
Spending time in the Dungeon.

After a long travel both I and Blair arrive in front of the largest pumpkin I ever did see and another with a carved face right onto of it, so it's a two story building. In the surroundings sat plenty of trees, these trees seemed dead yet they were filled with magic energy and had glowing orbs that lit the surroundings up 'very inconspicuous' I thought as my eyes rolled.

We walked through the over arching like area where I will later install a gate.

"Welcome nyaa~ this is my Giant Pumpkin Pumpkin Home! I hope you enjoy your stay~." Blair gives me the average tour that I should have expected. She had a guest room for me to stay in and I was to share the bathroom with her, a single kitchen with a fridge full of an array of fish and actual running water.

Blair goes and give me a run down of the rules and also specifically adds that if I wanted I can join her in the bath if I wanted, to which I said I will think of it and to that she almost lunges at me but before she could I placed my hand on her forehead and stopped her. I then tried out Soru to quickly escape.

Things didn't go all that well.

As I tried to get away from the crazed cat as I really don't want anything to happen before I let out all what was building inside of me… And no it is not that.

It was bloodlust and rage. I also felt somberness in my mood.

Anyway as I was escaping I… Crashed through the second floor window. As I made my way down I thought to myself it would be best to use each skill at least once before I practice, right?

Anyway I use Geppo and launch myself off the air, I ended up flying 30m into the air. I looked down and almost screamed like a little girl at the sudden increase of extreme height. But only sucked in more air than my lungs could handle and almost caused them to pop.

Fast forward a small screaming session and a lengthy fall to the earth I crashed landed and had my legs sticking out comically as they kept twitching to show I was still alive.

I pulled myself from the ground, go inside, get undressed and take a bath.

Almost 5 minutes later I had a beautiful lady jump inside the bath tub… it was obviously Blair the cat. She lacked all clothing and this included her hat but not her collar for some reason. She had cute cat ears that were lowered and going to the sides rather than standing up as she sat down in my lap.

Her sudden entrance and my lack of vigilance allowed for her an easy way to bypass the door and into the tub where I was.

She also took out her favorite bubble bath formula and added it to the bath making bubbles form at an insane rate. I was completely covered in them by the time my brain caught up with the situation.

"And what the hell do you think you are doing?" I ask in a well mannered but very deep voice that caused a twitch to run up Blair's spine matching that of the twitching of the edge of my mouth.

She gave a reason that I almost couldn't refute, she owned the bath so I was under her rules. And to this I could only face palm.

I decided to allow her to do as she likes and we stayed in the bath for a while and let me tell you this now just so you will shut up. Her breast did indeed float and they were pretty big, just right for a man like myself to enjoy a lifetime of fun with. Hehehe… Ahem…

While in the bath we chatted quite a bit and enjoyed our skinship. We easily got close. We talked about ourselves a whole lot and I even told her that I was a teacher for the famed Death Academy to which she looked a little surprised and scared.

I put on a gentle smile at her reaction and pulled her in from behind, and told her I wouldn't harm a hair on her body. She was caught off guard and blushed furiously at what I said. And for the first time ever she jumped from the bath and exited with a face full of bashfulness.

I take my time to enjoy the bath a bit more while I could. And as I was doing that I look down and wonder to myself 'How the absolute fucking shit did I manage to control myself?' Yep, my Animalistic Instincts kicked in and I almost pushed down Blair to make her my woman. Good thing I didn't as I have no idea what she would do if I did. At the least if she were angry she would kick me from her house and most try to kill me. If she were happy she could probably become a part of my harem… Hehehe… Ahem… Gotta stop that.

After spending time there I left the bath and head for the kitchen, in there I find some paper and a pen. I write a not to Blair stating…

"Blair, I'm going out to hunt. I will not be back until morning and before I go I will set out a dinner I quickly made for you.

I just hope it fits your pallet and I have tasted your cooking just yet. I will also think of ways for me to spend my time here as I wait for my students to come and pick me up as ordered by the Principal 'Lord Death'.

See you in a bit.

Love: Daban Paradox"

I then make her a nice fish dish. It was just a simple Glazed Salmon dish I discovered on the net a while back. I was sure she would love to taste it though, I even set out an ordinary fried fish as well if she didn't like it.

After the preparation I moved to my room and lock the door as I prep my gear for battle and war. I wanted to see just how insane the difficulty of the Dungeons were after my first kills.

But before that I sit down and stare at my hands as I think of what had occurred… I killed not only a foul demonic like creature but also, a human.

I only slightly grimace at the thought but nothing more… I couldn't feel the anguish most would kill after the first time they take a life. I felt as if taking her life was the most natural thing for me and that it was what was to happen from the beginning no matter what as if it were her fate to die at my hands and I couldn't escape that thought and grew slightly discomforted.

I released the tension that built in my hands as I saw them bleed from my nails digging into them. I wasn't upset at the fact that I killed but rather that I felt nothing from killing a random human being for no reason.

I prep my gear once again to make sure I don't miss anything.

I prepare plenty of supplies.

I prepare Sandai by giving it a good cleaning and quick testing as I wanted to see if its blade dulled. I also prep my clothes and make sure they are in top condition.

I prepared plenty of bullets for the .45 Auto I always keep hidden on me, i also prep the other hidden weapons I hide on my body such as a combat knife and a hand grenade.

I even prep a specialty item I got my hands on, it was a time bomb and I placed it inside a present box with a quick note. I placed it into my space ring so the time doesn't tick down.

After the lengthy preparation I stand and say out "System, open the dungeons menu." and so it did but when I looked at the list I was shocked but the shock transformed into a bit of resolve as I gazed upon it.

[Current Dunegons: <Mireille Bouque(Soul Eater)>, <Jack the Ripper(Soul Eater)>]

I'am so gonna hate myself for this but fuck it… I gotta get used to taking life.

And so I choose to enter the <Mireille Bouque> Dungeon.

I merely blink my eyes and before me was a modern city but the roads were empty and the air was filled with a greenish tint almost like Fallout 3. But as I look up I see it once more… It was the Moon from Soul Eater and It just kept staring at the Earth with a blood leaking grin and sunken eyes.

'chick, chick, chick…'

And as I looked at the Moon I heard the found several meters from me being disturbed as someone or something walks over it.

And as it rounded the corner I saw Mirellie the village girl I killed. She wore the same outfit and the same innocent look on her face except I can actually feel a sense of bloodlust leak from her. Such a pitiful amount yet it didn't go unnoticed by me, and I steeled my will and resolve to complete the Dungeon.

"Mister! Mister-r-r, Please help me! Please!" She was crying up a storm as she ran up to and cried as she stuttered by calling out to me.

But unlike before when she neared me she actually leaped toward me. As I was caught a bit off guard to her sudden action I step and almost tripped, but this was what she wanted…

As she launched herself and I couldn't dodge due to the sudden movement and my lack of training in my new techniques, she managed to land on me and I went crashing to the floor. So one might think she was jumping into the arms of a long lost lover but her next action would easily disprove it… She attempted to sink her teeth into my shoulder they seemed they had somehow sharpened themselves in the time she entered the Dungeon System, but it was useless due to my high Endurance stat that helps not only give me a higher health bar but greater defense. So any attack that is made by anyone of an average or slightly higher than average human level will have no ability to harm me now.

But for some reason it felt like I saw some martial movements come off of her, they felt deadly but she didn't seem to notice.

So basically if the attack that comes my way is in the <Danger Rating: H> and G- Section it would do me no harm. That means the weakest beings I can ever find are of absolutely no threat to me. She was just a normal Village Girl before so her Danger Rating was very pitiful even after her small transformation. And I decided it would be best to remove the Danger Rating later on as it cannot be very accurate at times… Like what if they have shitty stats yet plenty of skills or the opposite? I'd be doomed if I thought it was always accurate.

As she continues attempting to drive her teeth into my flesh I clench my fist and thrust it into her gut fully penetrating her body and causing it to come out her back, blood flew everywhere and she coughed up plenty onto Akatsuki Robe making it seem as if a new cloud formed on my left shoulder.

My right eye brow twitched at this sight in anger and I threw another punch fully separating her head from her body. I then rise to my feet and prepare to move along when suddenly I see a Blue Soul exit from her body… I was completely shocked still now.

They can form Souls inside the Dungeon as well?

I approached the Soul to hold it in my hand as I use Appraise. And well it seemed that the Blue Soul I'am now holding is only worth a 20th of what it would in the real world. And the XP value is only a tenth as well. This shows that I can come here to kill as many of beings as I like but I can only get a watered down reward for my hard work.

So I get to fight an enemy that I already killed before and the only down sides are that they will be stronger and worth less… Okay, this blows.

As I think to myself I hear three times as many beings approach me from three separate directions… This time their tactic was to get me to tussle with one of them and the other two would come from behind and attack. But this time my guard was fully up and I killed all three as they approached.

The first approached from the front and tried to get as close as possible whir speaking in a soothing tone, so as to let her guard slightly down I acted as if it were working in her favor and so she did approach more. She didn't leap at me but rather played with her nails behind her back and was gaining to strike but before she could, I lifted my right hand as it was stiffened out and slashed the side of it at her. Her head left her body before she knew what occurred.

As the Blue Soul formed the other two knew what happened and rushed in for an attack from behind, but even so before they reached me they let out a loud scream. I simply turned around and said Shigan as my left hand's index finger had reached out toward the two at an extreme pace and perched both skulls in succession. They fell to the ground lifeless.

As I grabbed both of their Souls and the third, I quickly up and left.

As I was getting out of there I found myself surrounded… 'Heh well fuck.' I looked around and could only guess the amount due to my lack of control over my Echolocation Special Skill. But from what I can tell there were at the least a dozen.

"Alright come on out… I ain't got all damn day to wait for you to make a move. So come on out and show yourselves!"

At my voice fourteen copies of Mirellie came out. And at this sight I knew I needed to get a bit serious as they were coming with the intent to kill me. But even so I didn't place my hand on Sandai or my .45 Auto just yet.

I prepped my hands and legs with a quick stretch and flex, I prepare to use Shigan and Kankyaku. So as they began their dash toward me I pull my leg back and thrust it into the air in front of me. I used Kanyaku and caused an immense amount of pressure to be concentrated into a blade like aura that flew toward the clones of Mirellie and cut them in half an amount of ten had died and the rest kept coming until they were killed with Shigan.

As I was dealing with them I heard a 'bang' and immediately dodged to my left allowing a random bulllet to hit my next target… 'They have guns?' And so I went a and killed the one with the gun only to be met with another three with guns and I just had to keep dodging and I have to thank the gods I had the Sharingan as it helped me see the path the bullet will take from the angle the gun was pointing so dodging was easy.

I looked around me and saw the corpses strewn about, I suck in the stench of blood and organs every time I breath. And finally I felt a kick in the stomach as I almost throw up at all I took in, I was never good with smells.

I began to move along and kill my way through the cityscape, surprisingly easy as I kept practicing the Six Powers..

After half an hour, or twenty-two corpses later I came upon the boss of this Dungeon. All it was, was a Mirellie that was basically… Super powered? I guess?

She had larger claws and was quicker but still couldn't match Jack. IU also took all of their weapons as I went searching their corpses.

Anyway by the time I reached her the feeling of wanting to throw up had disappeared, I finally adjusted to taking in the smell of the dead. I killed the boss and stole the Soul that was the same strength as a normal Soul and got the fuck out of there… Like I didn't want to kill Mirellie anymore and would like to forever forget her name and decided to blacklist the Dungeon as I can do that apparently.

Before I left the dungeon though I had a serious though race through my mind… "haven't I heard this name before? And haven't I seen her face before? Like seriously I feel that I've known of this woman before killing her, the only thing is that I have to search my memories for her… But I'd rather not waste the time for now.

Anyway as I left the dungeon it turned out that my clothes would be cleaned but the slight tear from the boss fight. I just pumped some MP into my the Demonic Blood Clothe and it self repaired 'nice function'.

As I appeared in my assigned room by Blair I take a look around and decided to take a small break. I sat down on the bed and as I did I placed my hands behind me onto the bed, my hands touched something incredibly soft and looked back.

My right hands was placed on Blair… Her breast to be more accurate. They were big soft and very VERY nice. She was beautiful and she was asleep naked lacking all clothes and only covered by the bed's blanket.

She was stunning, I wanted nothing me than to lay down and hold her in my arms and then make love with her. In other words have sex and lots of it. But I control myself and hold back, I plan to take her but that time isn't now.

So I pull the covers over her so she can keep warm, I don't want her catching cold.

I move to the kitchen where I find she ate both meals, the note was missing but then I remembered that she was holding some paper inner hand while she slept. I cleaned up the dishes and move back to my room, the Shadow Steps Skill kept me from waking her.

I approached kneeled down and gave her a kiss on the head. I then left for the Jack the Ripper Dungeon.

When I arrived I found myself back in the same city as with Mirellie.

But this time I could hear something the second I entered… The sound of scraping metal resounded out from three separate directions, it sounded like Freddy Kruger was here trying to take my life.

I placed my hand on Sandai and wait for my prey to come to me, and so I waited.

I ready for any sudden changes in the area and while I was doing that I hear footsteps, they had finally come. I grinned and prepped for a life and death battle. Even though I can easily handle one or two Jack's but six at once? Not gonna be easy.

Yep, six came at once to claim my life. But I won't make it easy for them.

When the first one exited its hiding place seeing that its prey was merely standing there, it immediately attacked and went in for the kill but before it could close in the prey had jumped back and sent a kick out. The Jack felt contempt for the prey at its shitty fighting technique but before it could realize what was sent out from the kick it was falling to the ground dead and split in two.

The next few saw the dead of their comrade and screamed out "KILL THE HUMAN!!" they then sent in another three to attack.

I let my right hand go of Sandai and pulled from an unknown location on my body my .45 Auto and immediately shot at the three as they approached. As they did two received the bullets while one managed to dodge due to the distance. The two that were shot fell down with giant hole appearing in the back of their heads from the Hollow Point rounds exiting.

The last two make their entrance and charge toward me from behind. They reach out their claws only to catch nothing as I slipped into the shadows. I moved behind one of the remaining three and come out of the shadows, as I do I throw my right index finger toward the back of the head of Jack while using Shigan and easily pierce its skull destroying its brain and killing it.

The last two Jack's don't know the meaning of escape and charge toward me once more after seeing their comrade die, now they were even more angry and really wanted to peel off my skin.

One flew in and slashed toward my stomach, I pull back and was going to lift my Pistol to fire a round into its head. But before I could, the second Jack jumped over the first and slashed downward toward my head.

Surprised yet quick to calm, I called out "Shadow Dragon Roar!" the black stream of shadow that shot toward the two blasted them both back into a building like it did back outside of the Dungeon.

They crashed into the building and crashed it inwards.

As they staggered to their feet I took my chance and through a round object after a click was heard. As the object was barreling toward both of the Jacks one had caught the object and was getting cocky as it blocked an attack of mine. But as it looked up it saw a wide grin on my face and then back at what it caught before an explosion occurred.


Both of the Jacks were turned to paste.

I decide not to stick around in the area and quickly store all the Kishin Eggs floating around me. Then escaped with my tail between my legs. But not before leaving a bundle of presents.

The area I was once in was quickly overcome by the massive amount of Jacks that were in the Dungeon at a new height of forty-three in total minus the boss.

The Jacks searched the immediate area and searched for me but could not find a single clue at where I hid myself. Finding nothing they decided to feast on the corpses of their fallen Jacks.

But then a small box had seemingly appeared and was brightly wrapped. It was in the shape of a Christmas present and was wrapped similarly but it only used a crimson red and an olive green as wrapping.

The Jacks confident in their strength even as they gaze upon the corpses of the fellow Jacks had sauntered over to the box. As they approached they felt as if being watched, looking up they could only see the moon looking down upon them.

So they continued forward and arrived in front of the box.

It said on the side: "Merry Fucking Christmas Jack. Signed: Your Death."

They were puzzled but one of the Jacks was being a complete fucking moron and didn't see the note and lifted the top of the box up to gaze inside. But his face went paler than it already was when he saw what was inside.

It was the very stereotypical dynamite bundle with a timer inside while ticking down. At the sight of it there was only three seconds left and the Jacks all looked at each other with eyes saying 'damn it'.


After hearing that the bomb went off I was laughing my ass off on the ground at the stupidity of Jack. And from the amount of notifications I received I killed over thirty of the bastards.

But while I was enjoying myself laughing at the mistake of the Jacks, behind me came the whistling sound of several blades.

I threw myself from the location by smashing my hands into the concrete from my laying position, I then flew away over ten meters as I looked over at what attacked me.

It was a giant Jack that stood over 9' and had Hand Blades over meter and half in length.

"He he he he… You dare to kill my subordinates? Then let me devour your Soul human." He spoke to me in a raspy and menacing voice.

'Crack-ck' I crack my neck and both sets of knuckles. "Well… It seems you have forced me to be a little more serious." I prepare to deal with this little bastard and look up to stare at his eyeless holes.

"Ha ha haha hahahahahaha!! You a mere human dare to chalange me? Then it will make the hunt that much better!" He then charged at me.

I slashed out at the Giant Jack with Sandai while using the drawing technique as he approached. This attack was to fast to dodge for the Giant Jack but decided to still try his luck and jump back.

As he jumped back he noticed that it was near impossible to dodge and he was still within range. As my blade was rushing toward his chest he decided to block and sacrifice his left arm in return for escaping. With this his left arm came into contact with Sandai and it was instantaneously destroyed leaving only wasted flesh in its wake, but with the force behind the attack Giant Jack was sent back over several meters.

After regaining his balance Giant jack let out a crazed scream and charged once more as I had yet to reposition myself from my drawing technique, he saw this as a chance and so did I as i turned my blade and hacked it downward toward Giant Jack and as he saw this he rolled to the side and Sandai only ended up not meeting Giant Jack and rather gets stuck into the ground as I pierced a manhole cover. 'Damn.'

before I can move, i felt a serious amount in my back. I was instantly sent flying away as my back had a huge gash and missing flesh appear on it. I slammed into the side of a nearby light pole.

As I crash into it I spit out a mouthful of blood and look up, what I saw was Giant Jack licking his right hand's blades as they were covered in my blood. "Little human your flesh taste quite nice and so I'll be sure to savior the it."

This little fucker dares to say he'll eat me? "Now I'm getting pissed."

As I say this I p[lace two fingers to my head… And disappear from my spot.

"Huh?! Where did that li-" he was cut off.

'Crack-ck-ck-ck…' His neck was smash by a full powered punch of mine from below. This sent him up into the air and he was practically flying.

Jumping up into the air after the little bastard I grabbed his leg and threw him into the ground below, the momentum threw me into the air as he flew to the ground.

But I quickly step onto a building and activate Geppou and shot toward the bastard as he crashed ion tot he ground creating a crater of almost four meters ion diameter. I then pulled my clenched his backward and activated Tekai and Shigan wanting to see how ito would affect a full fist.

As he looked up to me he raised himself up and let many pebbles fall onto the ground, he then stretched out his arm and slashed it at me hoping that his blades could at least throw me off course if not block the attack.

But as our attacks met my own fist snapped his blades apart leaving nothing behind as it still traveled down his arm turning it into a meat paste and finally connected with his chest, the attack of mine went straight into his chest and out his back as if I were punching nothing but air.

He fell to the ground with his heart destroyed, and his Kishin Egg appeared as simply as it had before. I ignored all the pain my back was feeling, it seemed it was slowly regenerating and I then went to pick up the Kishin Egg before me and the ones left behind by others.

Also you might be asking 'Where did he get a time bomb?' well it's very simple… I stole it from a mining camp while I was traveling in the High School of the Dead world. Yep, I'm also looking to steal plenty of treasures of legends and the like, but I will have time to do that later.

I left the Dungeon once again… the only difference was that my back was torn to ribbons from that single attack and decided it would be best to shower… or rather bathe. But as I appeared in my room the stench of the blood leaking from my wound caused instantaneous movement to appear from the sleeping Little Kitten.

Blair awoke and smelled the blood in the air, this caused her to instantly grow wary as she though some Kishin came to attack her. But as she rose from the bed she was met with the sight of my blood stained clothing which still covered my body.

Her face went blank "… Wa- What HAPPENED?!?! Why are you all bloody and where did this giant wound come from?!" She was horrified at the sight and I was just looking at the floor unsure of how to react to her yelling at me and decided to just let her rant at me until she was tired.

But for the first time in what seemed like a forever, she finally stopped and as I was about to look up at her, I felt her pull me in and hold me… She just wrapped me in her arms and held my head to her chest.

I felt horrible at making her worry at these wounds of mine, so I look up at her with a bit of resolve but was stunned at what I saw. I saw tears form in the corner of her eyes, her face was void of blood and pale and she had the look of being scared on her face and sadness inner eyes.

I couldn't control myself so I pulled her toward me and I placed my lips upon her's, and we kissed for who knows how long.

This woman, whom I have badly met for not long at all has fallen for me and I've fallen for her. She shows great worry for me in this time which many others have never shown me within their lives.

After a while we pulled apart and looked into each other's eyes and well, we just smiled at each other.I was just so happy that someone truly cared for me, even if we had badly known one another for long.

"Anyway, let's get that wound fixed up." And she pulled me along to get my wounds patched up.

I'am tired… Just tired from all the work I gotta do. I really wanna play video games and read light novels and the like all day.

I'll still post due to the support.

I also might start another novel and make its chapters shorter than this one or only work on this one and make the chapters shorter.

Anyway… For all PS4 owners… If you wanna play some video games with me, you cold leave your PSN Account name in the comments and I might message you to play on the weekends.

Thank you.

DabanCrowcreators' thoughts