
Triad Wars: Reboot

Wei shen, MC of an underrated game 'Sleeping Dogs' gets his life changed with the help of an unknown app on his phone. I don't own any of the games or characters that are written here. The cover picture is not made by me, if you are the creator of it, please contact me.

KAIZEN · Derivados de juegos
Sin suficientes valoraciones
13 Chs

Chapter – 12 ‘Hopeless’

A/N – Adding thoughts of Wei into the story, to make it look more real.

'Hello' – This is Wei's thoughts.

"Hello" – I shouldn't explain what this is right?

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I stumbled up the stairs to my apartment, my body wracked with pain. Blood dripped from my nose and mouth, and my ribs throbbed with every step.

'Argg, that hurts.' Laughing, I fumbled with my keys, my hand shaking from the adrenaline pumping through my veins.

Finally, the door creaked open and I stumbled inside, collapsing on the floor. 'It hurts like a bitch.'

I took deep breaths, trying to calm myself down and assess the damage. I gingerly touched my nose, wincing as I felt the tenderness.

'Haha… it's broken, damn you piece of shit. Not even letting my face escape.' I knew it was broken, but what can I do than laugh it out and heal up.

My ribs also felt like they were on fire, and I suspected they were cracked or broken as well.

As I moved to the couch, I let out a deep sigh. 'Nothing ever goes the way that you wanted.' I tried to steady my breathing and my nerves, all I could do was rest and heal.

I closed my eyes and hoped that tomorrow would be a better day.


As I drifted into sleep, the darkness engulfed me, and I felt myself sinking into a deep, dreamless slumber.

But just as I was about to fully succumb to the darkness, a voice spoke out, cutting through the silence.

"Poor child, even when you have the power to become great. You didn't use it." The voice said, low and gravely. "Wake up from your stupidity, and use it."

My eyes snapped open, and I looked around the room, trying to pinpoint the source of the voice.

But all I could see was darkness, an impenetrable void that seemed to stretch on forever.

"Who's there?" I asked, my voice hoarse and shaky.

"It doesn't matter who I am," the voice replied. "What matters is that you listen to me. The path you are walking on is only filled with misery and death."

My heart began to race, and I felt a cold sweat break out on my forehead. I had no idea what was going on, but the voice sounded serious, and I knew that I needed to take it seriously.

"What kind of misery?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.

"The kind where everyone you love and care for dies," the voice said. "You need to watch your back, child. Use the power given to you, and fight back."

I felt a shiver run down my spine, and I knew that needed to heed the voice's warning. I couldn't let my guard down, not for a moment.

I had to be vigilant, and always on the lookout for danger.

"Thank you," I said, my voice trembling slightly.

The darkness remained, and the voice was silent. But I knew that it was still there, watching over me. And with that knowledge, I closed my eyes and drifted back into sleep, feeling safer and more secure than I had before.


The next morning, I woke up feeling surprisingly refreshed. Despite the beating I had taken down the night before, my body felt like it was in peak condition.

My ribs no longer hurt, my nose and mouth were no longer bleeding, and I felt stronger than I had in a long time.

'So, it was not a dream, and everything said to me was real.' As I got up and stretched, I noticed a small object on the table beside my bed. It was a small pendant, pulsing with otherworldly energy.

'And what do we have here? A pendant…?'

I picked up the pendant, feeling its cold and metallic touch in my hand. It was then that I heard the voice again, speaking to me from somewhere deep within my mind.

"This is my gift to you, child." The voice said. "Use the power that I and the other one have given to you."

I knew then that the pendant was a gift from the mysterious voice, a source of power and protection that I could call upon at death's door.

But with that power came a stern warning, a reminder that I needed to be careful and use it wisely. I couldn't let the power go to my head, or become reckless with it.

'Don't let it get over your head. Got it.' I said to myself and reached over to grab my phone from the nightstand as well.

I scroll through my notifications, and then I remember something important. The voice told me that someone else is also helping me.

It must be the one who gave me the [Rebirth] app. I have not used its functions for a while and don't know what it has stored for me.

'This is new. Did the mysterious voice change this as well?'

I noticed that something was different. The app icon had changed, and I see a message pop up on the screen that catches me off guard.

"Due to someone's disappointment, the app is being replaced with a more streamlined quest-like app."

My heart sinks as I read the message. What does this mean? Who could be disappointed in the app or is it me? And why is it being replaced? These are the questions racing through my mind as I try to make sense of what's happening.

The voice in my head had warned me that I needed to start using my powers, so this must be it.

I took a deep breath and opened the new app, hoping to find some answers.


I stare at the screen in shock as a new message pops up on the app. [Welcome, User ID#01 or Wei Shen. Which do you prefer?]

I quickly tap on [Wei Shen] and wait for the next message to appear. But as the words appear on the screen, my heart sinks once again.

[You foolish mortal!] The message reads, [For not utilizing the power and relying solely on your strength]

The anger in the message is palpable, and I can feel a knot forming in my stomach. 'Had I really been that foolish? Had I been ignoring the powers that had been given to me all this time?'

I tried to come up with an excuse, but there is none. The voice had warned me, and the app had given me the tools I needed to embrace my power. But I had ignored both, thinking that my strength was enough to get me through.

Now, I realize how wrong I was. But instead of feeling defeated, I feel a new sense of determination.

"I am sorry," I typed into the app, hoping that the message will be received. "I was foolish."

The response is immediate. [Very well] The message reads. [You have much to learn, but I will guide you. Are you ready to begin?]

I take a deep breath and hit, [Yes] As I feel a surge of energy course through me, I know that this is the beginning of a new journey – one that will be challenging but also filled with great rewards.

A new screen appears on the app. It's filled with criteria for earning points, and it's clear that there is a lot of work to be done if I want to fully embrace my power.

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[Per Act Points or AP]

+10 – Knocking out a thug or criminal.

+15 – Killing a thug or criminal.

+25 – Apprehending a thug or criminal.

+35 – Killing a Low-Enforcer of a gang.

+50 – Apprehending a Low-Enforcer of a gang.

+100 – Killing a Mid-Enforcer of a gang.

+200 – Apprehending a Mid-Enforcer of a gang.

+500 – Killing or Apprehending a Head-Enforcer of a gang.

+1000 – Killing or Apprehending a Leader of a gang.

+2000 – Killing or Apprehending a Head of a triad clan.

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After I finished going over the list, I noticed that I had earned some points. I wanted to ask how much I have, but I didn't know how to.

"Do you have a name, Sir or Ma'am?" I typed.

For a moment, there is no response, and I worry that I may have offended the app in some way. But then, a new message appears on the screen.

[I do not have a name] The message reads, [But you may refer to me as ROB. And as for your points, you have earned a total of 240 points and +35 points for killing a Low-Enforcer earlier today]

I let out a sigh, 'Is that enough points to purchase something?'

[It should be, check in with the store to see what you can purchase.] the app responds to the answer in my mind.

'Alright?... A mind-reading app. Good to know.'

I turned my attention to the store panel that appear in front of me.

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Determined to get a better idea of what it will take to earn enough points to purchase the various items in the store, I began to view each category one by one.

I started with the Weapons, scrolling through the different options and taking note of their prices. It quickly becomes apparent that the more powerful and exotic the weapon, the more points it will cost me. Some of the most expensive items on the list seem almost out of reach, requiring years of dedicated work to earn enough points to afford them.

Next, I move on to the Armor and Clothes. I'm pleased to see that some of the more basic options are relatively affordable, but the more advanced and specialized items will require a significant investment of time and effort.

The Profession category is particularly intriguing to me. Each profession promises its own unique abilities and benefits, from increased stealth and combat prowess to improved crafting and resource gathering. But again, the more powerful and desirable professions are also the most expensive.

Finally, I turn my attention to the vehicles category, my heart racing with excitement as I browse through the different options. Some of the cars and motorcycles seem within reach, but the most expensive and impressive models are priced so high that they seem almost unattainable.

As I finish scrolling through the store panel, I can't help but feel a mix of excitement and frustration. There are so many amazing items that I would love to own, but it will take a great deal of hard work and dedication to earn enough points to afford them.

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[Quest: Apprehend Popstar.]

[Description: Popstar is the main drug supplier for the Sun On Yee triad. Capture and arrest Popstar before he defects the Sun On Yee and turns to 18K.]

[Failure: Death of Jackie and Inspector Teng.]

[Reward: A vehicle.]

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'Wh-What?' I stared at my phone in disbelief as the quest message pops up on the screen. Apprehend Popstar? The main drug supplier for the Sun On Yee triad? The stakes are high, and failure is not an option.

The fact that the lives of my friend Jackie and Inspector Teng are on the line only adds to the pressure.

For a moment, I hesitate, wondering if I'm ready for this. But then I remember the voice in my dreams, urging me to embrace my power and make use of the abilities that have been given to me. This is the perfect opportunity to do just that.

Without another thought, I hit the [Accept] button. The quest message disappears, and a new set of instructions appears on the screen, along with a map displaying Popstar's current location.

'Well… No time to waste now.' I take a deep breath and prepare myself for what lies ahead.

Wanted to make the app simple and easy to understand. No complex skills or abilities, just purchase and apply one.

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