
Wedding day (Part two)

"We are gathered here today for the joining of these two beautiful people; Allison Brown and Calvin Bruce, in matrimony." He began, and the whole place went utterly still.

"If there is anyone here against this union, speak now or forever hold your peace." The priest said.

Allison's eyes searched the congregation nervously. Nobody here would want that.

"Focus on me princess." She heard Calvin's alluring voice whisper to her, and she turned to him. Once their gaze met, she was unable to look away.

The priest waited, and when no one came forward, he turned to the couple and continued;

"You may say your vows."

Allison sucked in a breath, as Calvin got ready to speak. He smiled at her.

"You know I actually wrote my vows down, but looking at you now, I have totally forgotten them." Calvin began, and the congregation erupted in laughter. "But I do have something to say," he continued.