
traveling the multiverses with a system

this is a novel/fanfic about my OC dying and getting reincarnated in different fictional world's such as dragon ball, one punch man, one piece, hunter x hunter and some other worlds I fancy. he gets stronger over time and fights some OC enemies. no harem, my character only gets one girl. I'll upload when I feel like it but I'm uploading everyday for the time being I don't own any of the characters only my oc's.

farendel_6929 · Fantasía
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25 Chs

battle (I)

Akihito and Izuku had just arrived at the entrance of U.A. and the than it was shown in the anime or manga.

truly it was a sight to behold as Akihito was standing at the entrance with stars in his eyes. he was actually there, it wasn't a dream but instead he was facing the building that has shaped many great heros and hopefully him too.

unfortunately for Akihito, he was so excited to see the building that he wasn't paying attention to where he was walking. when took a few steps forward somehow, he ended up tripping over his own feet.

but it doesn't end there as Akihito managed to cling onto Izuku as he was falling, causing Izuku to lose his balance and his body was soon heading towards the hard ground.

however, just before Izuku hit the ground, he stopped.....in mid air. he was confused at first but since it stopped him from falling, he just repositioned himself and tried to land on the floor.

with him successfully managing to do so, he realized that he felt weightless like there wasn't any gravity or something.

??? : " are you alright?"

Izuku heard the voice of a girl coming from the right of him, so with quick haste he turned to see who it was.

it was a girl who looked to be in her school uniform however the top half of her body was concealed with a brown coat. she also had a backpack on as well as a pink scarf wrapped around her neck.

if we looked at her face, you would surely be blushing at the sight of her. her face was cute and her two cheeks were a slightly lighter rose colour to signify the cold air of the morning.

when Izuku layed his eyes on her, he couldn't speak. his cheeks started showing a bit of blush as he just realised that this cute girl just talked to him.

Izuku has gained a lot more confidence, so he isn't a crybaby like he was in the anime. this was due to Akihito beating it into him everytime he would have a bad day or whatever and this worked....for the most part.

you see no matter what Akihito would do, Izuku was a statue whenever he talked to a girl. now that Izuku was not only saved from a really embarrassing fall but it was by a girl, a really cute one at that, Izuku was frozen in place.

Izuku : "..."

Izuku was silent but not because he didn't have something to, no, he wanted to thank her except....his voice wouldn't come out.

??? : " sorry for using my quirk on you without asking first"

Izuku : " n-no...th-th..ank "

??? : " aren't you nervous"

Izuku : " uh...uh...yea..hu"

??? : " let's do our best, see ya"

and of she went towards the building, leaving Izuku there for a few moments. Izuku stood there thinking about his interaction with the girl, imagining all sort of future with her. this went on for a while until Akihito punched the back of his head.

Izuku : " ooowwww why did you do that hitochan"

Akihito : " because you completely ignored me when you saw that girl"

Izuku only just now realised that he forgot about Akihito, not even looking down to see if he was there.

Izuku : " ahhh I'm so sorry Akihito"

Izuku started to profusely apologise to Akihito after realising his mistake buuut Akihito was just laughing. you might think it's because of Izuku trying to apologise so much but it was actually because Akihito planned this.

yes Akihito planned for this, so that Izuku would fall and the cute girl would help him, well, Akihito falling wasn't part of the plan but he went with it. let's get back to the girl, her name is Ochako Uraraka.

she will be in the same class as Izuku as well as his love interest throughout the story. her quirk is called ZERO GRAVITY which allows her to control the gravity of whatever she touches, making weightless, things float or make herself fly.

the reason Akihito did this is simply because he wants Izuku to not be shy around girls anymore...and....maybe because he ships them.

anyway let's get back to the boys. both Izuku and Akihito dusted themself off before finally entering the building, when they passed through the doors, they were directed towards a very large room with many desks.

some other people were already seated and were waiting for the exam to start. this exam was the written section, it allowed 2 hours to complete with incredibly difficult questions.

most of the people who do pass, only get 75% correct which is the minimum to pass. so after another 10 minutes, the test starts with Izuku and Akihito fucused on completing it.

now, normally it would take 2 hours to finish however since Izuku and Akihito had such high stats, especially when it came to their intelligent stat, it only took them just under an hour to finish.

after they were done, both of them headed to auditorium, were president mic was supposed to instruct them on the rules for the practical test.

the boys spent the time talking to each other while waiting for the orientation to start and after another hour the room was filled with students and the lights turned on.

president mic : " for all you examinee listeners tuning in, welcome to my show! Everybody say "hey"!"

the room full of students was quite, well all but one, who was quietly talking to himself. he was admiring president mic since he was a pro hero.

president mic : " as it says in the application requirements, there will be ten minute mock urban battles after this"

president went on to explain the rules of the battles, which were quite easy to understand. they will be fighting robots in a city witch the school built themselfs, small robot gives you 1 point, medium sized robot gives you 2 points and big robot gives you 3 points.

Akihito : " looks like they won't let you work with your friends for this exam"

Izuku : " your right. even though our examinee numbers are consecutive, we're assigned to different battle centers"

Akihito : " I'm in battle center C while you're in battle center B"

??? : " may I ask a question?"

questioned the boy as he raised his hand high up in the air for president Mic to see.

president mic : " yes!"

??? : " on the printout, it shows that there are 4 types of villains, if this is a misprint, then U.A. should be ashamed of that foolish mistake"

the boy who said this was non other than Tenya Ida, who is also a future student of the class 1A. his quirk revolves around speed as it's called ENGINE, which manifests on his calves as engines. these engines allow him to move incredibly fast when he activates them.

Ida : " in addition, that boy with the green hair over there, has been muttering this whole time, its distracting"

Akihito raised his hand immediately after Ida had said this, to which president mic allowed him to talk. Akihito stood up and looked at Ida with a menacing gaze.

Akihito : " I apologise for interrupting, everyone but I need to speak my mind for a moment, you"

Akihito said while pointing at Ida

Akihito : " do you think it is right to delay the explanation, by asking a stupid question, which he was going to answer just now if you hadn't interrupted and then have the audacity to pin the distraction on my friend here, who was quietly muttering to himself and if you haven't noticed....everyone is muttering or talking to eachother, now tell me what right do you have for doing such a thing?"

Ida listened to what Akihito had said and he looked around him to see that, indeed many where talking to themselves. he thought of what he had just done.

Ida : " I see, seems like I was in the wrong, I apologise to the both of you and everyone else for my actions just now"

Ida turns to face president mic and sat back down. akihito followed suit as he sat in his seat as well but not before he told president mic to carry on with his explanation of the rules.

with that out of the way, president mic went back to his explanation of the practical.

president mic : " yes, the fourth type of robot is a zero pointer. these guys are obsticals, so it's best to avoid them rather than facing them head on"

the hundreds of people in the stands were discussing to each other about the practical and on what they might do.

president mic : " that's all from me, so finally, I'll give you listeners a present--our school motto!. the hero Napoleon Bonaparte once said: " A true hero is someone who overcomes life's misfortunes.".....GO BEYOND. PLUS ULTRA!"

and so with president mic wishing all the students luck on there exam, the U.A. real exam finally starts.











