

  Ethan POV

  I didn't wait for Agatha to speak and I kissed her on the lips. If she thinks I will let her go she is wrong because no matter what happens I will never let her leave me again.

  I could feel her love and longing when she responded to my kiss. I already think that we need to settle things now before it’s too late.

  We were almost gasping for breath as we let go of each other. I smiled at her while she still had traces of astonishment on her face.

  "W-what do you mean?" she asked me.

  “I already said it, didn't I? Is that the effect of my kiss on you? My charisma is really different. ” I said laughing.

  She quickly slapped me on the shoulder. "I'm asking you seriously, when did the kiss become the answer?"

  “I will not allow you to leave this house. You haven't even made up for the mistake you have done to me then you're planning on leaving again? I will never let you do that Agatha. ” I said seriously.

  “Are we okay now? I mean, did you forgive me? ”