
Trapped in the Dimensional Rift, I gained an abnormal skill

The plane Altair was riding in went into a free fall while he was on a holiday trip abroad, in that precarious situation he was faced with a choice that determined whether he could survive or not. Once Altair chooses one of the available options, now he must face a nightmare that he never imagined before, Altair must be able to survive in the Dimensional Rift where monsters roam and he must become stronger to get out of that cursed place and be able to start a new life in another world with all his heart. ..... Huh? It's not Earth...??? It's.....

LoveApple · Fantasía
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33 Chs

Altair and the issues it caused...?

"Altair..." [Ryoma]

"Altair!" [Ryoma]

"Hey Altair, stop that. You don't need to chase the runaways, Orcs don't really make money, it's more or less the same value as the goblins. [Ryoma]

"Oh... I didn't realize it was over." [Altair]

"Hahaha, are you still upset just because of that?" [Ryoma]

"I don't care about that anymore, I just want to finish this dungeon faster." [Altair]

"Yeah well, whatever. Let's quickly pick up the crystals dropped by the Orcs and Orc Lords you defeated and get out of this dungeon." [Ryoma]

"Look at that, the teleportation portal has appeared, we will exit this dungeon using that portal." [Ryoma]

This portal is different from the portal I used in the Dimensional Rift, if in the dimensional rift it looks like a vortex of light, the portal in this dungeon looks like a magic circle that stretches across the dungeon floor. [Altair]

"What's wrong?" [Ryoma]

"This is the first time I've seen such a teleportation portal." [Altair]

"Oh take it easy, there's no special way to use it, you just need to stand on it for a while to get you out of this dungeon." [Ryoma]

"I'm done here, are you sure this Orc corpse doesn't need to be stored in my storage?" [Altair]

"Just leave them alone, the dungeon will clean up the corpses later. Even Orc Lords aren't worth much in the guild." [Ryoma]

"If there's nothing else you want to do, let's get out of this dungeon right now." [Ryoma]

"Alright, I'm getting hungry too." [Altair]

" It's natural to be hungry, It's almost time for dinner." [Ryoma]

"Eeeh... we were in the dungeon that long?" [Altair]

"What do you mean by we took that long? finishing the dungeon in such a short time is already amazing. See you at the entrance of this dungeon Altair." [Ryoma]

"Wai-" [Altair]

Perhaps Ryoma chose the lowest floor of these available options. [Ryoma]

"You finally showed up, do you want to go straight home or head to the adventure guild first?" [Ryoma]

"Does the mission have to be reported immediately today?" [Altair]

"Not really, the deadline for the rookie mission is quite long, you can report tomorrow." [Ryoma]

"Then please just take me back to Louis-san's house, I might have worried them." [Altair]

"It's too late for me to regret it now, I've also promised to take responsibility if anything happens to you, but I don't want to hear the lecture from that married couple twice." [Ryoma]

"Twice?" [Altair]

"I'll only take you to the outside, I won't go in. Tell Louis-san and Ayane-san to delay their anger until tomorrow at the adventure guild." [Ryoma]

"What about me?" [Altair]

"Just use my name, say that tomorrow everything will be explained by me at the adventure guild, quickly get into the car I can't wait to watch the headlines tonight." [Ryoma]

(Hopefully, there are already some people who are aware about this new record in conquering the Gomadan dungeon, I wonder what other people's reactions will be once they see the number of people in the party, especially if they find out that the one who conquered the dungeon is a beginner adventurer. If the news still doesn't spread tonight, maybe tomorrow will be the starting point). [Ryoma]

"Oh yeah, Altair you can take out all my luggage in the car garage, I don't want Louis-san to keep me and I have no chance of escape if you take it out in the front of his house later." [Ryoma]

"Ok, thanks for the dagger Ryoma." [Altair]

"You can borrow it again until you have your own weapon." [Ryoma]

Ryoma drove me back to Louis-san's house, I don't know what's waiting for me later and what excuse I have to give Ayane-san so she won't get angry, as soon as I got out of Ryoma's car without further ado he immediately stepped on the gas departing Louis-san's residence area. [Altair]

"Damn Ryoma..." [Altair]

. . .

"I'm back...~" [Altair]

"Altaiiiir....., where have you been? Is the dungeon fun? Where's Ryoma? I need to tell him something." [Ayane]

Oh no... Why is Ayane-san carrying a knife in her hand? Ayane-san's face is so scary, I've often heard that people who rarely get angry will change drastically when they get angry and it's all true. [Altair]

"ummm... I'm sorry Ayane-san." [Altair]

"What are you talking about Altair, why are you apologizing? How was your first mission by the way? Was it fun? Even though you didn't give me any news beforehand I wasn't worried anyway I knew you were with Ryoma and I didn't wait for you to come home at all." [Ayane]

Ah shit, it turns out Ayane-san is very angry, do I have to apologize more seriously? Hopefully by bowing my head I can ease Ayane-san's emotions a bit. [Altair]

"Ummm, Ayane-san please forgive me! I'm really really sorry! [Altair]

"Stop it Ayane, Altair already apologized to that extent." [Louis]

Oh Louis-san! [Altair]

"But..." [Ayane]

"Well I know that you are worried about Altair, we can continue the conversation at the dining table later, you left cooking table as soon as you heard Altair's voice, let's quickly finish the cooking for dinner." [Louis]

Safe... it turned out to be a kitchen knife. [Altair]

"Altair, go take a shower and change your clothes, after that go straight to the dining table, the dishes for dinner will be finished soon." [Louis]

"Thank you Louis-san, Ayane-san" [Altair]

After I finished bathing and changing. Louis-san, Ayane-san and Miyu-chan were waiting for me at the dining table, Kei and Shion don't come to this house if Louis-san and Ayane-san are not working. Of course the topic of conversation that was discussed in between dinner was the previous problem, I who had gotten permission from Ryoma to use his name without hesitation delegated all these problems to him and said that Ryoma wanted to explain everything at the guild adventure tomorrow. [Altair]

. . . .

Meanwhile, in other parts of the world.

South Korea, the Seoul branch of the adventure guild had two guild receptionists discuss something regarding the new announcements publication they had just read from the guild's crystal that was designed for recording and displaying when new records were set in dungeons around the world.

"Any ideas for the headline?" [R1]

"I leave everything to you." [R2]

"I didn't expect our neighboring country to set a new record again." [R1]

"Congratulations to them, I hope our country's adventurers will set new records as well." [R2]

Adventure Guild, Beijing, China

"Just spread the news to the internet, that way not only this country will know regarding this unusual record that has just been created." [Guild leader]


As well as various responses from the other countries.

. . .

"Good morning Altair onii-chan" [Miyu]

"Good morning Miyu." [Altair]

"Breakfast is ready, Papa and Mommy are waiting. [Miyu]

During breakfast with the others, Ayane-san asked if the clothes and daily set she bought me yesterday were to my taste or not, of course I wouldn't protest after receiving all the stuff for free. Today all the members of the Cup of tea party will gather at the adventure guild as a result of Ryoma's request, last night they had discussed this through the LENE application group chat. Before heading to the adventure guild we need to take Miyu-chan to Wakayama elementary school, currently Miyu is in first grade in elementary school. [Altair]

"Yoo Altair, you know how to dress huh?" [Miura]

"Yoo Miura, good morning." [Altair]

"Good morning everyone, you look even cooler in that outfit Altair." [Kasumi]

"Thank you Kasumi-san." [Altair]

"What Ayane-san said yesterday turned out to be true..." [Hikari]

"What's wrong Hikari, I didn't hear what you said if you have such a little voice." [Ayane]

"It's not that important." [Hikari]

"Well then, what do you think of Altair's appearance?" [Ayane]

"(Ayane-san?)" [Altair]

"The clothes look good." [Hikari]

"Just that? Ah never mind, by the way Ryoma...." [Ayane]

"Good morning Ayane-san, what's up? Is there anything I can help you with?" [Ryoma]

"Don't divert the issue, you know what I mean right! Do I have to explain it all over again for you to remember?" [Ayane]

Ugggh Ayane-san was scary when she was angry, even though she was angry at Ryoma, the other Cup of tea party members were also tense. [Altair]

"Calm down, please calm down first Ayane-san. I'll explain everything inside, after that you can scold me to your heart's content." [Ryoma]

Hearing the reason given by Ryoma we all followed his request to enter the adventure guild first, he immediately went to the guild receptionist desk to discuss something. [Altair]

"The guild is so crowded today, is there something going on?" [Kasumi]

"Maybe this has something to do with what I saw on social media last night, this morning the news was also broadcast on TV." [Hikari]

"News from this morning? Oh that's right about the new record in the dungeon isn't it?" [Miura]

"Hey, the guild master is waiting for us in the same room, let's go there immediately." [Ryoma]

"Why are you involving the guild master in our internal matters?" [Louis]

"I think it's too late to just be our internal problem, please trust me this time Louis-san." [Ryoma]

Is it too late? What did Ryoma mean? Oh yeah, Ryoma had said that he wanted to help me negotiate with the guild about my adventurer rank, is this why he gathered all the Cup of party members? [Altair]

"Alright, everyone let's move." [Louis]

. . .

"Hikari, Miura, regarding the new dungeon record we discussed earlier, does it have anything to do with this town?" [Kasumi]

"Listening the conversation of the adventurers in this guild, it's no wonder you've gotten some idea of the content of the news." [Miura]

"But I'm also curious to the adventurer who set the new record was, whether they were from this city or an adventurer from another region." [Hikari]

"What's the news about Miura? I didn't have time to watch the news this morning, Louis was also busy getting Miyu ready for school." [Ayane]

"If you are curious about the current situation and who managed to do it all, the explanation is in this room together with the guild master." [Ryoma]

After saying that, Ryoma opened the door in front of him and we all followed behind. Minato-san or the guild leader was already in the room along with the female receptionist that I also knew, Ayame-san. [Altair]

"Do you really know who made the new record, Ryoma?" [Minato]

just sneak peek into another country, prepare your own country dungeon to be raided by Altair and Cup of tea. Hahaha JK, or yeah maybe...

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