
Trapped in the Dimensional Rift, I gained an abnormal skill

The plane Altair was riding in went into a free fall while he was on a holiday trip abroad, in that precarious situation he was faced with a choice that determined whether he could survive or not. Once Altair chooses one of the available options, now he must face a nightmare that he never imagined before, Altair must be able to survive in the Dimensional Rift where monsters roam and he must become stronger to get out of that cursed place and be able to start a new life in another world with all his heart. ..... Huh? It's not Earth...??? It's.....

LoveApple · Fantasía
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33 Chs

Altair became an adventurer...?

"Amazing...! should I recommend you to other high-level adventurers?" [Ayame]

"Huh? Why?" [Altair]

Doesn't one have to start from the bottom first if they want to begin their career as an adventurer? [Altair]

"Now you understand why I was shocked when I saw this boy's status, right?" [Minato]

"Of course Minato-san, who would have thought that the boy we rescued from the dungeon would have such an absurd status." [Louis]

"Absurd, what is absurd Louis-san?" [Altair]

Which part doesn't make sense? I've adjusted my status to be less noticeable, and I even used references from the women in Louis-san's party. For example, that elf girl is an archer who can use the wind element and has several other skills, Kasumi who masters two elements as well as other skill sets, and Ayane-san is a healer who has storage. [Altair]

The skills I have shouldn't be too different from theirs, after all, there are no strange skills that appear on my status. [Altair]

"If you ask which part is absurd, your status itself is already beyond the normal boundaries for a person who has special abilities." [Ayane]

"What Ayane said is true Altair, with that kind of status you can join any party, even parties led by heroes won't reject you." [Louis]

Are there heroes in this world? Are there demon kings too? [Altair]

"Other than having two different classes, Altair's three elements complement each other well, not to mention that he is still seventeen years old... I can't imagine how Altair will develop in the future." [Kasumi]

"Ka-chan is right, Altair is still seventeen..." [Hikari]

"Don't forget the other skills Altair has, besides Multicasting he also has Storage, as far as I know Storage is not a skill." [Ryoma]

"Right, even Ayane-san's Storage is a rare item that only certain people have." [Kasumi]

"But when I was a child, the famous bedtime story of my race said that a long time ago there was a foolish dwarf who had that skill, but he couldn't utilize it properly." [Miura]

"If it's just a fairy tale, it's hard to use as a reference." [Ryoma]

"If the fairy tales were adapted from real legends or history, the skills could have been real." [Ayane]

Wait a minute, that means the Status Concealment also works on this crystal, is the standard reference I chose too high? I was also curious about the hero's discussion earlier, but right now I had to deal with the situation in front of me first. [Altair]

"Are people who master the three elements so rare Ayane-san?" [Altair]

"It's very rare Altair, what I know is just a few, maybe the guild knows more than me" [Ayane]

"There are some whose identities we don't want to make public but there aren't many of them." [Minato]

"That storage skill surprised me more, in my entire life this is the first time I've seen it in person. There must be many people out there who want to take advantage of you." [Minato]

"What about the class possessed by Altair, Minato-san? Is having two classes at once possible?" [Louis]

"Hmmm about that, I've never seen anyone else have two classes at once. If it's a class change, it usually happens when an adventurer becomes stronger or in other words, levels up." [Minato]

"What should we do about this situation Minato-san?" [Louis]

"Actually I don't want to be too bothered about this matter, if Altair's status is known by other guild branches or reaches the public this matter will be resolved just like that." [Minato]

"According to what you and Ayame already stated, this boy will be accepted by any party, of course I will help this boy to find out the background of the person or group that wants him." [Minato]

"But Minato-san...!" [Louis]

"Well, I guess you don't want that to happen, what about you, the person itself?" [Minato]

When the guild leader asked my opinion on his suggestion, I naturally chose to keep my identity unknown to others. If possible, this status of mine that they think is unnatural is only known by the people in this room. [Altair]

"Can I ask you guild master for a favor?" [Altair]

"It depends on what you ask for." [Minato]

"Can my status be kept a secret, I don't want myself to be in the spotlight." [Altair]

"Of course, that is your choice. I have no right to spread someone's information. What I said before was just an opinion, you can reject it if you find it troublesome." [Minato]

"Because you don't want others to know about your situation, you should be careful when joining other people's parties." [Minato]

That's right, I don't want to cause any more trouble. [Altair]

"Thanks for the advice guild leader." [Altair]

"How about Altair joining our party Louis-san?" [Miura]

If Louis-san doesn't mind, it's indeed the safest choice. [Altair]

"Doesn't that violate the guild rules?" [Kasumi]

"Although Altair's status is very good, but everyone must follow the basic rules of the guild if he wants to become an adventurer, he must accumulate contribution points if he wants to increase his adventurer level." [Louis]

"If the level difference between Altair and our party was only two levels, we could have invited him to our party." [Ayane]

"Even if Altair joins a high level rank party, he needs to increase his own adventure rank in order to join in their dungeon activities." [Louis]

"If I have to, I don't mind starting from the lowest level by myself. Ayane-san, Louis-san." [Altair]

"That suggestion was rejected Altair, I don't want you to waste your life just like that." [Louis]

"You can't get carried away just because your status is better than the average." [Hikari]

"I understand, I'm sorry Louis-san, Hikari-san." [Altair]

What Louis-san and this elf girl said is also true, although my status is a little better than them but doesn't mean my experience is more than them, not to mention the concept of dungeon is very foreign to me, I don't know if the Dimensional Rift is included on the dungeon category or not. [Altair]

"Ummm... do you want to listen to my advice?" [Ayame]

"What is it Ayame?" [Louis]

"If the main problem lies in who should be this kid's party partner, you don't have to worry about that. The answer itself is already in this room." [Ayame]

"What does it mean?, can you be more specific?" [Louis]

"I mean, why don't you use the method always used by rich kids who want to increase their adventure level quickly?" [Ayame]

"You mean the method of hiring a high-level adventurer to be his bodyguard while he collects contribution points to level up?" [Louis]

"Right, although this method is not really recommended by the guild, but this method is the most suitable in this situation, if this boy has to start from scratch, his growth would be hindered. Not to mention we also don't know what will happen in the dungeon." [Ayame]

"If something unexpected happens in the dungeon, I think this boy will face a difficult choice that will require him to use his true ability. But after that, the risk of leaking his original status will increase." [Ayame]

"Although I want to do that method, I don't have the money to hire those high-level adventurers." [Altair]

"That's why I'm saying that the answer to your problem is already in this room. The fact that Louis-san and his party are so willing to assist you leads me to assume they don't mind at all. I don't care what you have to pay them for anyway." [Ayame]

"Is there anything else I can give them to pay for it?" [Altair]

"It could be an investment in the future of the new Cup of tea party members who will join, right?" [Minato]

"Investing in something that's sure to pay off is good move." [Minato]

"What Ayame and Minato-san said is true Altair, you don't need to pay us this time, but there is one thing I want to make clear. I won't mess up your future. I don't want you to think that everything I'm doing right now is just to get something back someday." [Louis]

"I will also help you with pleasure Altair." [Miura]

"Don't hesitate to ask me for help Altair, as long as Louis-san doesn't take the mission for the cup of tea party I may accompany you into the dungeon." [Hikari]

"Maybe I'm not as good as you Altair, but you can ask me about the fire element if you don't mind being taught by me." [Kasumi]

"We have the same class, I will show you some moves when we are in the dungeon." [Ryoma]

"If you feel bad about receiving all that for free, you can pay them back with something else. Although I'm sure that they all don't want you to think too much about the favors given to you. And of course you don't have to be shy if you want to ask me for some help." [Ayane]

Ayame's solution made me not have to take the risk of joining random party that might not be willing to hide my identity. [Altair]

"Thank you all, I won't hesitate to ask you for help." [Altair]

I will definitely repay all of your kindness someday. [Altair]

When the talk was finished, I was officially registered as an adventurer in this guild, with the help of Louis-san's party and the help of the guild, the registration process went smoothly. [Altair]

"Do you want to use Altair as your real name? I'll write Altair on your adventurer card later." [Minato]

"Please do that." [Altair]

"You can pick up the card tomorrow with Ayame, for now more or less all your business is done You may all leave, but Louis-san and Ayane should stay for a while, we will discuss the Goblin King." [Minato]

"Thank you guild master." [Altair]

"Hey, um I guess from now on I'll call you Altair, you can call me Ayame." [Ayame]

"Along with your adventurer card, tomorrow I'll explain the important things you need to know and the rules you must not break." [Ayame].

"Sure, Ayame-san." [Altair]