
Trapped in her own world

Yasmin Wright, a 24 year old part-time writer got send into her own book after breaking her readers' heart with the tragic ending of her her book. ... "Those selfish bastards," Yasmin sneerd, trying not to grind her teeth to bits, "If they wanted to change it why not go do it themselves? Why send me?!" Read along to see how Yasmin handles her... unexpected situation. NB: There might be some slight LGBT themes but, it's not what the story is centered around

Thelonelyhermit · Fantasía
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10 Chs

Chapter ten

The panic was back, Yasmin could feel her heart rate rising and her breathing picked up. She needed to leave, this wasn't supposed to happen. She didn't even belong here, all of this wasn't real, it was just some fantasy world that she created. Nothing but ink on paper. Maybe she had accepted this too easily, this was absolute nonsense- it can't be real! People don't just get trapped into their books….that only happened in fiction, this was all fictional; a dream. It's not real. Sure all her senses were working, she could smell, touch, feel and hear everything around her and maybe everything was a little too detailed, but that's because the dream was vivid. Yes that had to be it! This wasn't real.

'I need to wake up.' Yasmin told herself in her mind.

'Wake up Yasmin.'

"You need to wake up.'

"Wake up dammit!'

'Fucking wake up!'

'Wakeupwakeupwakeupwakeupwakeup- WAKEUP! WAKE UP! WAKE UP! WAKE–'

A hand suddenly held Yasmin's from behind causing her to flinch slightly. She looked down to see a small pale hand gripping her darker one, turning back slightly she saw Isabelle looking at her. Her face remained blank but her eyes held deep worry. Her firm grip managed to ground Yasmin and she found herself gripping her back tighter. 

She needed that, a grounding, something to anchor her down and keep the anxiety away. Isabelle wasn't a talkative person, she moved like a ghost always lurking nearby, barely seen and barely heard, but Yasmin appreciated her presence. Like an imaginary friend that you spoke to without getting a reply but you know that they're there so it didn't matter. 

Isabelle was the first friend she made in this world. Their interactions were very little but they meant a lot to Yasmin, at night when she goes to bed thinking she'll finally wake up from this dream Isabelle was the last person she saw and the first person she woke up to. It felt nice not being alone.

"Have you packed?" It was Lord Javier that asked the question, his attention now on Yasmin. He wore a kind smile but his eyes betrayed him.

"I have nothing to bring with me my lord…"

"Oh, that's right, I forgot you were new here." He spoke while standing up, "no worries, you'll be provided with everything you need once we get back." 

"Thank you my lord…"

Lord Javier walked up to Yasmin before stopping less than a foot in front of her. He brought his hand up to her chin before raising her head to meet his eyes. 

"I'm sure you'll be on your very best behaviour right?" He stared down at her, his smile still present, his eyes curved up in crescents. Yasmin felt frozen to the spot, she couldn't look away, if she did she might just get eaten. Staring up into lord Javier's eyes felt like looking into the eyes of a predator, his superficial charm that he wore slowly slipped and allowed Yasmin a peek of the dangerous beast lurking underneath. Yasmin knew, she knew that if she left with this man she would be swallowed whole.


'I don't want to–'

"I don't want to go." Yasmin said out loud and a couple gasps were heard.


Yasmin started stepping back, her grip on Isabelle's hand getting even tighter. She was about to turn and make a run for it when she felt a hand holding on to her left arm.

"Where do you think–"

"-let go!"

Marcellus immediately stood up from his seat when he saw what was happening, he began approaching the scene but lord Javier said he was fine and he stood back instead.

"It seems to me that you haven't been properly disciplined, which is understandable, you are fairly new after all." Lord Javier's grip tightened on Yasmin's arm as he brought her back close to his body where he could harshly grab her jaw and force her to face him once more. He wore a sickeningly sweet smile and spoke with a low voice, "It shall be my pleasure to discipline you myself."

He pulled away from Yasmin before walking back to Marcellus, who was standing off to the side watching everything with a slight frown. 

Javier flashed him a brilliant smile, "I think it's best we get going."

"...Allow me to walk you out."

"Thank you, marquess williams."

"Come along now," he said, waving over Yasmin. She remained rooted to her spot before finally following him with hesitant steps. She only managed to take two steps before she was suddenly pulled back in place by the firm grip still wrapped around her hand. It was then that she realised Isabelle had never let her go, not even once.

"Miss belle…" Yasmin was confused.

"Isabelle let go," I-da whispered harshly from behind. The blonde servant ignores her, her eyes set solely on Yasmin's hand.

"Oh?" Lord Javier grinned, his incisors almost resleminging fangs. "Is this a little friend of yours?"

Yasmin didn't answer, her expression now grim.

Javier chuckled, "Lord Williams, what an interesting bunch you've got here." He continues, "first one of your servants spoke back to me and now another stands against me."

"I apologise for their impudence, it's my fault for not properly disciplining them after their arrival."

"No worries no worries," Javier said, waving off Marcellus, "I don't blame you, it was also quite amusing to watch." 

"But unfortunately I don't have the time for anymore silly games so–" he turn to Yasmin "-little one"

Yasmin reluctantly answers, "yes my lord?"

"Let go of your little friend and come along, we don't have time to waste."

With that, Yasmin turned to Isabelle and tried to take back her hand. Isabelle refused, only strengthening her hold on Yasmin but, after a single glance at Yasmin's pleading eyes, she finally relented and let her go. Her own eyes reflected her reluctance. Yasmin flashed her a tiny smile while whispering 'thank you', Isabelle felt her heart constricted. They have only recently met, with little to no interactions but she has taken quite a liking to the poofy haired girl. Her smiles always radiate warmth and her positive attitude made her easy to get along with. The nights when she was wide awake, plagued with nightmares, it was Yasmin's slow and steady breaths that lulled her back to sleep. It was also her grumpy groans and mumbles that woke her up. 

Without realising it, Isabelle had grown accustomed to Yasmin's presence. 

She watched with sad eyes as Yasmin slowly followed behind Lord Javier, with every step she took their distance only grew and she was tempted to run after her and pull her back. She just might if Marcellus didn't come to stand in front of her, successfully blocking her view from the departing servant. Isabelle brought her head down, eyes focused in a glare at her master's boots. For she knew that if she looked up at his face, that glare would be directed at him.

Marcellus stared down at the blond servant, his eyes cold and unwavering.  He was never one to discipline his servants, furthermore he had never had a servant that behaved defiantly. 

"It seems I have been too lenient, you've even grown comfortable enough to disrespect others…" Marcellus said, his voice low and stern. "I-da," he called without looking away from Isabelle. 

"Yes, Master Williams?"

"Get her changed and take her to the training area, have Nicolie deal with her. Tell him it's for punishment."

"Yes, Master Williams."

I-da ushered Isabelle out of the room, her head still down and her hands slowly clenching at her sides. Once both servants were out of sight, Marcellus released a breath that he didn't know he was withholding.

'Goddess give me strength'

Writer's block is a bitch

Thelonelyhermitcreators' thoughts