
Am not Addison

Anna is on the phone with Alex.

ALEX: bae I really miss you.

ANNA: I miss your mom so much.

ALEX :uhn you should continue missing, she will get married to you.

ANNA: ( smile ) your dad will kill me .

ALEX: ( laugh) How is Suzan?

ANNA: she is fine.

ALEX: I was thinking if coming to Crystal but I am really busy with work.

ANNA: I get it. what are your plans for up coming birthday .

ALEX :nothing much just want to spend time with you.

ANNA :( blushed) that will be great ( excited ).

ALEX: y ( a voice called out to him).

VOICE: Alex!

( Alex turned to see his father Mr Tristan)

ALEX : I will speak to you later.

ANNA: Tell your dad, I said hi.

ALEX: how did you know it was him.

ANNa: I know is voice ( she cut the call ).

Mr TRISTAN :who were you talking to on the phone.

ALEX :Anna.

Mr TRISTAN : what about Mirabella.

ALEX :( angry tone) you should know am not Addison ( Mr Tristan frown) I should be the one frowning, not you .

MR TRISTAN :so foolish ( Mr Tristan walked up stairs to his room. Mrs Tristan is in front of the mirror applying makeup on her face, when Mr Tristan walked in) " why didn't you ask the maid to do that for you.

MRS TRISTAN :the lord blessed me with two beautiful hands, I shouldn't be ungrateful ( she looked at his face from the mirror) " looking at your face expression one of our son most have said something to you.

MR TRISTAN :you know your son.

MRS TRISTAN: indeed I know my son's!

MR TRISTAN :( frown ) son's. Alex continue to refuse Mirabella for that Cristal girl.


MR TRISTAN :you don't have to say her name ( Mrs Tristan smile). How is it possible that you are okay with the way our son's life's are.

MRS TRISTAN: My first son is dancing to your tone and the other don't want to listen to your tone, that's life.

MR TRISTAN: I have to call Mr Durelo to give him the sad news