this is a novel/fanfic about my OC dying and getting reincarnated in different fictional world's such as dragon ball, one punch man, one piece, hunter x hunter and some other worlds I fancy. he gets stronger over time and fights some OC enemies. no harem, my character only gets one girl. I'll upload when I feel like it but I'm uploading everyday for the time being I don't own any of the characters only my oc's.
Mom : " do you have your shoes on"
Akihito : " yep"
Mom : " do you have your bento"
Akihito : " yep"
Mom : " ok, are you ready for your first day"
Akihito : " yep"
Mom : " your gonna make lots and lots of friends"
Akihito : " YEAH!"
Mom : " alright alright lets get going now, we don't want to be late"
and so when both of them were ready, they both left the house together and walked to the preschool with Akihito grinning like a wild ape all the way through their walk.
15 minutes later, they arrived at the preschool which looked like a normal house except it was slightly larger and had a big front yard that was actually a playground for the children, the building was a light blue colour that had two doors for the entrance so that people can come and go out of the building.
Makiko turned to face Akihito and made sure he did the same.
Makiko : " Akihito I love you sooo much so make sure you stay good and don't make any trouble okay"
Akihito : " okay mom, I promise"
Makiko : " I'll come and pick you up later okay"
Akihito : " okay, bye mom
Makiko : " bye"
and so Makiko said goodbye to her beloved son as he ran off into the building.
Akihito's POV
when I first entered the building I was actually pretty excited to meet all the kids and interact with them so the first thing I decided to do was to introduce myself to everyone I could see, didn't matter if it was children or the care takers I just needed to make some friends.
Akihito : " hi, my name is kiyama Akihito, nice to meet you"
I raised my hand out so that the kid could shake it but I immediately regretted it once I knew who it was.
??? : ".....what kind of quirk do you have"
Akihito : ' no no no are you kidding me, did I have to run into him of all poeple (on my first day no less)'
??? : " are you deaf or something, I asked you a question"
I couldn't do it, I froze, I just couldn't do anything and I know he was a kid no older than 3 but....but....he was one of the main character.....katsuki bakugou.
bakugou : " I guess you need a little kick don't you"
bakugou raised his arm after making sure that no one was looking and his hand started to let out some smoke while little pops could be heard, one look at his hand and you might mistake it for a fire cracker but it was actually just his quirk....explosion.
his hand came closer and closer but I just stood there not doing anything....I was afriad, afriad that I was gonna die but come I get scared of a toddler and last week I was scared of a dog thats in my neighbor's back garden.....let's get back to bakugou, I felt my knees start to shake and I couldn't stop them.
and then....psssssss.....I peed my pants...and I started crying.
bakugou : " hey everyone look the new kid pissed his pants hahahahaha"
random kid : " hahahahaha"
random kid : " hahahahaha"
ransom kid : " hahahahaha"
everyone was now starring at me in my wet pants and streams of tears running down my face felling more and more like crying with each moment that goes by .
care taker : " ok everyone let's go play with the crayons alright"
that sent all the kids running off to another side of the room, where paper and crayons were located, all but one.
bakugou : ".....your a crybaby that pissed their pants, I'll never be your friend"
then he as well ran of to the other kids while I was still left their crying, luckily the teachers saw this and called my parents to take me home for the day and to get me a new pair of pants.
I dicided that going back wouldn't help me in making friends so I refused to go, throwing a massive tantrum that eventually convinced my parents to let me stay at home for a week.
Akihito : " what even happended to me back there, even after all the training I did I still can't even stand up to a bully"
Akihito mentally thought of the words 'open status' and like magic the panel appeared in front of him.
[ Name : Akihito kiyama
Gender : Male
Race : Human
Age : 3 years old
Level : 1
HP : 40/40
MP : 48 /48
Strength : 7
Vitality : 8
Endurance : 6
Intelligence : 16
Agility : 11
Speed : 9
SP : 5
Quirk : N/A ]
Akihito : " why haven't I leveled up yet, it's been 3 years already"
[Oliver must complete quests or defeat Gillian's to gain experience points in order to level up]
Akihito : " maybe if I was higher level then I might of been able to give the jerk a Punch right in his face"
[simulation has detected that it will end badly in your favour of you inflict damage on [katsuki bakugou]
Akihito : " yeah I get it now shut up"
[AI voice prompts turned OFF]
I was in a deep state of thought after that incident and I came up with a plan....a bad plan, I was gonna start a fight with bakugou and win.
.Mom : " Akihito its time to head to school get dressed"
Akihito was in the corner of the room and he was waiting for the perfect chance to strike bakugou with a suprise attack.
Akihito : ' here he comes, just a little closer'
he was ready concealing a weapon in his apple...what he didn't want to kill the kid.
Akihito : ' almost there'
Akihito was starring quite hard at bakugou and because of this he didn't even notice someone else sneaking....walking up to him.
??? : " hi what's your name"
Akihito : " whaaaa... hey don't scare me like that and go away"
just this happened bakugou walked right past them, making Akihito miss his chance of attack.
Akihito : " ahhh now look at what you did"
??? : " I'm sorry, I just wanted to be friends"
this child said the last part a bit quieter so that Akihito wouldn't hear what he said but that didn't get past the Lia as a panel appeared in front of him showing an arrow pointing at the kid with the writing [potential friends] on the top of it .
Akihito looked at the panel and almost ignored it but sat there to think about it for a bit untill he decided that he might as well try.
Akihito : ' Lia you can talk again'
[AI voice prompts turned ON]
Akihito : " kiyama Akihito, what's your name?"
??? : " name is...Izuku Midoriya"
Akihito : ' wait, did he say....Izuku Midoriya'
Akihito couldn't quite make out who this person was before because he was sitting down and the sun was in his eyes since he was standing near the window but this boy was Izuku midoriya.
Akihito : "..."
Akihito slapped him self for his stupidity bacouse if anyone were to become his friend it would obviously be Izuku, he should've started looking for him as soon as he knew bakugou was here.
Izuku : " ahh..are you ok"
Akihito, now with a red handprint on his forehead looked at Izuku.
Akihito : " yeah totally, hey do you wanna be my friend"
the totally not freaked out izuku responded "sure ..I guess"
Akihito : " (;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ`)"
he started crying.
Akihito : " finally, I made a friend...alright lets get back to work, Lia show me the quest"
[understood Oliver
[Quest : first day
task : make some new friends
Reward : [QUESTS] unlocked ]
Akihito : " open menu"
[INVENTORY] (locked)
[SKILLS] (locked)
[SHOP] (locked)
[WORLDS] (locked) ]
Akihito was grinning at what he had accomplished, so much so that he started to make a pretty good monkey impression.
with his new monke form, he pressed the [QUESTS] icon and immediately his grin disappeared because he saw that he had another that he had to do.
[Quest : HERO
task : defeat the ultimate villain that has been plaguing this world for a century, kill [ALL FOR ONE]
time : N/A
Reward : [WORLDS] unlocked
penalty : death
Akihito : ".....looks like I can't take this as a joke anymore, I think it's time to actually train what do you think Lia "
[best course of action Oliver should take is to do as many quest possible]
Akihito : " exactly what I was thinking, what do you got for me"
[calculating quest
[Quest : enemy of an enemy is a friend
task : recruit katsuki bakugou
time : 10 years
rewards : [SKILLS] unlocked
penalty : bakugou hates you...even more. ]
Akihito : "you've got to be kidding me"