
Trinomial High School (Elemental High School)

A delinquent child - at the age 16 - is gifted the almighty power of Trinomial; the power to control all elements. But he is not the only gifted individual. In Triomental High, students with acceptable talent and skill - which are boundles - are within its bounderies. Through the story, Atsui Tanaki - the protagonist - will meet many ally's and foes, goods and evils. Will Tanaki fall further in to villainy or will the good clash with his heart and turn him pure so he can use the elements for good?

RunningDeliquent · Fantasía
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3 Chs

Elemental High: Character Sheet.

Elemental High: Character Sheet

[Warning: Contains Spoilers.]

1. Triomental High School - (Class 4E.)


Name: Tanaki Atsui.

Age: (Currently) 16.

Gender: Male.

Height: 6'1ft.

Status: (Currently) Alive.


The main male lead of the novel. He thought he was born with the disability to absorb and sense shoku, and there for he couldn't awaken a element. But little did he know he was spawned with the super rare ability to use all elements, and create different versions and entirely different elements.

Since he believed he couldn't awaken a element, and was outcast from the good side of the world to the bad side, he started to build up his strength physically. At the age of 14 he was labeled 'a delinquent who could rule the world.'

Eventually his path to chaos changed when he meant the racist Jeji. He started to attend Triomental High and became a hero among heroes.


Name: Nakeito Akatomi.

Age: (Currently) 23.

Gender: Unisex (He/She has the ability to change his/her appearance as he/she chooses. But he/she mostly takes the appearance of a handsome tall male with changing hair color, make him/her be mostly called masculine pronouns. (Jeji is not sexist though.)

Height: Random.

Status: Immortal.


Jeji is unisex human who mildly racist towards non-elementals. Nakeito has achieved many accomplishments being called 'the greatest human.' Nakeito was born with trinomial, and talent and skills to surpass all of the human race. In all, Jeji is the one of the strongest characters in Trinomial High School (Elemental High School.)