
Chapter 25: A Gala isn't a simple Party

One week remained before the Grand Galloping Gala, which meant I still had a lot of work to do, and not much time to do it.

Quickly (Read groggily) rolling out of bed and landing on my hooves (Read face) I stood up and quickly grabbed a shower.

After a good ten minutes in the warm water (Read Forty minutes) I exited the shower, brushed my teeth, combed my hair, and tied it in my usual bun.

After putting a dusting of makeup on my face to look presentable, I wore my white collar and adjusted my glasses in front of the mirror.

Grabbed a clipboard with this month's work and flipped the papers until I reached today's work.

As soon as I left my room on the Celestial spire of the castle, right between the stairs leading to Princess Luna's tower and the door to Princess Celestia's room, I walked across the corridor and pressed a small button hidden behind a vase which opened up a hidden door in the wall, and I walked in.

Canterlot Castle is filled with hidden paths and secret rooms, I have spent months searching for as many as I could and even now I'm not sure I've found all of them, no, let me rephrase that, I know I have yet to find all the secret rooms and passages.

These secret passages are used by me as a quick way to traverse the large building.

From the hidden passage I'm currently taking leading to a corner of the library, to a secret magical greenhouse hidden behind the pond of Celestia's exotic animal garden.

But those paths don't matter at this moment.

There are seven days left until the Grand Galloping Gala, and everything needs to be perfect for the donation goal to be reached.

What many of the ponies who wish to come to the Gala fail to acknowledge, is that the Grand Galloping Gala isn't a regular party or celebration.

It's a Gala.

This means that while the Gala is in progress, donations to several of the Crown's non-profit charities will be given by the rich and elite in order to inflate their ego and give them the thought that they are helping poor orphans in need while actually doing none of the work.

That way the Crown ends up helping those in need without using taxpayer money.

Reaching a dead end in the hidden passage I took, I tap on the wall three times with my hoof, causing the door to open, revealing itself to be the back of a bookcase which opened like a door, leading me into the Library.

Quickly and Silently making my way to the door out, I pause as I hear two sets of hooves pass by on the other side of the door.

"Do you really need another suit?" One of the ponies asked, her tone tired as she walked behind the lead pony.

"Of course I do," I paused as the voice of the second pony registered in my head, "I can't arrive at the Gala wearing my regular tuxedo collar, I need a full-on redesign for the occasion,"

And with the knowledge of the lead pony, the mare become recognizable "But why?" Starlight Glimmer asked as she walked behind Prince Blueblood.

"Because The Gala is an important gathering of some of the most powerful and wealthiest ponies in Equestria, Starlight," The Prince told her as he stopped walking just outside the door, Causing me to quickly move to the side in order to remain hidden in case he opens the library, "To regular ponies like you, it might seem like a big fancy party," Starlight scoffed but Blueblood continued.

"Should I get the Blueblood foundation up and running next year, I'll be needing good connections independent of the Crown, Be it to reach a shipwright that will help me reach a good design for my Cargo ships, or to get in touch with a Diamond Dog trading company to work with." The prince told his bodyguard.

"Okay, So it's for connections, but why Diamond Dog?" I already knew the likely answer, but I kept quiet in order to hear the Prince's response.

"Because of the Import taxes used in Griffonia on naval trade," He told her, And I nodded my head in agreement, "Caninia doesn't have Import Taxes like Griffonia, which makes it so that trading with Caninia, and from Caninia to Griffonia via a land-route is both cheaper and more profitable than trading directly with Griffonia."

After a few more minutes of talking about Naval trade and the importance of connections, Blueblood and Starlight walked away, leaving the coast clear for me to leave the Library and make my way to the Throne Room.

Seeing Celestia already sitting on the throne once I stepped hoof into the room, I quickly opened my mouth and started telling her what her schedule for the day was.

After Celestia was updated on what she should expect for the day, I quickly made my way into another hidden passage leading to one of the exits from the castle in order to make my way down to the city for a late-morning coffee.

With my clipboard tucked away in a small bag, I left to get a quick brunch.

After returning to the castle, I once again quickly entered another passage leading to the hallway for Celestia's study.

Grabbing my chair in the neighboring room, I started my job in earnest. From reading reports to responding to letters from different officials and governors.

After once more explaining to the mayor of Seaddle that he doesn't need to fear a Viking invasion of his city and that the ship that he keeps on speaking of left the port without docking, an alarm I set on a clock indicates that it's five in the afternoon, and Day Court is officially over for the day.

Making my way to grab an early dinner, I spot Princess Celestia hovering over Prince Blueblood as he walked in my direction covered in blood.

"I think I'm cursed," He grumbled as Celestia hugged him tightly, "This is the third time in a row that me leaving the castle ended with blood,"

I ignored the comedic moment of family warmth as Celestia only hugged her nephew harder as I continued my walk to the kitchen.

I paused as I looked at a certain painting, that was just slightly tilted to the right, but I held back from correcting it, knowing that doing so will open another hidden door, one that I have yet to explore.

Making my way to the kitchen, I tell the staff what I want to eat and take a seat at the table.

Getting special-made food is a nice perk of being one of the higher-ranking workers of the castle, this perk is only shared by the different heads of staff and the Royal Family.

As I waited for my food, I spotted Prince Blueblood walk into the room, Princess Celestia no longer hanging off of him, and his new bodyguard seemingly with her.

After he gave the staff his order, a small smirk on his face as they exclaimed at his bloody appearance, he too took a chair at the table and sat down.

Directly across from me.

"Raven Inkwell," He nodded at me.

"Prince Blueblood," I nodded back at him, plunging the room into a comfortable silence as the two of us waited for our food to be ready, the only sound being that of hurried movements on the other side of the door leading to the kitchen.

After our food arrived, I quickly ate my portion and left, nodding to the prince after he nodded at me once more, and made my way back to my office to get some last-minute work done.

Once the clock hit 23:30, I left my office and made my way back to my room, intent on once again waking up early and continuing my job.

It's a busy job being the secretary and right-hoof mare of Princess Celestia herself, But I make it work.

If only the Grand Galloping Gala wasn't such a pain to manage each year.

Raven Inkwell POV Chapter!

Next chapter we finally begin the Grand Galloping Gala (GGG) Arc!!!!

Netapelcreators' thoughts