
of those dwelling within

Taking a moment to assimilate everything, he rises when he feel steady enough. Not having any clue how to prod his consciousness, he leaves it for later.

Looking at his left wrist, he could see the charred silver piece of jewellery. From the scream earlier, it wasn't difficult to understand that the original shard in his scar had been stored here, and destroyed by the ritual.

Going for his clothes, he looked around, until discovering a door facing the one he came.

Making his way there, the door open without difficulty. Surprisingly exiting into a brightly lighted corridor with a deep brown flooring. Looking back, the ritual room could still be seen from the ajar door.

Making his way to the floor upstairs through the staircase at the end of the short corridor, the artificial light left the place to a more natural one, once the wall collapse in the ground.

Looking around, and founding himself in a house was the last thing he would have through after going so far underground. Looking at one of the windows bathing the place with light, he needs some second to realise that it was giving a view of the forest above, with a clear sight on the rock formation.

Blinking a few moments at the thought, he shakes his head before looking around. The window was on his right, extending on the entire surface of the wall. On the left was a simple and ancient kitchen, with a small table and four chairs around.

In front of him was a simple wooden door, while he found the staircase he came from along a door on each side when he turns around. On the side of the stairs, on the wall, was a simple lever pulled down.


Curious from the sight, he slowly grips the bar, and when nothing happens, pull it up. The moment he releases the lever, the staircase moved. Every step raises, the further the higher, while the roof above it collapses unto the side, leaving appears a floor above.

Rather than immediately climbing, he takes a look at each door. Choosing the one on the window' side, he opens it, revealing a room the size of his chamber, on the four walls and in the room, shelves. Looking at them, he found different goods stocked there, some meats; vegetables, fruits and even phials of different colours.

It was evident that the place was used as storage, closing the door, and going to the second, he found a private quarter. In were a simple bed, a wardrobe and dresser, while the door led to a bathtub and toilet with a sink on the side.

Returning in the standard room, he climbs the stair, frozen at the sight of the floor above. Rows after rows of shelves full of books. Going as high of approximately four meters.

If he was to compare it to the common public Library of a small town, it wouldn't loose and could even beat some. It was already more extensive than the one in Surrey.

Looking at the disposition, it seems to be arranged into a particular section, each having its shelves.

Leaving the place to explore more thoroughly at a later date, he returned to the floor beneath and exited the small house. Only to stay frozen at sight.


In front of him, an enormous natural cavern lightens by luminescent stones open. If one were to look at the walls carefully, some opening could be seen, only trace betraying the dwelling they hide.

While the sight was something he has never seen before, it was the ground that captivates his attention, or rather what was on it. Mounts of Galleons were spreading as far as he could look. Some of the formed hills were even tens of meters high.

Even if his eyes were seeing it, his mind had difficulty in computing the total value of such riches. Before he could lose his mind in the shining gold, a narrow path could be seen between it, leading from the house to a hidden place.

Following the path, he passes tons of the golden coins before the stack slowly diminish, leaving the place to only tight-high piles.

After crossing a large half of the cavern, he came to a different sight, bones. Complete skeleton stripped of their past possession. From their shapes and the gold, he knows perfectly where he was. The place was a past goblin dwelling. From there position he understands that a conflict had erupted, finishing in the slaughtering of the goblins. From the lack of any other type of bones, he could deduct that they lost not only their place but also their hold on the cavern.

What was bothering him was the aim was unknown to him. It was not gold, as it was still here. Passing the battleground, the floor change abruptly. From its natural form to a smooth one. Looking around, it didn't take long for him to found a belvedere made of marble, with an open roof.

On it stood eight stone sarcophagus. Seven of them, made of obsidian, of goblin dimension, surrounding the last one, made of white stone. This one was particular as it was made of human's size.

On it was a brown, leather-cover small book, the size of a diary. Knowing that it wasn't left there without reason, he takes it, opening it to the last written page.

'March 15, 1625.

I could feel the grip of death approaching, my time at came to its end. My only regret was to be trapped here and leave our once proud Clan fall with me. I have little faith that my children would prevail; the British wizarding community isn't kind to non-magical children born for those blessed with magic.

I take pride in the act of slaughtering the clan of goblins that had betrayed our clan and lead to its extinction. After claiming their dwelling mine, I have passed the last 126 years to pillage it of all its worth. I had successfully crack every one of their vaults, retrieving their hidden gold and lay it bare in front of their corpses.

Their skills of Warding, smithing, runes, potions, craft, and history, all carefully recorded into my library. The compulsion ward should be lifted once you close this book.

To the one reading those lines, beware of the goblins, they can't be trusted with any of your wealth. I will gift this dwelling to you, should you possess any goods of values, they will be safe in those walls.

As conquered territory underground, the rule of the British Ministry, if still standing, can't reach there, like the rest of the goblins clans. If Gringotts is still standing, this place will stand as a safe-haven. Why? Simple, as the leading clan of Britain, they are oath and honour-bond to stay away of any wizard dwelling from the treaties.

My last wish would for you to bring my corpse back to the land of our ancestors; the key will get you there. You have proved worthy with passing the ritual chamber. Stay safe and know you have my blessing, raise our fallen Clan to new highs, do the Evans clan proud child!

Sigurd Evans, last clan Head of Clan Evans.'


Closing the book unconsciously, an emerald light surround him.

{[Objective: side. "Acknowledgement of the forefather."]

The Clan Evans is far more ancient than either your mother or you would have thought, by winning the acknowledgement of your last Head of Clan, you have been welcomed back into the clan.

Condition: Return to the clan.

Reward: 'Pocket space' Skill.}

{[Objective: main. "Honor your forefather."]

Honour the last wish of your ancestor.

Condition: rejoint Sigurd corpse within the clan.

Reward: ???}



[Name: Alexander Evans]

[Age: 6]

[Race: Evans]


[Pocket space:Lv1 00.00%]


[craft magic]; [Evans form]

Looking at the light amount of information, he was somewhat disappointed, until he hears a voice in his head.

'Don't expect too much, for now; this world doesn't support active system.'

Hearing the childish voice in his head, he immediately thinks of the previous objective reward.

'You're awake?'

'Hmm, just need some time to adjust, I have passed near seven-year blocked, being able to house two soul inside the same body require some calibration.'

'I could imagine, do you know anything about the system?' Asked Alex to his new room-mate. While more than one would have freaked to have a second soul alongside them, he knows its origin and knows they are linked, the fact that it didn't appear hostile also help.

'Mnn, I fused with the remnant of the system and your memories, you could see me as a sort of AI, I guess? Either way, as you know, some words had clear power system, the HP doesn't, so no numerical value. They wouldn't be of great use anyway, any decent wizards and witches had some sensor ability past a certain point.

Since this world had only very few above the average powerful expert, they are no need of power ranking. As for your skill, there should be some general info for them, just need to select the skill.

Ability on the other hand are inate, you just need to exercise to understand their powers.'

Following its advice, he focuses on his first one.

{[Pocket space: A separate space accessible to you uniquely. At it weakest form the dimension side is measured in meters.

Lv1: 2*2*2 space available for storage.

Restriction: time, living being]}

'Well, it could have been worst, but I will need to work my butt off to turn it into a useful skill. Inconvenient, but logic. The presence of restriction should mean that at a higher level, it's could be cancelled?'

'Yep, time at Lv4 and living being at Lv8, complete mastery at Lv10.'

'Good enough, for now, a private pocket space his the safest place to leave important items.'


After the short introduction of the system and his new room-mate, Alex looked at the journal still in his hand. Willing it into his space, the book vanishes, and something new seems to appears in his consciousness.

With a few tries, he was able to locate the origin of the foreign sensation, before being able to 'see' his pocket space. While more like visualisation, he was able to make the near inexistent boundaries of the room, appearing like a cube.

Before returning to the present situation, he could detect another thing.

'Is that..?'

'The wards of the dwelling, yes, once you can apparate, you would be able to come here freely, before that, I'm not sure, useless you learn portkey creation, that it.'

'Good to know, by the way, how can I address to you? You're a sentient conscience; it would be rude to say 'hey', or something like that.'

'Hmm, CS is fine, I think, I was crafted by the system somehow, so CS is good for me.'

'Then, I count on you for no own, CS.'

'Ow! count on it, buddy!'


Hearing it, he could easily make a chibi snow panther giving him a thumb up, making him chuckle. At least his room-mate seems the cheerful type; he could use a friend like that.

Focusing back to the tomb of his ancestor, Alex delicately retrieves the key laying on it. From it looks, it was quite similar than the Gringotts one.

Successfully storing the stone monolith, he asks.

'CS, any idea how to activate ...'

At his command, he could feel the described sensation of the portkey acting. Surprised at first, he keeps a tight hold on the key, knowing that if he let go, he could found himself throw who knows where, and not necessarily in a single piece.

Passing through a kaleidoscope of colour, he hears CS.


Trusting the panther soul, he tries to straighten himself as he could and simulate stepping motion. Needlessly to say, his first Portkey travel was a complete failure, as he found himself sprawled on the ground, a tuff of grass in his mouth.

'Could have been worst.' Thought him, while hearing CS laughing in the background.

Shaking his head, he stands up, spitting the grass, while looking around.


The surrounding was utterly silent, other than the natural sound. A large expanse of grass with small valley and hills were on the right, before leaving places to mountains, while wood was spamming on the three-four of the rest of the land.

Inside says wood; a covered dirt road could be barely seen between the thick logs. Making his way, he didn't have far to walk to discover a partially destructed, ancient stone wall covered with vines. Looking above and around, he couldn't make any space, as if it was only a portion of the still-standing wall in the wood.

Looking at the portion of the wall facing the dirt road, he could make a crack in the stone, roughly in the shape of a keyhole. Had he not be searching for it, he wouldn't have found it as any more particular than the rest of them through the wall.

Trusting his instinct and knowing that some ward could correctly act as cover, he inserts the key, before twisting it on the left.

A series of working gears could be heard, before a piece of wall in front of him separate, as if a crack, running between the stones was opening. The hole, barely wider than a door leaves place to a completely different place.