
Trapped in your spells

Eve blinked continuously at him, her emerald eyes gazing at him affectionately and with a touch of apprehension. She swallowed nervously as he approached her, His fangs emerged from his mouth, gleaming white and dangerously sharp. As he drew nearer to her vulnerable neck, Eve tensed and took a sharp breath, gripping his shoulders tightly. "How much will this hurt?" she asked, her hands still clutching onto him. His deep red eyes locked onto her green ones, strands of water cascading down his hair, tracing lines across his face. He resembled a divine figure, a male deity. His left hand slid down to her waist, pulling her closer, leaning in towards her neck, gently inhaling the scent. This caused Eve to shiver slightly, her grip on him tightening. "It may sting at first," he whispered softly, slowly rubbing his nose against her neck, "but the pain will only last for a fleeting moment. After that, it will fade away."

Chikamso_Patience · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
18 Chs

chapter 5: grocery store

In the room ,Eve's lashes quivered and her eyes opened, she sprang up immediately spilling water on the wooden floor, her eyes scanned the bathroom,making sure it was empty.

" phew that was just a dream." Eve quickly got out of the bathtub, grabbing a towel to dry herself off as she tried to shake off the residual uneasiness from her dream. As she stood there, contemplating what had just happened, she couldn't help but notice how quiet the cottage seemed. The absence of any sound felt eerie, as if the world outside her bathroom had disappeared into silence. She wrapped the towel around herself tightly and cautiously stepped out into the hallway.

Eve got dressed into a long oversized shirt, she went to her small cozy kitchen to sort something to eat, she hadn't made of the kitchen just yet, except from when the twins came y the past two days she had only eaten the few snacks she brought from Finland, this was her first time really making ise of jer kitchen.

The kitchen in Eve's cottage has a rustic charm to it. It is small yet cozy, with wooden cabinets and shelves lining the walls, giving it a warm and inviting feel. The countertops are made of stone, adding a touch of elegance to the space. The kitchen is well-equipped with modern appliances, including a stove, refrigerator, and a small microwave tucked away in one corner.

The room is lit up with natural light, streaming in through a window above the sink. The sink itself is deep and made of stainless steel, perfect for washing dishes. Above the sink, there is a rack holding a few pots and pans, neatly arranged. On the opposite side of the kitchen, there is a small wooden table with two chairs, providing a cozy spot for Eve to enjoy her meals. The table is adorned with a vase of freshly picked flowers, adding a pop of color to the room.

Eve liked the simple deco of her kitchen, but there was a few problems, she didn't have foodstuff and since the town lacked satellite or mast, she couldn't order and would need to go shop by her self, Eve didn't think this was a good option since she was a model she did never gone shopping her entire life, not to speak of here in Crest wood where she isn't yet familiar with.

Eve sighed, live in Oymyakon might be good but it would be a little hard for her in some aspect, she picked her colt and her wallet ,took a black face mask before leaving for the town, thought she didn't know where the grocery store was, she could ask people on her.

Eve stepped out of her cottage, the cool air hitting her face as she ventured into the town of Oymyakon. The streets were empty, with snow-covered buildings lining the path. She pulled her coat tightly around her and made her way towards the town center, hoping to find someone who could point her in the right direction.

As she walked, Eve noticed a person bundled up in a thick coat, walking briskly in the opposite direction. She approached the person, hoping to get some help.

"Excuse me," Eve called out, "Do you know where the grocery store is?"

The person turned towards her, their face covered by a scarf. "Ah, the grocery store. You're in luck, it's just a few blocks away. Follow this road straight ahead," they pointed in the direction Eve was already walking, "and you'll see it on your left."

"Thank you so much!" Eve said with gratitude, "I'm new here and still getting used to the town."

The person smiled warmly, their eyes crinkling. "Not a problem at all. Oymyakon can be a bit overwhelming at first, but you'll get the hang of it. Enjoy your groceries!"

With a wave goodbye, Eve continued her journey, feeling more confident now that she had some guidance. As she navigated the snow-covered streets, she couldn't help but marvel at the quaint charm of the town. She was excited to explore further and discover more about her new home.

Eventually, she reached the grocery store, a small building tucked away in the midst of other shops. As she entered, the warmth and smell of freshly baked bread filled the air. The aisles were filled with all kinds of food, from fresh produce to pantry essentials.

Eve made a quick list of what to buy she had decided to make egg omelette,- 2 or 3 large eggs

- Salt and pepper (to taste)

- Butter or cooking oil (for the frying pan)

vegetables, cheese, ham, bacon, mushrooms, onions.

Acquiring the ingredients proved to be quite a challenge for Eve as she took extra care in ensuring that the products were neither expired nor rotten. After spending a considerable amount of time shopping, Eve made an impromptu decision to include a soft drink in her basket. She confidently walked towards the soft drink aisle, ready to add it to her collection.

The colorful array of carbonated beverages caught her eye, and she was immediately drawn to the classics - cola, lemon-lime, and root beer. But Eve, feeling adventurous, decided to try something new.

She spotted a unique bottle with an intriguing label - a fusion of exotic fruits, promising a burst of tropical flavors. Curious, she picked it up, examining it closely. The vibrant design and the description on the label made her taste buds tingle with anticipation. Without hesitation, she added it to her collection.

"I don't believe that drink is necessary, you might have trouble deciphering the label."a resonant masculine voice uttered quietly behind her.

Eve spun around to find a gentleman standing merely inches away. To her astonishment, it was the same mysterious figure that had crossed her path in the forest, his gaze fixated upon her with captivating emerald eyes, and his shimmering silver hair that she failed to notice in the midst of the dense woodland now gleaming enchantingly. Eve remained momentarily dazed, before she managed to collect herself and respond.

"I'm sorry, did you say something?"