Just make sure you leave by 4. I need some sleep. And please don't set the library on fire or do anything strange. You guys are a couple, right?"

"We are not!" both of them exclaimed, irritated by her assumptions.

"Hahaha! Relax, boys. I was just teasing. I need my feathers to look good, so be quick."

"Damn peacock!" muttered Dudrag as the librarian walked away.

"I heard that! My name is Patrice!" she called back with a laugh.

*Ding! * The screen showed up, distracting Arlow's attention, while Dudrag noticed Arlow's eyes caught a glittering light that he himself couldn't see.

"You have triggered a quest!" it read.

Quest: Find the Newbie Guide!

Details: Somewhere within the library, there is a Newbie Guide that has been placed for you! Find it before others can!

Reward: 100 Exp and Newbie Guide

Arlow's heart raced as he scanned the message on the screen. The unexpected quest had a sense of urgency, making it clear that they needed to find the "Newbie Guide" before anyone else did. He turned to Dudrag, their eyes meeting. Dudrag gave him a strange look. "We've got something, right?" said Dudrag, trying to read Arlow's intense gaze.

"What? How did you know? I was just about to tell you we got a new quest," said Arlow, breaking Dudrag out of his thoughts.

"Just a lucky guess," Dudrag replied sarcastically.

"It's real? I'm hesitant, but it's real!" Dudrag thought to himself.

Realizing that the library was too vast for them to search together, and needing to find the Newbie Guide quickly before four o'clock, Arlow suggested they split up.

"We should split up," said Arlow cautiously.

They both headed in different directions - Dudrag towards the periodicals and Arlow through the main stacks.

As he searched, memories flooded back of his childhood spent in libraries just like this one. He would get lost in the pages of books, acting out scenes with a wooden sword and adopting different accents and voices to his mother's delight. It was a simple joy that brought them closer together, but those days felt like a distant dream now. The tragedy that befell his family had tainted those happy memories and his love for reading.

But in this moment, with adrenaline coursing through his veins and the quest before him, Arlow couldn't help but feel a glimmer of that childhood joy resurface. As Arlow moved quietly between the towering shelves, his footsteps muffled by the thick carpet underfoot. The library seemed to stretch on endlessly, the rows of books creating a labyrinthine maze that whispered with the weight of centuries-old knowledge. His eyes darted from title to title, searching for any sign of the elusive "Newbie Guide." As he rounded a corner, the screen popped out and surprised him.

"Fuck! This damned screen always pops out of nowhere!" Arlow muttered internally while maintaining a straight face.

"You've found the Newbie Guide!"

"What? I haven't seen anything." Confused, Arlow looked around until he spotted a book shining with the same color as the screen.

"You have completed the quest! You have levelled up! You can allocate your status point in characters tab!" It read

His hand reached out and took the book from its shelf, curious about what information it would reveal.

"Dudrag," said Arlow, holding up the book for Dudrag to see. As Dudrag approached, Arlow noticed a glint of recognition in his eyes before he quickly masked it with a casual expression.

"Wow! You've found it!" Dudrag whispered in excitement. "Let's see what this guide has for us."

Together, they flipped open the book to find pages filled with intricate illustrations and cryptic symbols. Arlow's brow furrowed as he tried to make sense of the information before him, but it seemed to be written in a language he couldn't understand. Before they could ponder further, two mysterious men entered the library.

"From my tracking skill, the newbie is ins-" Their eyes met, and Arlow realized that these two were the "PK" players who had chased him before at his apartment, from which he had narrowly escaped using the Invisible Umbrella and the White Emergency Ball, barging into Dudrag's taxi in the process.

The two mysterious men froze in their tracks as their eyes locked with Arlow's. The tension in the library grew thick, almost suffocating, as if the air itself held its breath. Dudrag noticed the shift in atmosphere and subtly positioned himself closer to Arlow, ready to intervene if things took a turn for the worse.

One of the men, tall and lean with sharp features, stepped forward. "Well, well, well, what do we have here?" he sneered, his voice dripping with malice. "It seems our little runaway has stumbled right into our hands." His dark eyes glinted with a dangerous light as he surveyed Arlow and Dudrag.

Arlow's heart pounded in his chest as he tried to maintain a calm facade. He could feel the weight of Dudrag's presence beside him, a silent reassurance that they were in this together. The other man, shorter but stocky with a scar running across his cheek, cracked his knuckles. Arlow and Dudrag exchanged a tense look, silently agreeing on their next course of action. With a swift nod, they both retreated further into the shadows, using the maze-like shelves to their advantage.

"Run!" Arlow exclaimed.

Dudrag maneuvered through the shelves, leaving Arlow to fend for himself. Feeling abandoned, Arlow hesitated until Dudrag's voice echoed in the library, encouraging him to keep moving.

"Don't just stand there! I'm taking my chances with the taxi. Meet me at the back of the library; there must be an exit."

At the same time, Arlow found himself trapped in a dangerous situation. Two chasers were closing in on him, one from behind and the other from in front. His only thought was "Shit!" as he searched for an escape plan.

"Lol, you fucked up really bad, didn't you?" said Lyan.

"I'm gonna get new gear and exp, haha!" said Dewrk, laughing ferociously.

Arlow attempted to use the ball again but remembered he had already used the White Emergency Exit Ball earlier. Even if he still had it, it would take too long to activate due to the complex puzzles. The two chasers lunged at him, but in a split second, Arlow pulled out his Invisible Umbrella from his inventory and activated it. He disappeared from sight just as the two chasers collided and caused the bookshelves behind them to collapse onto them.

"Use your damn abilities!" Dewrk's voice echoed through the library, urging Lyan with frustration.

"War Cry!" With a primal roar, Lyan unleashed his skill "War Cry," a deafening sound that shook Arlow to his core and made him tremble on his knees.

As Lyan rose to his feet, he effortlessly pushed aside the massive shelves that had fallen on him. His muscles bulged with raw strength, and he radiated an intense aura that left Arlow speechless and in awe. But as panic threatened to consume him, Arlow fought to maintain control of his mind. He frantically searched for an escape route and spotted a ladder leading to the upper floor, where a stunning glass window artwork adorned the wall. It seemed like their only hope for survival, but it also meant facing whatever dangers awaited them above. With his heart racing and adrenaline pumping through his veins, Arlow knew he had no choice but to take the risk and climb up the ladder. As he ascended, each rung creaked under his weight, echoing through the now chaotic library.

He stole a glance at the two chasers behind him but was shocked when Lyan jumped to the upper floor using only his power. When he landed close to Arlow, the upper floor shook, showcasing how powerful Lyan had become with just one skill.

Arlow then glanced at the window in fear, and when his eyes returned to Lyan, he saw Lyan's muscular hands reaching for him, ready to tear him apart. "Fuck it!" With a sense of desperation, Arlow ran towards the window, closing his eyes and accepting his fate.

Dudrag was outside and saw Arlow jumping from the upper floor window. In that intense situation, Dudrag hit the gas and left the driver's seat. With perfect timing, he activated the handbrake and jumped outside to catch Arlow.

Arlow plummeted through the air, the wind rushing past him as he braced himself for impact. His heart pounded in his chest, fear and exhilaration mingling in a tumultuous storm within him. But just as he felt the icy fingers of despair creeping up his spine, a strong pair of arms encircled him, breaking his fall. Arlow's eyes flew open to see Dudrag's determined face looking back at him, a mix of relief and determination in his eyes.

Dudrag's feet skidded against the pavement as he absorbed the impact, gritting his teeth against the strain. With a grunt, he steadied Arlow on his feet, the two of them standing amidst the chaos of the library's escape. Lyan's enraged roar echoed from above as he realized their escape, while Dewrk scrambled to find a way down.

"We need to go," Dudrag said urgently, casting a glance at Arlow. "They won't give up."

"Holy fuck, I made it! I'm alive," said Arlow gratefully. They entered the cab lightning fast, but Lyan was faster. He jumped outside and left a crack where he landed.

Dudrag revved the engine, the tires screeching as they peeled out of the library's parking lot, leaving a cloud of smoke in their wake. Arlow sat in the passenger seat, still reeling from the adrenaline of their escape. The city lights blurred past them in a kaleidoscope of colors, the night alive with possibilities and dangers.

As they drove through the winding streets, Dudrag cast a sideways glance at Arlow. "You alright?" he asked softly, his voice tinged with concern.

Arlow nodded; his hands clenched tightly in his lap. "I... I think so," he whispered, his voice barely above a breath. The events of the night had left him shaken to the core, his mind racing with questions and fears.

Dudrag reached over and placed a reassuring hand on Arlow's shoulder. "We'll figure this out," he said firmly, his gaze fixed on the road ahead. "But right now, we need to focus on staying one step ahead of them. They won't stop until they find us, and we can't let that happen."

As the library emptied out, even the chasers departing for the night, the librarian was left shocked by what had just happened before her. "Those two scoundrels!" she exclaimed, her spa mask forgotten and slipping off her face.