
Traversing through time to find you

This is officially R-18 starting chapter 75. You have been warned. —- Michelle Lui, a married woman in her 30s, woke up in her old bedroom only to find out that she was back to June 2006. Her first day in college. First thing she thought of doing? Well, not exactly the first but amongst other things. Anyway, back in her 18 year old body, she decided to go find her future husband and get him to become her campus boyfriend. Only to discover that her future husband was not who she thought he was. Now add to the mix, the nation’s husband, and her ‘the one who got away’. — With the butterfly effect, will the future Michelle originally had still be the same? Will she still marry the same man? Will her family still suffer the same fate? Only one way to find out! Hop in and join Michelle as she traverse through time! ~~~And yes, this means time for some toki doki romance! ~~~ Get ready for a trip down to memory lane. College life at its finest! The start focus mostly on Michelle’s thoughts but later starting the party things get awesome. We’ll get lots of fun. Imagine college party, friendship, outings, and so much more! — This novel POV shifts between first and 3rd. — old Cover photo: Made by Stephanie Santos Thank you so much for this!!!

champilyn · Ciudad
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128 Chs

Chapter 26: The call

(Michelle POV)

After 5 minutes my phone started vibrating and I felt my heart thunder in my chest. This is it. I cleared my throat one more time then pressed the answer button and placed the phone on my ear.

"Hello?" was my voice shaking? I don't know. I hope it didn't.

After a few seconds, I recognized his voice asking hesitantly, "Mich? Is that you?"

Uh, did my voice sound strange? "Yes, it's me. Why?"

Andy chuckled, and I can sense that he's also nervous based on his tone. "Just checking, when I received your text, I thought I was being pranked."

I smiled. "Why would anyone do that?"

"Well, no one really, but it just felt too good to be true, so I called to check."

Ok, so maybe his flirting skill was just godly level. "I see… so…" Now what do I say next? I don't know!!! I mean, this is the first time something like this happened to me. With Steve, it's different as we started by being colleagues.

Thankfully, he knew how to keep the conversation going. "So… what do you think of our university so far?"

"I think it's very different from high school, but in a good way. How about you?" ugh… Michelle, you're so lame.

"Same. Are you friendly with your blockmates? I have seen you with them just once in the canteen."

"We get along well. But I guess the difference in our schedule don't let us spend much time together. How about you? In class, I see that it's always just you, Lara, and Steven sticking together."

"My blockmates are also okay, but just that I've been close with Lara and Steven since we're children so maybe that's why. Since your schedule seems to match with ours, maybe you can hang out with us more. I mean, if you want to."

Oh my, that's so sweet of you to offer, but not so sure if I'm welcomed. "I don't want to intrude…"

"No, not at all. I mean, Lara would really like that. She has been talking about you wanting to be friends. Maybe because she's sometimes lonely just being with us boys. Then Steven although acts like some stone face dude, he's an okay fellow. I mean, even Anthony thinks you're nice." He said quickly.

I giggled. What else can I say to that? "Okay, I would like that." Though I'm not sure if he's being truthful or just making it up as I don't think his friends, especially Lara, really think that way.

"Great! So, how has your weekend been so far?"

I looked around the four corners of my room. "It's okay. Nothing exciting. How about you?"

"Oh, I'm…"

At the background, I heard someone calling him and telling him something, but I couldn't hear it properly. Then, he started talking again.

"Sorry, I'm in Sonor mall with my friends and our moms. They just called me coz apparently, they're done with shopping, and we're leaving. It was nice talking to you today. I'll see you tomorrow, okay?"

"Alright. It's nice talking to you too. See you tomorrow, and goodbye." I replied.

"Goodbye." He said once more.

I looked at my phone and smiled. Then I giggled. I shook my head, ok Michelle, stop assuming too much. As long as he doesn't say the words himself, for all you know maybe he's just like this with other girls too.

Still, I couldn't help my girly heart from squealing. ANDY PENG. Andy Peng invited me to hang out with him and his friends, he's wanting me to join their exclusive group. Like ok, maybe he said it's Lara wanting a friend that is a girl, but I totally don't buy it. Was he really into me?

Okay, hold your horses. There you go again with your assumptions and then getting dismayed over nothing. Either way, it's a great thing.

I will get to know Steve and be part of his life during this time, I will get to know Andy, I will get to know Anthony, okay, maybe even Lara. And that by itself is already amazing! It's like the bulk of my college life mission!

In the end, I spent the rest of the day all smiles.

I can't wait for tomorrow to arrive.


(Third POV)

"So how was your talk?" Lara asked. They were all walking to the mall's entrance towards their respective cars.

Andy was all smiles, in a great mood. "Went really well. Tomorrow, you better act more friendly towards her, okay? I told her that you keep on wanting to be friends with her because you want a friend that is a girl in our group."

"Eh? When did I ever say that? And did I just become your alibi? You could have just been honest and said you like her." Lara complained.

"Just as you said, some people actually try to get to know a person before they start liking them. I don't want to get rejected immediately because I tried to rush things. Michelle might be friendly, but that doesn't mean she likes me back that way right now. If she does, then I would say that that's only because I'm THE Andy Peng, not me, as me. I've been in enough relationship with shallow girls to know that at least." Andy explained.

"Wow, that's deep. Didn't know you had it in you." Lara teased. But inside, she knew he was talking based on experience. She can still recall how disappointed he was after Veronica, his first girlfriend.

Andy chuckled. "Well, I don't want to destroy a potentially good relationship because I've been rushing things. Besides, I also want to get to know her better first."
