
Chapter 8

Who knows where this road is supposed to lead. We got nothing but time

Meant to be by Bebe Rexha


'Bridge, remember Mrs. Veronica? she just sent me a picture of herself and her husband, they are on a family picnic,

Her husband took her for dinner yesterday, and he has booked tickets for them to travel to Mali for their vacation,

Congrats bro, you did well'. Chan said to Bridge and I could see the happiness on their faces as Chan released the bomb.

They were doing their handshake, when the waitress placed our orders on the table, as she dropped Bridge's own in his front ,

she slipped a piece of paper under his tray, She made sure he saw her as she winked at him, and shoved her ass in his face and mouthed 'call me'

Bridge being a cold blooded Casanova, sent her a seductive glare and wink, he picked up the paper and kissed it.

As she left, he let out a loud groan, ' God, it was an easy-pissy to seduce her' he added.

I could hear our laughter fill the room as we cracked jokes and made funny faces at each other, as we dug into our snacks.

The door of the coffee room opened and Walter walked in with his friends, they had their small towels around their neck,

It's obvious they are just coming from the Gym, few blocks away from here.

Walter scanned the room, looking for a better position to sit, I turned my face so he won't spot me, I can hear my own heartbeat.

I play with the half cup of milk in front of me which I haven't finished, I can feel eyes on me, I slowly lifted up my head, and eyes were on me, the trio' they have their eyes on me, The look they shot in my direction says a lot, I swallowed the whole glass of milk at once.

' Relax, Ira, he's not coming here, just be Yourself' Chan said to me, tapping me at the back.

' Ira?, I have a proposal. Cole started, turning all our attention to his direction.' what is it ' I asked him already being impatient.

' Have you heard of 'The love doctors', they are called ' The trio Love D'.

They are the hot popular guys in this university, Do you have any idea who they are? Cole asked.

' uhmmm, no it's actually my first time hearing this name and obviously I don't have any idea who they are'. I told him honesty.

'Ira, we are the trio.' Cole announced

'We would love to help you Ira, at least with walter, we will help you make him trip for you,

even without you showing any manner of attraction towards him'.

'Now, it's obvious that he knows you like him, because he is not that dumb, but he doesn't want to approach you,

For you to know if he feels the same for you, we want to help you on that Ira.' Cole explained .

' He will be over you in no time, either the hard way or the easy way'.Bridge chirped in.

I opened my mouth but nothing came out, I don't know what to say, I have just been given a blank cheque, should I go for it?,

its true, I want to know if Walter feels the same way I feel for him.

He has been the only guy in my mind, Ever since the day I saw him I tripped and obviously I'm still tripping.

I don't want it to go wrong, I won't be able to hold it in if I find out he doesn't feel the same way I feel towards him.

Many things are going through my mind now.

' well, guys am stunned' I said to them as soon as I found my voice.

'I can't believe I'm hanging out with the most hot popular guys in this university'. I added.

' we are the three, just the three, its not negotiable for now its just us no other person, and of course for you, Walter'.

Bridge said to me with pride. 'So about your proposal, I'll have to think about it, because I don't want any regrets,

for now I'm sorry I am not interested ' I told them, and I could see how confused they look, 

I guess they expected the opposite of my reaction but I'm a joy killer, I have to make them test my bomb too.

' Ira, really , thinking? How long do you plan on doing that, is it when you will be second place, hell, no I can't believe you.

What kind of girl are you anyway?'. Cole asked me really furious.

' I am that kind of girl, who wants to experience love the right way, who can wait forever to be loved by the right person,

being second place doesn't matter but being the last is best'. I told him all in one goal not thinking it over,

If he loves me I want to discover it sincerely, not forcing him. I'll leave first , I told them and stand to my feet so they will know I'm serious.

' Ira, you know we are friends, right?, and we will always be there for each other, Cole stated, stopping me in my track by holding my hand,

A smile made its way to my face and I gently pulled my hand away, and left the coffee room.

I decided to walk to the trio's hide out to get my bike and go home.

I really want to do things the right way , the normal way and achieve all I can ,have a happy ending even before I join Iya.

Thoughts of Iya clouded my head, if Iya happens to be here, I'm sure he will help out in so many ways,

or maybe I should give up on Iya's dream and focus on my own dreams, I said to myself.

No, no , I shouldn't be thinking about all those stuffs now, it's too early to nurture such silly thoughts, I advised myself shaking off the thoughts.

'Hey, Ira' I heard my name and I turned to see Walter coming towards my direction, he waved and increased his pace,

I just stood there still holding my bike's handle, I adjusted my hair as he came closer.

'Ira, hi' he said immediately he got to my side,' hi' I responded.

We stared at each other for a few minute without any of us uttering a word.

'Nice joggers pant' Walter said breaking the silence, he touched the trouser to feel the texture of the material and I shivered from his touch,

pulling back and feeling so embarrassed already.

'Are you okay' he sounded really worried,

I love the way he look now, like i'm in a deep shit and all he wants to do is protect me and care for me.

' I'm fine' I responded in a jiffy shaking off the thoughts from my head.

' Are you going home now?' He asked, I just nod my head and chew my bottom lip.

' you might want me to help you carry that to my car and drop you off' he said pointing at my bike,

' no need for that , I can manage' I told him adjusting my bike.

' If you don't mind at all, we can just go sit in the park and have fun before night falls'. He said shrugging his shoulders as he spoke.

Even though I love the sound of that, I couldn't bring myself to tell him that.

'No Walter, maybe some other time, I need to head home now I've got something to do' I told him and I could see the disappointment in his eyes.

I wore my helmet and got on my bike to show him I'm dead serious.

' Okay Ira, take care of yourself', he told me not arguing.

I just nod my head , Maybe this can be an opportunity for me to find out if he truly has feelings for me, I thought to myself.

I didn't drive a sheet of paper before I turned the bike around and headed towards his direction.

'Walter' I called out , at the first call he turned around, and he shrugged his shoulders, and I wore this 'do I have a choice' expression on,

He smiled at me as he understood that face, immediately he was by my side.