
Trapped In The Novel Of Criminal World

Accused of being the murderer of his own parents, Deandra had to spend his golden years in prison. Ten years later, he has nothing, nor does he want anything. Living as a human who failed until the end of his life became the only option for him. But who would have thought? Another option comes with a mysterious man who asks Deandra to continue the failed story. In just one night, everything that was lost from his hands was returned to him. But all this is nothing more than another test. An ex-convict, drawn into the world of a novel where he is not the main character. How could that be? Surprisingly, that world actually provided everything that was missing from him in the real world. Now he is faced with two choices. Will he struggle to return to reality, or will he instead struggle to defend an imaginary world made especially for him? Note : The cover picture doesn't belong to me/ made by me, credits goes to the artist/owner

Ibn_Zhaf · Fantasía
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22 Chs

CHAPTER 5 : Back To School

Dean took a deep breath of the water that was pouring out of one of his nose.  Every now and then he would sob, while feeding vegetables into his own mouth.

 The sight had been seen since they occupied this dining table, and it was still an interesting spectacle even a few minutes later.  Ivan is the one who enjoyed the most.

 "Can people cry while eating?"  Ivan whispered to his twin brother.

"Yes, that's the proof."  Devan answered in a loud voice that made Ivan awkward.

 Deandra knew very well that he was being talked about.  The confused looks of his parents across the table were evident, but he didn't care.

 It's a sweet dream that somehow goes on longer than usual.  That was what Dean believed at least for now.  He too had decided to enjoy it while it lasted.

 "Where did you guys meet Dean?"  Dad asked, moving the fried fish in the middle of the table onto his own plate.

 "Near Alicia's hospital, Uncle.  He just keep on walking.  When we arrived, he looked confused."

 Dean's dad just nodded.  Seemed to understand the children's explanations, but still didn't understand the situation of his own children.

 The night just passed.  The dinner which seemed normal to everyone, was so enjoyable for Deandra.  He didn't even want to fall asleep at night.

 Apart from feeling unfamiliar with the clean and tidy room they called his room, Dean was also afraid that this dream might end if he fell asleep.

 But sleepiness can not be resisted.  Moreover, Dean has gone through a long and hard day.  Until he unconsciously fell asleep after a while talking with the silence.


 "Good morning, Dean Boy!  Can I ask for a little help?"

 Dean had just come out of his rented room.  Still with a sleepy face and wrapped in a white T-shirt with a salt picture when the old woman who owned the boarding house called him from downstairs.

 The sun shone on them both.  But only Deandra is hot to death here.  He also doesn't understand, why choose rice grains on the terrace at noon?

 "Do you have no plans today?"  asked the boarding house mother, while sifting the rice skillfully.

 "No ma'am, as usual.  Today I want to go to the mini market to buy food.  Do you want me to buy anything for you again?"  Dean responded, while his eyes and hands were busy looking for grains of grain among the rice.

 Instead of answering, that old lady just smiled.  For a few moments no one spoke.  Only the sound of sifting rice, also the chirping of birds in the middle of the day could be heard.

 "Son Dean is lucky huh."  the woman murmured, which Deandra could hear.

 "Lucky?"  Dean turned to look at that old lady.

 A look full of question marks appeared on Deandra's face.  After all, this was the first time Dean had ever heard someone say that to him.  Luckily, Dean himself felt unlucky just by continuing to breathe.

 "Yeah, it's rare, people are given a second chance."

 Dean's brows furrowed sharply.  The house owner's smile only made him more confused.

 "Second chance?  What ia she talking about?"  he asked in his mind.

 "If you have the opportunity, use it as best you can.  you has already fallen, so you must know where the hole is.  This time, avoid it. Okay?"

 The words of the boarding house mother were increasingly incomprehensible to Deandra.  A thousand questions were in his mind right now.  The smile that the old woman gave didn't even answer any of his questions.

 "Sorry ma'am, I don't understand..."

 "You've been called, It's time to wake up."

 The old woman cut him off.  Then got up, and left Dean just like that into the house.  But now, more or less Dean began to understand what the woman's words meant.




Dean opened his eyes wide.  The noise of falling objects, and the sound of someone screaming woke him up in very unpleasantly way.

 It was just then that he could see his mother's angry face.  When he turned his head, Dean could clearly see the pot lying on the floor of the room.  That was the cause of the loud noise earlier.

 "What time is it?  Wake up!  If you dare to sleep back i'll flush you!"  Mother threatened as she walked out of the room without taking the pot back with her.

 Dean got up slowly, and sat with his face crumpled on the bed.  For a few moments all he did was stare at the pot on the floor.

"Dream?  Wait, which one?"

 Deandra had a monologue, but realized that no one would answer him, making this young man get off the bed even though he still had a confused look on his face.

 Dean grabbed the pot on the floor and looked at it.  Not enough with that, he sniffed the pot.  Trying to find the difference between illusion and reality there.

 "DEAN!  Do you wake up?  Don't make me come up to your room again!"

 A scream from outside the room made Dean jump.  The pot in his hand would almost have been thrown away if he hadn't caught it quickly.

 Deandra rushed, left the pot and went out to enter the bathroom.  At the same time depositing his face to his mother who looks busy in the kitchen.

 A few minutes passed, Dean had put on the uniform.  Now he is frozen in front of the mirror.  Looking at his own body from top to bottom.

 "Second chances mean this huh?"  he monologues again.

 Ten years have passed, Dean has even forgotten what he was like back in school.  That's why he could only guess.  But no matter how much he denied it, they actually called the face in the mirror as Deandra.

 The sound of the door opening from outside made Dean turn his head.  His eyes caught sight of the figure he least wanted to see, poking his head through the doorway and smiling at him.

 "Dean are you done already?  Let's have breakfast!"  his father smiled at him.

 Breakfast went fast, Dean scowled at every bite of rice into his own mouth.  His eyes continued to stare disapprovingly at the husband and wife flirting with each other across the table.

 But Dean couldn't say much.  This place and the people in it are still very strange.  Dean needs to observe more before acting.

 That's why, even though his heart was hot to death, Dean still finished his breakfast.  Then before long, the doorbell rang several times.  He came out to take a look even though he already knew who it was.

 "Good morning Dude!  Let's go!"  Ivan smiled widely.  By his side, Devan still had a cold face.

 "Couldn't you just ring the bell once?  You'll destroy my bell house."  Dean grumbled as he put on his shoes.

 In response to his grumbling, Ivan just laughed.  Dean chose to ignore Ivan's chatter after that.  Shortly after he was ready, they set off together.

 For a moment when he arrived at his yard, Dean took the time to turn his head.  Look, and slightly observe the shape of his house now.

 As expected, the house looked different from the one ten years ago.  Smaller, simpler, and even without a front fence.  Most importantly, the house was warm.  Much different from the big, cold house it used to be.

 Many things were different from what he remembered in this new world.  Those who were lost suddenly reappeared.  Dean is a little surprised to saw that his school hasn't changed.  But even more surprised when he saw the inside had changed.

 "Dean!  Where have you been?  Gusti is looking for you!"

 One of his classmates who used to be not close to him suddenly put his arm around Dean's shoulders just as he entered the classroom.

 "Gusti?  Basketball team captain?  Why is he looking for me?"  His mind wondered.

 The only people Dean could ask were Ivan and Devan.  Unfortunately, the two friends were already sitting in their respective seats as if they looking for safety.  That's why Dean had a hunch that this wasn't a good thing.

 "Why is Gusti looking for me?"  he squeaked.

 "What do you mean why?  Tournament is back.  Obviously he's looking for all the key players."

 Dean blinked uncomprehendingly.  But before he had time to ask, his classmate was distracted by someone else and left without explaining anything.

 "Basketball?  Core players?  Me?  For real!?"

 With that, Dean realized that he had been trapped in the wrong world.  Deandra, who ten years ago was a quiet student with standard grades, has now turned into a core player for the school's basketball team.  How could that be?

 Deandra continued to question the reason why he was thrown into this place.  Not another world, too real to be called a dream.  So what?  Should he admit the last, most implausible possibility?

 "Novels huh?  Nice cover!"

 His quiet break was disturbed.  Dean turned his head, looking at a cute girl who was look so familiar.  The girl walked over and took a seat across from her desk.

 Spending a break in the library looking at Novel Oasis made Dean unable to notice this girl's presence.  Now, he's trapped.  Embarrassment made Dean's cheeks redden.

 "I didn't know you liked reading novels."

 It's Amelia.  The cutest girl in the class, idol of the students, and Dean's crush since high school.  Deandra did not expect that they would meet again here.

 "Well... just for fun."  he said awkwardly.

 Amel rounded her mouth to form a big o.  Then took over the book on the table and opened the page.  Dean himself was silent.  He was first fixated on the face of the girl in front of him.

 Amel is still beautiful.  Dean was more or less wondering about Amel in the real world.  Ten years have passed, how beautiful is Amel now?

 It was sad to remember the fact that Dean had never managed to confess his feelings to her in the past.  Since the murder case that had imprisoned him for ten years, Dean had never heard from his dream girl again.

 "It must be Amel who is now adult  will be so beautiful, also has a good husband and children."  His mind spoke.

 "Romantic novels?  Not really like you!"  Amel called out a little, until she was able to break Deandra's daydream.

 "I just told you right?  Just for fun." Dean said, looking down to hide his hot and red cheeks.

 "Oh crap!  This girl is still so cute. My lord!"  Dean screamed in his mind.

 After his mother, now Dean has another reason to enjoy this long dream.  Even if this wasn't a dream, it would be even better.  Slowly but surely, Dean wanted to believe.

 That it might be true that he had been drawn into the world of the novel.  As an extra role that never even appeared in the main story.  A world in a novel called Oasis, if possible he wanted to stay here forever.

 To be continued....