
Trazyn Knock-Off

I never thought that my second chance in life would be in a place where depression is like sand on the beach. The earth is dying, and a corporation runs the country. Lucky for me, I was born into a family that owns one of the biggest corporations in the entire country. If only the world were not as fucked as this one. Lucky for me, I get a third chance. =||= I don't know how to synopsis, help. Also, this is the Overlord x Multiverse story. By that alone, you should know that this is a self-indulgent story. You have been warned.

Fangrove · Cómic
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28 Chs

Chapter 12

|Valena Brunhilde - Right-hand woman of the Supreme Being|

I was the first to be created by the hand of our lord and the first one who accompanied him on his journey around the world. The day I was born, I knew the reason why I was created. He created me out of loneliness.

He who has infinite power descends from heaven to experience mortal life. His only goal is to experience mortal life as a human and enjoy his short life before passing away in peace.

However, humans are greedy creatures. When they know about Lord Sullivan's power and wealth, they keep attacking his home and destroying his peace.

Even when he is the one helping them when a disaster strikes and when humanity is on the brink of extinction, he comes to help them, but it is still not enough for them. They want to control him, they want him to be gone, or they want him to be caged and under their control.

Even the so-called gods of the Nine Worlds have the same thinking. They want him under control and keep sending him on a dangerous mission that can get him killed. From each mission, Lord Sullivan takes a little bit of his power to complete his mission.

At first, I didn't know why he kept accepting all those requests and missions given to him, but I now know why. He is duty-bound. He honors his duties and will always complete them, even if he is human.

He is the Supreme Being who cares for his creation and is willing to help them. It was his nature to care and take care of them.

Even when Lord Sullivan is a master of Life and Death, the Lord of Time and Lord of Magic itself, he will always keep his word.

I thought that finally Lord Sullivan could finally rest and have a peaceful life, but it changed when that thing appeared in this world.

Trihexa, the Beast of Apocalypse.

That beast should be the responsibility of the Nine Lords of the Nine Worlds. But instead, the Nine Lords have abandoned their duty to ensure the seal that keeps the Beast is still working.

I still remember the memory (Dev's written lore) of how the Nine Lords dared to come to our home, begging my beloved lord to deal with their problem.

The ever-kind lord agrees to their request and takes back his throne as the almighty supreme being. The power excited me and made me wet, but I will not admit it out loud. I'm not Hina, who has an innocent face and expression but is a pervert to the bone.

It was then he asked us if we wanted to let him take care of the problem alone and get back to our home, but we stood our ground and did not move an inch. We are his creation, we will follow him to the end of the universe, and we will always stand by him even when facing a powerful being.

That was the day when we faced the beast. A massive dragon that releases a terrifying aura that makes others shiver and faint. If not for Lord Sullivan's aura, we would have fainted.

We fight for days and nights, but we cannot beat the beast in the end.

The last thing I remember is seeing Lord Sullivan's face crying at seeing our body lying dead on the ground. The next thing I knew, a bright light engulfed our bodies. Then when I open my eyes, we are inside the throne room.

When I looked up, I could see Lord Sullivan on the throne, looking sad, and I could hear him muttering something.

"It was over, huh?"

The world has come to an end. I learned that day that the Trihexa killed all the Nine Lords and was already at the core of the Yggdrasil tree, eating it from the inside. So it was only a matter of time before the world ceased to exist.

I look at Lord Sullivan sitting on the throne and look at us with sadness on his face. Please, my lord, don't look at us with that expression. It hurt our hearts for you to have that expression.

"The last minute, huh?"

I widen my eyes when I hear that word. No. My lord! Please! I know you can get out of this place. I know you can go to the other place. Please, my lord. Please live.

"Thirty seconds."

No. I try my hardest to move my body, but my body won't move under the presence of the supreme being. Come on! Move! Move! I don't want him to die with us! We are only a lowly creation of him! He can create more! He did not deserve to die!

Lord Sullivan! Please! I beg you!


No! Move dammit! Move! Move! Come on, body! Come on!


My lord! Please!


I grit my teeth and keep trying as second after second disappear.


Please, my lord.

"Six. Five"

I tried and tried, but it was not working.

"Four. Three"

No… No… Please…


I can feel a feeling of anguish wash over me as the last couple of seconds are left before the world is gone.


I grit my teeth and open my mouth.


"Please! Please my Lord, please live on!"

All of the guardians shout at once, and a shocked expression of our lord greets us.

If you want to support me and see more chapters than the one already published, you can go to:


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