
One more job to do

[Nea Alba. Noon.

Rizzuya. Elisbonear.]

Screams and shouts rang up from all around. I blindly continued running ahead until I reached my goal! I lept over broken parts of the palace walls and crossed to the other side!

"Yoshitsune! Do it!!" I screamed and made one final sprint towards the yacht. My sight was hazy and my head was spinning. I had used up everything I had. My muscles loosened up. A broom appeared from thin air and swept me up from my feet. Before I could realize what was happening, the broom darted through the air and carried me towards the yacht.

The broom rammed into the yacht and dropped me on the deck.

"Go!" someone shouted, and the yacht set off! A blare sounded from the yacht as it traversed through the lake.

The air shook.

The island inside an island, Rizzuya trembled and quaked. From its every corner, a blue and white film pierced up. A magical barrier formed around Rizzuya, separating it from the rest of the world.