
Chapter 18: Life in Harrenhal 5

The feast has begun. Many of the Lords and Ladies of the Seven Kingdoms had worn their best. So far the gathering appeared as well as all had hoped. All are entised by the lavish gathering. Right now the King himself sits at the head of the great hall on an elevated platform, overlooking everyone, surrounded by his Kingsguard.

On his right sat his son and heir, Prince Rhaegar. Next to him sat his wife Princess Elia followed by her brother, Oberyn Martell. On the king's left sat his Master of Ships, Lucerys Velaryon, and his Master of Coin, Qarlton Chester.

Ronan and Elesis entered before the feast could officially begin. They wore their foreign clothes. Curious in design but still, despite the foreign style. The lord and ladies present found them tasteful and lavish in their eyes.

[image here]

Elesis wore Red and Black dress, while Ronan wore a Blue and Black suit. His Golden Key adorne with a saphire gem, dangling off his neck in full display. They bowed deeply to the King much to the displeasure of his kingsguard but the king barely reacted. He simply waved them off thinking nothing of them due to their foreign origins.

The feast passed with little to no fanfare. But the drama was still there. The prince fails to be discreet in his attempt at gathering Elesis' attention. Ronan intercept the conversation trying to discreetly warn the prince to back off but was ignored completely. Elesis simply answered with very few little words, all the while holding on to Ronan lovingly. She openly burries his arm in between her breast, running her hands across his, giving a few sweet kisses as the night went on. Such open display of affection was not so openly done amongs the highborns of Westeros. But seeing as the prince fails to see her displeasure regarding his actions towards her husband. None could blame her.

The prince's action bought frowns on several Lords. Lords Arryn, Stark, Baratheon and even Velaryon are the most prominent of them and took note of this. Nearing the end of it the prince soon stood. And his harp was bought to him. But before he could sing, Ronan and Elesis took their leave. Ronan sent a cold look towards Rhaegar. Not liking the fact that the prince continued to eye Elesis. Infront of everyone no less. Oberyn had watched the entire affair, he had half a mind to rip the prince's eyes out. His own heartbroken sister the one holding him back with her hand upon his.

Though the prince was saddened that his initial target had left without a word, he turned his eye on the 'Ice' candidate he had. His eyes soon found Lyanna Stark herself. Again before he could sing, Elia stood up and left with her head held down. Oberyn ran to her side not wanting to leave her alone, followed by their uncle Lewyn. Leaving the hall filled with whispers and doubt.

They soon arrived at the princess' private room. But what greeted them was Ronan standing by the bed, as Elesis played with both Rhaenys and Elizabeth. Once they stepped in, Elesis stood up and then hugged Elia. Who began sobbing in her embrace moments after.

Ronan couldn't help but sigh at that. He is livid and fearful for his wife and daughter. He had expressed his desire for them to leave the Seven Kingdoms, away from the leering eyes of the prince. But she refused to leave knowing what horrific things are about to happen. She hopes to save both Lyanna and Elia and specially Rhaenys for the fate that would have come for them. He had told her he could do it, made countless promisses but still she refused. She has always been good, and he loved that about her. But still it annoys him. And despie all that, he did nothing else but held her and agreed.

The night passed with Ronan, Oberyn and Lewyn standing watch at the two mothers and the children. They fell asleep embracing the other's own.

Ronan sat beside the window looking outside to the full moon that shines upon the night. He looked to the knight standing by the door and told him.

"Send for Godric." The knight nodded and left. Minutes later a blonde man holding a winged helmet came and knelt before Ronan. Godric said nothing and Ronan spoke.

"Change of plans, send someone to register my name to the tourney. I will be participating on both the melee and the joust. If made to choose, choose the latter."

"By your will, my lord. I shall see it done." Godric replied and left to carry out his orders.

Oberyn and Lewyn didn't fight the smile that found it's way into their faces. Looking forward to the day that their precious "Silver Prince" is thought a lesson.

~~~Line Break~~~

Come sunrise, all in Harrenhal are lively. For the greatest tourney in the Seven Kingdoms is about to begin.

The sound of forges hammering so early in day light could be heared alongside the noise of the crowed. The noises of merchants and buyers as prices are haggled. Horses being dragged around as well as children offering their aid to knights or sellswords for doing errands to make some small coin. Many are making last minute prepaprations. But despite the chaos, the festive mood was in the air.

Oberyn himself is donning his expensive, Dragon leather armor. One he bought from Pentos itself. The set was extremely expensive. The very price is a fortune for any Lord but to him, it was worth it. Light as leather, tough as steel. The spear he wields though is a tourney spear. Blunted on edges and tip, still doesn't mean it isn't deadly. Just less likely to kill.

He went to his sister's room only to stop infront of the door. It was wide open and Elia was sitting on the bed blushing as she glared at the door across. He looked to the room across as his eyebrow rose. He leaned his ears against it and listened. He sported a goofy smile as he heared the moans and grunts coming from inside. He was about to open the door when he was dragged to his sister's room by his collar by Ser Lewyn. He chuckled knowing of his sister's envy to the Lady across the room. He just patted her head much to Elia's annoyance and he laughed as she pouted while the blush had not left her face. He heared Rhaenys yawn and played with her to pass the time.

After several minutes the door soon opened and what stepped out had Lewyn and Oberyn had their eyes widening as their jaws dropped. Elesis' melodous laughter didn't bought them out of their stupor. Infront of them stood Ronan donning a completely different armor. This one is more menacing as much as it is imposing compared to the heroic aura he previously showed.

[image here]

Elesis' laughter had Rhaenys and Elizabeth laughing aswell, prompting more laughter from her. Minutes later she just ignored them as she moved towards Elia with a triumphant smile on her face. She had known of Ronan's anger. And quite frankly so was she. This prince was not only making her beloved angry, making her grossed out, he is also damaging her friendship with Elia. So she recommended they send a clear message to those who would speak to her the wrong way.

The two recovered after a handfull of minutes. and they then all went to the venue. They arrived just in time after the King had given his speech and signaled the beginning of the tourney. The crowed cheered, an act that the King relished in.

Elesis and Elia carried their daughters in their arms as they went for the seats next to the Starks. Seeing Elizabeth bought Rhaegars lips to thin. A reaction Elesis and Elia found joy in. The ladies and lords of court offered their greetings to the two princesses. The ladies though stayed and swarmed at the two children. Hoping to connect to the two mothers through them.

One such lady was Lyanna Stark obeserving the going's on of the two mothers. But mainly Elesis herself. She fails to understand how a woman of such renown martial skill be able to happily embrace being a mother. A duty for ladies who gave up their freedom, she believed. She could not understand it. And so she simply watched baffled at the goings on in her idols life, unaware of the watching eyes of both the prince and her father.

The first was the archery contest. It lasted a total of two full hours. Though for Ronan and a few wise lords, they were able to scout out talents and potentials, it was tedious to the rest of the crowed.

But after the Archery is the Melee. One they have been waiting for. The number of participants were so great they had to thin it out at the beginning. And so an all out battle royal will be first. Only the last three standing will be victorious and move on to the finals that will be held on the last day of the tourney.

The contestants began walking into the open field. It is a wide circular arena barricaded by wooden walls and behind it lies the elevated seats. Arthur Dayne walks in representing the kingsguard in this group. He was assigned to participate along with the other three members of the Kingsguard as a means to elevate the rotal family name as a house guarded by the greatest knights in the realm. So he knew full well the importance of victory. He was intially disappointed seeing no worth while name amongs the group he was in. Not even Edmure Tully and what appears to be three of his friends.

Before it could begin he heard the crowed 'awed' all together. Looking for the source he soon saw it or 'Him' for that matter. A blue armor like ice, deigned with golden edges. It's intricate and foreign craftsmanship capturing the eye. And a helm adorned by spikes that looked more like a crown. His face hidden by his full helm but his blue hair gave him away.

Arthur's determination grew as he saw Ronan turn his attention to him. This was the man that doesn't hesitate to go against the words of the prince and mocks the Kingsguard. He has then decided he will best the fool infront of everyone. A decision he would soon regret.

The signal came and the battle began. Arthur was swarmed immediately. His target disappearing from his sights. He had to fight first and so he stepped into the fray. He parried an attack and then counter attacked with a blade to the head which knocked out the first man. His first victim of many more to come.

The crowed cheered watching the chaos unfold. But the two currently being watched the most was Ronan and Arthur Dayne. Arthur was fighting with great skill. His talents bare to the eyes of the Lords of the Seven Kingdoms. Many believe his title of 'Sword of the Morning' was well earned. But even still he falls short of Ronan's display. It was indeed an unknown style for them. Watching him use not the just blade, handle, hilt, and guard of the sword he was weilding. He was also using the opponents weapons itself against them. Alongside all that is his body, punches, kicks, knees, elbows and even his head he doesn't hesitate to use. It was frown upon by some but to the trained eyes, his movements were precised and done for no other reason than to prevail, to obtain victory.

Of the two hundred warriors in the arena at the beginning Ronan has taken out more than half of them. After knocking out a man to the head with the flat side of his blade, Arthur soon saw Ronan just standing there. Watching him finish his fight.

He stood at the ready. But no attack came. The silence stretched as no one made the first move. Before he could ask anything, Ronan spoke. "Are you ready?" Ronn asked. Arthur was as baffled as everyone.

"Why would it matter?"

"...So that you may find no excuse after I beat you."

Arthur was angry at that declaration and taunted back. "Come prove yourself then!"

Ronan surged at incredible speed. His sword clashing with Arthur's own. Arthur's elbows buckled, barely getting to guard. Ronan pushing his advantage decided to rain blow after blow at his defense. His elbows buckled, his arms were taking too much strain. The attacks kept coming at different angles and at incredible speed. The onslaught was preventing him to be able to guard properly. Arthur being desperate made a parry but to his horror, Ronan allowed the blade to tilt sideways from the parry, allowing his hold to soften. With his enhanced speed and reflexes, he grabbed the sword in reverse grip with the same hand and bought it against Arthur. Arthur was caught in surprise, he was poised to attack with an overhead slash when Ronan dashed passed Arthur, running his blade to Arthur's side.

Arthur grunted at the hit, though blunted Ronan's strength was immense enough to damage a despite the armor. The crowed gave a collective gasp at the display. Arthur turned to see Ronan standing there again. Waiting for him as it dawned on to everyone. Arthur Dayne was losing. Arthur himself was surprised but still raised his sword with determination with a slight bit of excitement.

The crowed watched as Arthur Dayne tried again and again into getting an opening. But he got none. Any move he made Ronan had already seen coming. Any parry Arthur did either failed short of an opening or a trap he surprisingly fell for.

After a few minutes, Arthur's sword flew across the field. He was disarmed. He stood there dazed as the man who had beaten him doesn't seem to be having any hard time breathing. Angry at the outcome he raised gauntleted his hands to his chest, a challenge to fight with fist alone. Determined not to fail his mission.

Ronan dropped the sword that has been bent from his relentless attacks. He raise his fists aswell. The crowed was silent, bathed in the tense atmosphere of the fight. And then Ronan attacked first. His fist hitting Arthur at his forearems as Arthur panicly guarded. Arthur winced, he was about to attack but guarded again from the other side. Again he winced. Arthur threw a left hook, Ronan dodged under as he threw a right to Arthur's abdomen. Arthur lurched forward as he bended. Again the same fist found it's way unto the same spot. Arthur endured, instead of guarding decided to attack and again failed and was about to be rewarded with the same fist, but this time he guarded.

The fight went on. It was brutally one sided. Any form of retaliation Arthur tried failed. Though everyone was whispering loudly about the unexpected outcome. The other Lords couldn't help but frown. Ronan has shown he had enough power to defeat Arthur and still didn't finish it. They believe it dishonorable for Ronan to allow the fight to continue.

Elesis couldn't help the chuckle that left her in the hushed crowed.

"Is there something you find amusing in all this Lady Elesis?" Asked Rhaegar.

"That would be Lady Sieghart, Prince Targaryen." a cold reply that had the Lords and Ladies eyes wide open. "And yes, it is indeed amusing."

Rickard Stark asked. "My lady no disrespect but... I believe this should end now. Lord Ronan has displayed incredible skill and great personal strength. Arthur for all his titles obviously fall short compared to him. He is beaten. For what could this one sided fight possibly achieve?" pleaded Rickard Stark.

"I am not laughing at his short comings Lord Stark." all listened to her reply. "I was laughing at his misfortune."

"You see my husband is angry. Very angry, as his wife I had done my best to elevate him of such destructive feelings. But even I can only do so much for him. And much to Ser Arthur's misfortune. He was the most viable option for stress relief available before him." Elesis explained.

"So you are saying he is simply... unlucky?" asked Rickard.

"That he is." She replied with a smile.

Arthur in desperation tried to tackle Ronan. As soon as he made contact, Ronan raised his arm and bought down his elbow on Arthur's back, bring him down to the ground. As he tried to pick himself up, he was kicked to his side that rolled him on his back. And the last he saw was Ronan's mailed fist coming down at him.

The crowed was silent. With the unconcious Arthur sprawled on the ground. And Ronan looming over him. Elesis had to pick up a wooden cup and throw it at the head of the Master of Ceremonies to knock him off his stupor, that which made Elia giggle.

"Our Victor! Of the first day of the melee of the Great Tourney of Harrenhal! Lord Ronan Sieghart of Pentos!!!" The crowed roared and cheered at the announcement. For despite their knight losing, it was an incredibly entertaining display no less.

And so the first day of the Tourney of Harrenhal began with the display of House Sieghart's personal Power.