
Let There be Light.

Today I've decided to electrified/modernized my Keep before doing anything else. For that purpose the whole keep was busy from early in the morning, Thankfully we got many extra hands ready to be use. The slaves from The Hive already arrive and settle down, though there's only females, they still can do the job.

Looking at the slaves, they have become more lively than any of the slave I saw back in the market, according to Elijah report apparently they were more than happy to serve for us. The treatment they got here make them feels like, they were a commoner rather than slaves, no harassment, well fed. Elijah said that for a slave they definitely living a better life than any commoner on most of the country.

Anyway, for this project I assign all the maidens to be the leaders for every unit of slaves, this is for the maidens to train their leadership skills and to establish their power and privileges that a Maidens can possess. I started the project by turning the basement@Prison cell to Power storage room that stores all my Highly efficient Solar battery,the sheer amount of the battery we installed, filled the entire basement. After that, I turned to inspecting and commanding the electrical installations for the whole Keep, Lighting system, placement of power cord, and stuff like that. The next step is installing the Solar panel on top of the keep roof and the Hydroelectric water wheel down near the river.

"Can the sun really produce this 'Electric'?…". (Bina)

"Of course…....it's a complicated process but according to master notes…it can…". (Elijah)

"Sister Bina, Master himself build this Solar Panel thingy…of course it can…look, master even made this Wheelchair…for sister Elijah…now she don't even need my help to move around…Master is a genius person..". (Mina)

I can hear what they said actually, they were just standing behind me on the rooftop as I was instructing Bertha and her team on installing the solar panel and wired them to the battery system. As of this time, the Maidens and the slaves views on me have changed for the savior, to somewhat like a prophet, everything that i brought over and used, if i don't explained it to them they just assumed i created them, i just hope this doesn't turned to some kind of ridiculous cult.

"[HQ This is M6, The water Wheel is in place. Over.]".

"[Roger that M6, Standby]…Master, Colleen and her team already finish the Water wheel installation..". (Elijah)

"Good tell her to connect it to the main power line….".

"[M6 this is HQ, connect the power line now]..".

"[Roger that HQ,....Connection is Done, Water wheel is operating smoothly without any problem..]". (Colleen)

"Master Water wheel is operating smoothly….".

"Good, Tell Juliet to turn on the connection switch..and check if the charging indications changes..".

Elijah nodded and contact Juliet on the basement via short range radio. A few hours ago on the morning briefing, I already teach all the Maidens on how to use the radios, and assign the call sign for each person. With Intellect attributes at 1.0++ learning new things never poses any trouble for them. I'm comfortable enough to trust them with any task, with undivided loyalty and dedications this ladies can do anything.

"HQ This is M9, Connections Successful, all battery currently charging..Over". (Juliet)

"Good, let's go and try them…".

It's never consider a full success until proven so, I go down to my office, my office right now were the only place that was fully set up with electrical items. after waiting for Juliet to radio that the indication reaches 20%, i flick the power switch in my office, the whole room was fully lit, the fan also start turning. following my room one by one the light in the keep to the Courtyard outside start to light up.


"IT LIGHT UP!!…Master it's working!!..". (Rafaela)

The whole Keep echoes with cheer, Maidens and the Slaves jumping and clapping seeing the whole Keep and the courtyard light up. A whole day of working finally came to fruition's, the projects starts from 6 in the morning and right now it was 9 on the night, Even I was inwardly choked by the success.

"Master, Congratulations…". (Elijah)

"Hmm?..Thanks…but this effort wasn't Just me alone, it's all of us…you should go and celebrate with the other….look, they even dancing down there…".

Elijah and me were the only one inside the office at this moment, Looking down from the window at all the other Maidens and the slaves were outside, happily celebrating on the courtyard.

"I'm fine here beside you Master…". (Elijah)

Elijah moves closer next to me, also take the chance to enjoy the scenery down on the courtyard. Unlike before, this time her smile was sincere.

"I was wondering when will I see that sincere smiles of yours…..This is just the beginning, more success will come to us in the future…now the power is working it's time to modernized the whole area…Let's end today work, we continue this tomorrow…..Great work Elijah..".

"Good Night Master…". (Elijah)

Just like that, we ended the night with fairly lighted Keep, I even sleep like a baby in my room now that I get my electric fan up and running. As the morning comes. We continued to finish the whole Project, the whole project took only 3 days to finish.

"Now that we finally, get the keep up and running…I want the whole structure to be repaired….All the damages, holes…I want them fixed….today I will teach you all how to use the materials I brought..including all the machinery that involved with it…for that, I want you all to watch this videos…should you have any problem you can ask me later after the video is finish…".

"YES SIR!!..". (Maidens)

The Maidens enthusiastically replied, right now their mentality and composure already on par with any army recruits on earth. I played the tutorial videos on the Screen Projector which is already being installed inside this Briefing room (Which is the Storage room combined with the previous cell room on the 2nd floor). The Maidens were focused on the videos, but since the videos was from earth some of them shows awe and fascination when the machinery works and modern building was shown on the videos. To them what they were watching were probably a recording of a High Humans civilizations, the tutorial videos were simple consist of information image rather than long and complex explanations, even if they don't understand the languages the image were still helpful and clear to understand, but as of this time i know that every single Maidens already got the basic of High human languages as Elijah already teach them.

"Master…Is the old Civilizations really that advance that they can do all these remarkable things even without magic??…". (Elijah)

"Yes?.....We called all this science and technology….magic is only for show and entertainment in my time…...".

Elijah and Mina who was sitting beside me at the end of the room was startled, hearing what I said, I cannot say anything for the old civilization in this world as i don't really know them, on the other hand in earth magic was really just for show. Morning briefing ended with a lot of questions, mainly it was about the machinery but instead of how to use them, the question was mostly about how was it made and if any magic was involved in it. I answered all the questions the same way I did with Elijah before, the session ended with awe and a lot more questions than before (Which i evade most of the questions, like i know how magic can be incorporated with modern technologies, maybe i should study engineering as soon as possible), Still the Maidens understood how to do everything in the videos.

"Just like before I want all the maidens handle their teams…Alpha and Beta teams will be in charge of handling the heavy machinery here, your instructions..". (Elijah)

"Understood!..". (Colleen & Juliet)

Team leader Alpha, M6 Colleen and Team leader Beta, M9 Juliet saluted Elijah, took their instruction notes and leave the room with their team members.

Alpha and Beta team will be handling the heavy machinery as they will be in charged of changing the whole landscape and flatten the land. Charlie and Delta team will be in-charged of repairing the whole building and rebuilding the walls. Meanwhile Echo team will provide support for both teams.

These 5 teams was just made on the day I come back after reading the Elijah reports, Each team consist of 3 Maidens member and 40 slaves. Alpha team leader was M6 Colleen, the deputies was M7 Bertha and M8 Alouis. Beta team leader was M9 Juliet and deputies was M10 Anna and M11 Meko. Charlie team leader was M12 Radian and the deputy was M13 Selie and M14 Sareen. Delta team leader is M15 Elena and the deputies was M16 Raven and M17 Mot. And the last team Echo leader was M18 Yvone, and the deputies will be M19 Eliza and M20 Serena.

Each team leader was picked amongst the top top candidate which possessed status attributes of over 1.5, and the deputies possessed status attributes over 1.0. Actually if we compared the their status attributes with any normal soldier on Fantasma, on paper one Maidens could contend with 10 fully equipped veteran soldier. If they all have combat training, suffices to say that each Maidens can even kill 20 men alone, that's why after all this restorations project was done, I will start teaching them combat techniques and transform them into a full pledges soldier. By then i will sweep the mercenary works, and made mountains of golds of course.

Here's for the 30K view guys!!...

JamesLabelcreators' thoughts