
no way


I listen to the crunching of gravel and stone as my squad and I steadily make our way up the side of the hill. Our heavy boots and gear weighing down on us.

" I really do hope its her." My best friend James says.

I grunt in response. I keep watching the cabin ahead of us. It just gets bigger and bigger.

" Squad 4, are you in position?" Our squad leader asks over the radio.

"10-4 Captain. We are approaching successive entry point B."

After hearing that the squad leader motions us to move into entry position. I move to the right side of the door frame while the squad leader takes the right and James takes sphere head.

"Permission to enter, Squad 2?" Squad 4 asks.

I look to my right barely noticing Squad 1 because of how well the dark uniforms blend into the tall trees around us. I lock eyes with one of the members of Squad 1. She gives a Curt nod. I turn my attention back to my squad leader, my heart pounding in my ears. He gives the signal and James kicks in the door. I enter first swiftly peering around checking the first room.

"Clear!" I say moving to the next room. I can hear the boots of the other members on both squads pounding on the floor. I slowly make my way throughout the house, checking everything for even the tiniest, minute detail. Yet there was nothing. I was just about to exit the last room when something caught my eye. Curious, I walk even closer to the tiny twinkler. There lying neatly in-between the carpet and pine borders behind the door was a small silver and diamond stud. I place my gun into my hip holster and lock it into place and crouch down to examine it closer. It is while I am doing this that something else becomes clear...the wooden panels behind the door are slightly different from the rest.

" HEY GUYS I THINK I FOUND SOMETHING!!!" I yell while scrambling to find the way in. I run my fingers all over everything trying desperately to find any way to open the door.


The door opens