
Trapped in your spells

Eve blinked continuously at him, her emerald eyes gazing at him affectionately and with a touch of apprehension. She swallowed nervously as he approached her, His fangs emerged from his mouth, gleaming white and dangerously sharp. As he drew nearer to her vulnerable neck, Eve tensed and took a sharp breath, gripping his shoulders tightly. "How much will this hurt?" she asked, her hands still clutching onto him. His deep red eyes locked onto her green ones, strands of water cascading down his hair, tracing lines across his face. He resembled a divine figure, a male deity. His left hand slid down to her waist, pulling her closer, leaning in towards her neck, gently inhaling the scent. This caused Eve to shiver slightly, her grip on him tightening. "It may sting at first," he whispered softly, slowly rubbing his nose against her neck, "but the pain will only last for a fleeting moment. After that, it will fade away."

Chikamso_Patience · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
18 Chs

Chapter 12

 In just a few moments, Eve managed to unravel the identity of the mesmerizing eyes, and to her surprise, it was none other than Ethan.

 "Are you feeling okay?" Ethan inquired while assisting her to sit upright.

 Eve nodded with a perplexed expression, her mind tangled in a web of confusion. Just a minute ago, she found herself in an unfamiliar location, transported back to her childhood. But now, as if by magic, she was back in the midst of the mysterious witches' coven. Could this be an enchanting illusion playing tricks on her perception?



 Eve tried to gather her thoughts, still feeling a bit disoriented. She looked around at Seraphina and Ethan, seeking answers from them. Seraphina approached her with a concerned expression, while Ethan looked at her with a mix of relief and curiosity. "What just happened?" she asked, her voice filled with bewilderment.

 Seraphina delicately shut the enchantment tome as she directed her gaze towards the duo. "I couldn't harness the essence," she whispered. "It appears to me that the strength emanated from within, lying dormant until it was unleashed."

 Eve and Ethan wore perplexed expressions on their faces. "What do you imply, deep inside me?" Eve inquired. 

Ethan, trying to make sense of it himself, responded, "I believe she's suggesting that the power has always resided within you, but only surfaced recently."

 "Yes, exactly," Seraphina replied, nodding. "The Book of Transcendent Incantations was ingeniously crafted to harmonize forces across realms. If it failed to nullify your power, it can be inferred that the power was innately yours from the beginning."

 "That's impossible, I've spent 23 years without any connection to this, it must be a misunderstanding," Eve exclaimed, her eyes fixed on Ethan.

 Seraphina breathed deeply, while embracing the surge of energy. "Eve, there's something troubling I've noticed within you," she began, a touch of concern in her voice. "At first, I thought it was simply due to your delicate constitution, unable to withstand the immense power you possess. But now, it seems I was completely mistaken. Your soul is corrupted, tainted by darkness..."

However, before Seraphina could finish speaking, she suddenly coughed up a significant amount of blood, the crimson liquid cascading down her chin. Her once radiant, crystal eyes gradually transformed into deep green orbs, with a distinct slit running through the middle.


 Just as Eve and Ethan opened their mouths to speak, a powerful surge of wind barreled into the coven, twirling like a tornado, obliterating every delicate object in the room. "Quick, depart!" Seraphina murmured, her words bouncing off the walls with an eerie echo.

Ethan, without a moment's hesitation, reached out for Eve's hand and led her towards the exit. However, much to their dismay, a powerful tornado had awoken and was now blocking their escape route.

Panic rose in Eve's voice as she desperately questioned, "What on earth are we going to do, leaving Seraphina all alone?"

 "Do not underestimate the situation, we must escape before attempting to rescue a witch who is on the brink of self-destruction," Ethan suggested earnestly. 

 To this, Eve gazed at Ethan incredulously. "Are you really implying that we should abandon Seraphina? She has been instrumental to us." The tornado roared , its turbulent winds laying waste to everything in its path. 


 Desperation etched their faces as they desperately scoured the room for any means of aid, yet the wreckage seemed insurmountable.


 "Certain things are beyond our control, Genevieve, and a witch about to self-destruct is one such instance," Ethan asserted.

 Eve paused, contemplating her choices. Time was slipping away, but the notion of leaving Seraphina behind felt gravely wrong. "I understand that time is of the essence, but abandoning her is a choice I simply cannot live with. We must make an attempt to save her." Without hesitation, Eve sprinted towards Seraphina. Just as she neared, the tornado lunged towards her with immense force. Eve struggled to resist, but her human form lacked the strength to withstand the tornado's onslaught. She was violently flung across the room, destined for a collision with the unforgiving stone wall. Fortunately, Ethan caught her just in time, preventing a disastrous impact.

 "You are so stubborn and oblivious," Ethan chided, gently setting Eve on the ground. Surveying their surroundings for any glimmer of hope, a frown creased his face. "There is only one option left."