
Trash, To be deleted

With two powerful Alphas as mates, one whose family annihilated her pack and the other a ruthless power monger, Renee Walker must navigate her life battling with revenge, love and lust

Lilly11 · Fantasía
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7 Chs

Chapter 11: Saved

I blinked my eyes open and for a moment, it felt like the whole world was spinning around me

I shut my eyes tightly hoping by the time I open my eyes again, the world would've stopped spinning by then

"Lorraine?" Someone called my name and I opened my eyes again and luckily this time, my sight had finally come into focus

"Jordan?" I looked at my right and saw him staring intently at my face

"How are you feeling Lorraine?" Jayden asked and I looked to my left to see him staring at me too

I looked around, I was in a bedroom, laid on the bed

Where is this place?

I remember Lisa banging my head on the wall, and.....and the twins carrying me out, that is all I remember

"Where am I?" I asked

"Our house" Jordan answered

"You.....you brought me to your house?" I asked surprised

"There was no other place to take you to" Jordan explained

I touched my head, the bleeding has stopped, I have healed, it takes a longer time but I still heal whenever I'm injured, maybe my wolf isn't completely useless after all

"Thank you, for coming to save me" I said to the twins

"Why did Lisa do that to you?" Jayden asked

"Does she need any reason to? She hates me, she always has" I uttered

"For doing this to you Lorraine, I will kill her" Jordan growled

"And cause a war between the Lycan and the Blood Moon pack, I'd rather you not do that" I stated

"It doesn't matter if Jordan kills Lisa or not" Jayden said

"Because a war is coming either way" Jordan completed

"A war is coming? What war?" I asked and Jordan stood up, glancing at his watch

"The school would've closed by now" he said

"You should go home Lorraine" Jayden added

"Oh, okay" I said standing up, but a realization suddenly hit me

"Did.....did you bring me to your pack?" I asked, hoping that was not the case

"Where else would we have taken you?" Jordan asked

"You brought me to another pack's territory?! The Lycan pack's territory?!!" I was bowled over, all my life, I have only ever been to the Nightwalker pack and that was the pack I was born and lived in, I have never been to another pack's territory and now? Now I'm in the territory of the most primal werewolf pack

"Why do you look so surprised?" Jayden asked

"Because I am surprised Jayden and shocked, I have never been to another pack's territory in my life! And.... and I've heard stories, I've heard the wolves from my pack talking about what the Lycan wolves does to anyone that trespasses into their territory, I heard they are killed and their bodies hanged around to serve as warning to others thinking of infiltrating the pack" I narrated, shaking my head in horror and the twins burst into a laughter

"What is funny?" I asked but they continued to laugh and staring at them, I almost lost myself in that moment, it was the first time I'm seeing them laugh, their eyes partly closed and their rosy lips opened revealing the perfect set of white teeth they possessed, they looked more than gorgeous and I couldn't stop staring




My wolf continued to growl and sending sparks straight to that place in-between my legs

The twins suddenly stopped laughing, directing their gaze at me, they looked hungry too, hungry for me

"I..... I....."

"Since you are so afraid of my pack killing you if they are find you here, you are welcomed to spend the night here with us" Jordan said, trailing his finger down my face, slowly moving down to my chest

My instincts wanted me to stop him but I didn't want to, I wanted him to keep going, I wanted him to grab my aching boobs, I wanted him to touch me, I needed both of them to touch me

"I.....both of you.... I....." The lust was sending me crazy, I was barely able to say anything

"She needs both our touch brother" Jordan said to Jayden

"That I cannot refuse brother" Jayden said, moving closer to me, I could feel his hot breath on my neck as he placed a kiss on it

"Her scent is all over the place, she's wet brother" Jayden hinted

Jordan cupped my face with his hand "I want nothing more than sucking your juice straight from your cunt right now" Jordan growled

"Suck.....suck my juices?" I stuttered

"Have you never been sucked before?" Jayden asked and I slowly shook my head

"Don't tell me, you are a virgin?" Jordan asked

"I.... I am" I nodded and Jordan let his hand fall from my face

"You are too innocent for us" he said

"We'll drop you outside the pack's territory" Jayden said and they suddenly walked out leaving me in awe of what just happened, one minute ago we were lusting for each other and now? Why did they suddenly walk out? Do they not want me to be a virgin? Is it bad to be a virgin?

I walked out of the room to an exquisite stairs that led to a huge living room

I walked down looking around, the amazement I was getting from my surrounding made me forget all that just happened in the room minutes ago, even Alpha's Taylor's mansion wasn't this huge and it's the most beautiful mansion in all of the Nightwalker pack

Not only was the house huge, the decorations and lightening was aesthetic and amazing

"Do you not want to leave?" Jordan asked as he walked out with his brother and I quickly ran after them

Jayden was already seated in the back seat and his brother sat beside him

"Get in" Jayden said but I found it hard to, I have never climbed a car my entire life, I'm a servant, the lowest wolf in my pack, I was never allowed that opportunity, I have only opened and closed the car door for the Alpha and his family, I've never been driven in one but now they are going to drive me, I'll be seated in such an expensive looking car

"Will you get in or do I need to carry you in myself?" Jordan asked and I quickly opened the car door and sat in the back seat

They drove me down a straight road till we passed a huge gate and they stopped the car

"You are no longer in our pack's territory now" Jayden announced

"You may go now, back to your pack" Jordan said

"Well, I guess it's till tomorrow then" I said as I got down from the car

Jayden turned the car around and looked at me from the car window

"See you later tonight" he said and zoomed off.....