
Trapped in the Dimensional Rift, I gained an abnormal skill

The plane Altair was riding in went into a free fall while he was on a holiday trip abroad, in that precarious situation he was faced with a choice that determined whether he could survive or not. Once Altair chooses one of the available options, now he must face a nightmare that he never imagined before, Altair must be able to survive in the Dimensional Rift where monsters roam and he must become stronger to get out of that cursed place and be able to start a new life in another world with all his heart. ..... Huh? It's not Earth...??? It's.....

LoveApple · Fantasía
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33 Chs

Altair and new phone...?  

Altair was currently at Louis-san's house, in his room, thinking about what had just occurred to him after receiving a long lecture from Ayane-san, not only himself who received a long lecture, Ryoma also suffered the same fate as him, It was clear when Ryoma said goodbye to return to his residence with a look on his face that looked like a person who was very exhausted.

Before receiving a lengthy lecture from Ayane-san, me and Ryoma returned to the adventure guild to report the first mission I successfully completed and to receive the reward, I also didn't forget to sell all the crystals we had collected in that dungeon and the corpse of the Direwolf Boss, total money we got was two hundred and fifty thousand yen or the equivalent of one thousand nine hundred usd. [Altair]

At first I wanted to give half of the earnings to Ryoma, but he insisted on refusing. He said that the money still wasn't enough to buy equipment to enter the dungeon, of course I still forced Ryoma to accept a portion of the money, until Ryoma relented and decided to accept only ten percent of the total. [Altair]

"Is everyone in Louis-san's party stubborn?" [Altair]

"Had it not been for the help of the guild's side, I don't think my debate with Ryoma would have stopped there." [Altair]

But after that, Ayane-san had been waiting for us, and I didn't expect that Ayane-san would scold us for almost an hour. This time Ryoma couldn't escape anymore because Ayane-san had warned Ryoma before he escorted me back to the adventure guild. [Altair]

"Isn't this unfair? I already received my punishment yesterday, why is Ryoma only receiving it once?" [Altair]

"Well whatever." [Altair]

Knock Knock. . .

"Altair..." [Ayane]

"Come to dining table, dinner is ready." [Ayane]

"Okay, Ayane-san." [Altair]

. . .

"Altair, if we could ask you a favor, we'll leave Miyu with you tomorrow after she gets home from school." [Louis]

"Papa and mommy want to work again?" [Miyu]

"This time papa and mommy won't be long, If everything went as planned we'll be back in the afternoon." [Louis]

"Hooray" [Miyu]

"Alright, leave it to me." [Altair]

"Eh, But I wasn't really sure how to go to Miyu's school." [Altair]

"You just need to wait for her in this house, Miyu can go home by herself." [Louis]

"Ehhh? Is it safe?" [Altair]

"All kids at Miyu's age do that too." [Ayane]

Miyu is in the first grade of elementary school, right? Is that really ok? [Altair]

"Leave it to Miyu, Altair nii-chan." [Miyu]

"Uhh, ok." [Altair]

"Altair, tomorrow you should pick up your new adventurer card right?" [Ayane]

"Yes, can Ryoma take me again?" [Altair]

"No no no, this time I will leave it to others, for the time being I will not leave you to Ryoma." [Ayane]

"Ummm... sorry Ayane-san." [Altair]

"It's good that you understand." [Ayane]

"Oh yeah, don't forget that after you pick up your adventurer's card, tomorrow you ask to be taken to the nearest bank to set up an bank account so that I can transfer your money that is currently in my bank account." [Ayane]

"Can I open an account without an ID?" [Altair]

"No problem, your adventurer's card can be a substitute for an ID card." [Louis]

"Having a bank account is very important for an adventurer, so that payments from the guild can be transferred directly to the adventurer's account. With this method the guild also avoids bad scenarios if there are parties who originally complained about miscalculated money and others." [Louis]

"Not only the guild side benefits, of course the adventurer side also gets a lot of positive things from this." [Ayane]

"By the way, do you need extra money Altair?" [Ayane]

"No no, the money you gave me yesterday is still not spent, plus the money from the sale of the crystal and the corpse of the Direwolf Boss is very much in my favor." [Altair]

"Ok, fine." [Ayane]

Right now all that money is in my storage. [Altair]

. . . .

"Good morning Louis-san, Ayane-san." [Kasumi]

"Is Altair ready?" [Hikari]

"Miyu please call Altair nii-chan in his room." [Ayane]

"Okeey!" [Miyu]

"Oh it's Altair nii-chan." [Miyu]

"What's wrong Miyu." [Altair]

"Mommy said to call." [Miyu]

"Oh, good morning Hikari-san, Kasumi-san." [Altair]

"Ayane-san, are they?" [Altair]

"I thought you went back to sleep after breakfast earlier." [Ayane]

"Oh yeah, Hikari-chan will accompany you today, uh... yesterday I only asked Hikari for a favor, Is Kasumi also going?" [Ayane]

"Ahahaha, the more the merrier, right?" [Hikari]

"Hikari was embarrassed to be alone with Altair, she begged me to accompany her." [Kasumi]

"Ka-chan... there's no need for you to mention that." [Hikari]

"Okey okey, here we go our separate ways. Are you ready Altair?" [Louis]

"Well, I just need put on my shoes, then I'm ready to go." [Altair]

"Then, be careful. You have received the spare key to this house, right?" [Ayane]

"I'll leave Miyu to you later." [Ayane]

"Bye bye Altair nii-chan, Hikari nee-chan, Kasumi nee-chan." [Miyu]

"Bye bye Miyu." [Altair]

"Let's go too, Altair, you sit in the back seat by yourself." [Hikari]

"I can sit wherever." [Altair]

"Why don't you go with him? Don't you feels bad to leave him alone?" [Kasumi]

"I didn't mean it, ummm i'm the one who will drive the car." [Hikari]

"Well then, I'll accompany Altair in the back seat. Come here Altair, hurry up and get on." [Kasmui]

"Ok..." [Altair]

"Ka-chan..." [Hikari]

"What's wrong Hikari? Let's quickly take us to the adventure guild, after that Altair needs to make a bank account right? We don't have much time." [Kasumi]

"Okay okay." [Hikari]

"Oh yeah Altair, do you understand the value of money?" [Kasumi]

"I've more or less gotten the picture, after I shopped for a few things yesterday." [Altair]

"Wow, so you also still know how to count?" [Kasumi]

"I don't forget something like that." [Altair]

"But you said that you didn't know where you came from." [Kasumi]

"About that, I'm not lying, I have no idea how I ended up in that dungeon." [Altair]

"Ok, just skip this topic, I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable." [Kasumi]

"No problem Kasumi-san, oh yeah regarding magic and other elements can you give me a little..-" [Altair]

"Altaiiiiir." [Kasumi]

Oh sh- I've gotten used to adding San at the end of their name, it's not that I don't want to call her name directly, it's just a reflex. After being scolded by Ayane-san, I'm a bit afraid of offending the women in this world, so I subconsciously keep calling them like that. [Altair]

"I won't answer your question if you still call me that." [Kasumi]

"Oh yes, I'm sorry Kasumi." [Altair]

"That sounds better, what did you want to ask earlier?" [Kasumi]

"Hey hey what about me? Altair." [Hikari]

"What's wrong Hikari?" [Altair]

"Eh? No. Forget it." [Hikari]

Isn't that what she wants? [Altair]

"About magic and all the other elements." [Altair]

"I also don't know where to start, basically in this world there are six main elements, there are fire, water, wind, earth, light and dark elements. Even though they are included in the main elements, people who master light and dark are very rare." [Kasumi]

But I have all those elements. [Altair]

"Does it mean... Ayane-san?" [Altair]

"That's right, Ayane-san is among the most needed people in every party, even people who master two elements are still not equal to Ayane-san." [Kasumi]

"Is the difference that big?" [Altair]

"If you have someone who masters the light element, the cost of spending healing potions will be reduced a lot. In addition, the effect of light elemental heal is faster than relying on mid-to-low grade healing potions." [Kasumi]

"I see, what about the dark element?" [Altair]

"Sorry Altair, I don't know much about this element either." [Kasumi]

"????" [Altair]

"We've arrived at the adventure guild." [Hikari]

"We'll continue this conversation after picking up your new adventurer card." [Kasumi]

As soon as you arrive at the adventure guild, without further ado, me, Kasumi and Hikari head straight to Ayame-san's table, today Ayame-san still looks as cute as the day before. Ayame-san gave me my new adventure card, now changed its color to yellow which was green before. Rising to rank e, the missions I can receive have more variants, and the missions done by me and the Cup of tea party can accumulate with my current rank. [Altair]

"Thank you, Ayame-san." [Altair]

"After receiving your new adventurer card, do you want to take the mission again this time?" [Ayame]

Eh? Is Ayame-san being sarcastic? Was she also the one who told Ayane-san yesterday that Ryoma and I entered the dungeon to do the guild's mission? [Altair]

"Hahaha, I have other plans today." [Altair]

"Alright." [Ayame]

. . .

"After this do we head straight to the nearest bank?" [Hikari]

"Before that, do you know where to buy a good phone?" [Altair]

I need that tool right now, there are many things I need to find out about this world, of course using my own phone better. Besides, a handphone is one of the most important things in modern life like this, both in this world and in my old world. [Altair]

"Oh sure, leave it to us." [Hikari]

The store we went to was a handphone store that focused on a certain brand, according to Hikari and Kasumi it was the best phone brand in the world. [Altair]

"Does the crest use a slightly bitten apple?" [Altair]

"Hahaha, what are you talking about Altair, of course the crest uses a slightly peeled mango." [Hikari]

". . ." [Altair]

"Welcome dear costummer."

"Do you have any suggestions in between all of this?" [Altair]

"How about the fourteen pro series, I'm currently using it, and haven't found any problems at all." [Hikari]

"Just choose the latest series, the brand never disappoints its customers." [Kasumi]

"Well..., ummm the new series has released the fifteen regular and fifteen pro series." [Altair]

"Eh it's out again, I purchased series fourteen pro less than a year ago.." [Hikari]

. . .

oh my gaaah, no wayyyyyy~

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