
1 Promise Done!.

5 days after the surgery, Aeternum General Hospital 2nd Floor VIP Ward.

"Try to move your fingers slowly…good, looks like everything is functioning normally as it should….Rafaela, make sure to monitor Elijah conditions and developments as she comes for her regular inspections..".


"Congratulations Sister Elijah!!…Congratulations Mr.President!..to gave birth to such amazing miracles, our Aeternum were blessed to have you!…". (Bar)

The whole wards was full of Maidens and several other people in the hallway, waiting to hear and witness the full result of Elijah successful limbs transplant. The operations was successful, and the limbs working normally, also thanks to the healing spells the recovery process which is normally took at least 3 months were shorten to 3 days. Everyone were celebrating, maidens were sobbing with tears of joy, civilian were singing and cheering from within the hospital and in the street outside. The words of me creating a limbs/Miracle spreads outside after 2 days, I intentionally spread the news and surprisingly it has become a nation wide anticipations and celebrations.

"Sir…Thank you..I..".(Elijah)

Admist the happy cheers Elijah tried to thank me, I shushed her by putting my index finger on her lips (Cool Moves 101).

"Not yet, I still hasn't' repaired your mana circulations right?…saved it until I can do so…for now get some rest and be sure to get back to work after full recovery..<Chup!>..I'm gonna head back to office now..".

I kissed her forehead before leaving the ward and leave for my office. Since she was hospitalize I got works to do now.

"Mr.President…we now have connections to Merrina town..". (Mina)

As I'm leaving the hospital waving at the crowd of cheering civilian, Mina who's been assigned to be my aide comes and deliver the good news.

"Good..let's head back to my office..".

Outside general hospital.

The crowd still hasn't done celebrating the good news of the newly advance of medical discovery, which they have deem to be nothing short of a miracle. Vice President Elijah was always been revered as the mother of Aeternum, though her physique was lacking, her loving and stoic appearance was always been the inspirations of every civilian. After hearing the news that she will be bestowed a perfect physique by the President, everyone were excited and skeptic at the same times, as it's was seems like a bogus story, but since the one who revealed the news was the central department everyone were hoping it's true.

"I can't believe someone could actually done such miracle…". (Resource department staff)

"It's not someone you know, It's Mr.President!…only he can do something like this…no other ruler in this world as capable as him..". (Central Office clerk)

"Yeah!…I heard it's not only Mr.President but the whole Health department and the RND squad was the one working together for this…Our President always remember who's working for him, unlike other ruler who always stealing other's glory…oh thank god, I was right to stay here and become the daughter of Aeternum…". (Resource Department Staff)

Such discussion were lingering amongst the crowd, each and every single one of them found a new reverence for their beloved President and strengthen their loyalty and devotions to their new Nations of miracle Aeternum.

Merrina Town, Aeternum Super Store 3rd Floor.

It's been 2 weeks since the grand opening, the business has gone beyond expectations. We have become Merrina center hub, thousand of customer chose our place to sell and buy things. Thankfully we brought a lot of supplies, and the constant delivery from Aeternum to continue resupply our shelf.


"Madam Yvone…you have guest?..".(Super Store employee)

A knock on her office door interrupt Yvone finger from typing on her computer, she gave a reply allowing her worker to invite the guest in.

"Busy aren't we…hello Major Yvone~..".(Eliza)

The blue haired lady, Entered the room and close the door behind her.

"Private Eliza, it's nice to see you..please have a sit…any words from HQ?..".(Yvone)

Stopping all her work, Yvone walk over to Eliza and hug her then invite her to sit own while she serve her a warm cup of Tea.

"As usual..but, this time we have great news…here, the report for you…quite a place, I see you've started to employed the local..". (Eliza)

"I have to take my own initiative,....Sister Elijah was healed?…we can communicate long range now?…I just leave capital for 1 month, truly Mr. President was a walking miracle….". (Yvone)

As she was reading the report, Yvone were both happy and shocked by how much Aeternum has leaped forward. By the end of her read, she pulled out a wooden box from the Dimensional ring and put the box on the table, as she opened it, a Yellow Smart phone was in it.

"You love yellow right?…it's Mr.President who gave it to you….by the way, you need to switch on the phone…He want to hear your report…". (Eliza)

Touched by her boss gift, Yvone pick the phone up and admire the devices as she started it up. As the screen lit up, a call came through.

"[Yvone…Hello,…]".(President Mies)

"Yes Mr. President…Hello?..".(Yvone)

As shocking as she could be Yvone still mustered herself to replied to the voice on the phone which she was very familiar with.

"[Good the call come through...….Well as usual, report..]".

As happy Yvone was hearing his President Voices, as always the man cut through the merry feelings as he asked for report.

"Yes Sir…". (Yvone)

She replied with a formal tone, and continue to voice report her progress on the phone call.

Yvone told that everything was operating as normal, the constructions was done as quickly as possible,still she had to employ the local labor and carpenter shop to quicken the build. Upon completions the Super Store had it's grand opening with the invite of Duke Merrica and Merchant association representative as the guest of honor, which as instructed.

Aeternum Super Store in just a span of a few days has attracted thousands of customer, and already became the hub of the town. There's several occasions where other shops try to make a move (using dirty moves to damaged the store reputations) but, thanks to the widely known approval of Duke household and Merchant associations, they tactics were rendered useless as the product sold in the Super store were very distinctive from any product in the market.The Store also receive a few offer of cooperation by dozens of merchants group, which was put on hold. The Store also had a total sales of 2 000 gold coins per day, to satisfy the needs of customer and maintain the store standard Yvone had to employ the local to work as the store clerk.

"[Hmmm…you make a good call there Yvone, I'm proud of you…]".(President Mies)

Unlike his monotone voice, a slight of delight can be heard, which uplift Yvone mood.

"Thank you Sir…Sir, if I may…I suggest we enlarged the current store from 2 plot of land to 6, and made the building more distinctive…like the mall from your videos?…". (Yvone)

"[I afraid that isn't possible for now…but, you could go ahead and bought the land plot now….as for the development, I will put it on my list…for now just keep doing what you were doing…]". (President Mies)

"I'm sorry for over stepping my boundaries sir…".(Yvone)

"[Don't mind it Yvone, as a matter of fact, I love it when you maidens being proactive…Anyway keep the phone with you always, and there's a laptop for you in there, it's connected to the Capital, send all the written report by today….also, I put your favorite tea in the ring enjoy…..<Tut!>..]".(President Mies)

"FUH~~…..looks like he never forget about my favorite..". (Yvone)

Sigh of relief came out as the other side hang up,Yvone pull out a box of tea, it's a green tea which has became her favorite. Smiles creep up on her face as she inspect one of the can inside the box.

"He never forget…stop smiling you look like an idiot…tehehe..".(Eliza)

"I'm Still your superior remember?..". (Yvone)

"Well, I'm not wearing any uniform aren't I?..so technically I'm off duty…Relax Sis..". (Eliza)

"<Sigh~>..are you gonna be staying?..". (Yvone)

There's no use treating the mischievous Eliza serious, Yvnoe gave up and asked.

"A few days probably….I got ordered from the top, to delayed the quest deadline at the mercenary guild, also deliver some items to the Duke Household..".(Eliza)

"Then I will prepared a room for you….now off you go…I still have a lot to do here..". (Yvone)

As she get back to her desk Yvone wave her hand, signalling that she wasn't' going to entertain Eliza anymore, the later leave the room but only after teasing Yvone some more.