
Trapped By The Untamed

"It's pointless to run because you're imprisoned!" It's difficult to sleep at night knowing exactly what you'll encounter in your dreams. Keeley has trouble sleeping at night, fearful of encountering an alpha wolf in her dreams who is merely there to taunt her. "Werewolves aren't real," she told herself, but what happens when a stroll in the woods leads to her kidnapping? "It's you!" she screamed as she backed away from him, a nasty grin on his lips as he watched her go. "Until now, I've just followed you in your dreams, but I'm never going to let you out of my sight." What could the Alpha possibly want from her at this point? Why would you kidnap or torture an innocent woman? "What are you doing?" She screamed as he ripped her clothes off, trying to conceal herself but he grabbed both of her wrists and stopped her. He stared at the mark close to her breast side and something sparked in his eyes, and she could see the sight of delight in his eyes. "Checkpoint," he said. "Who are you?" She eventually summoned the nerve to ask, and he stopped for a while before tilting her chin up to meet his stare, sending a shiver down her spine. "I may be your greatest nightmare; from now on, you're my property, a secret instrument; in other words, you've been captured by The Untamed." What does an Alpha male have in common with a human girl, and what is the significance of her birthmark? Will Keeley be able to break free from the untamed's grasp?

Sky_Li · Fantasía
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7 Chs

The Event

I really wasn't in the mood for dressing and wore a simple blue gown, I sat in front of my dressing table combing my chestnut brown hair in front of the mirror, a sigh escaped from my lips as my thoughts wandered off to the golden eyes in my dream, could it be possible I was hunted by an alpha wolf?

I shook the thought away the minute it came, it's just a dream and nothing else, stop thinking about it.

A knock on my door was enough to sprang me up to my feet.

"Keeley, you in there?"

The familiar voiced eased my heart and I felt relief wash over me, gosh I really need to put myself together.

"Keeley" the banging came again bringing me back to reality, I hurried to the door and opened it up.

My best friend who I wholeheartedly take as my sister stood at the doorway with her hands on her hips eyeing me suspiciously.

"You took so long to open the door, are you hiding something from me?" she peeked into my room and I rolled my eyes at her words.

"Good morning to you too Jina."

She snickered at my words and looked at me guiltily like she just realized we haven't greeted yet.

"Sorry, I just got curious."

"You are always curious about everything." Jina is always nosy about everything but in a cute way.

"Did you come alone?" I asked.

"No, I actually accompanied my father here, something about an event discussion with your father the king"

That's right, I forgot to mention my father is the king of syvilnia which makes me the princess of syvilnia, an indoor princess actually.

I probably should be happy and ecstatic about that cause it's every girls dream to be a princess, lots of girls wish to be in my shoes but don't judge a book by it's cover.

Being a princess, there are some things you are deprived off like going out of the kingdom, having too many friends, always trying to be miss perfect, being present at all ceremonies.

I'm not actually saying being a princess is bad too, a princess gets to have everything she could possibly dream off like clothing's, ornaments, jewelries, the latest shoes and every accessories you could possibly imagine but that's not all that matters, they are just ornaments and hold no meaning, to me actually.

Now my father's planning a big event once again and I wonder what the event is going to be about.

"I heard it's a big event, I actually came to fetch you for breakfast." She added and before I could give my reply, I was being dragged down the fancy stairs, typical Jina you would say.

We showed up at the dinner table and everyone had gathered for breakfast along with Jina's parents and her older sister who looks a bit annoyed by my prescence.

"Greetings father, mother, everyone." I curtseyed.

Different smiles were sent my way except for Alexis who scoffed silently at me, well we've never got along for reasons I know nothing about.

"Morning princess Keeley" Jina's father, King Steph replied to my greetings, My mother who sat close to my father flashed me a warm smile.

"Let's have breakfast."

I nodded and took a seat, Alexis sitting beside me and we chattered on about girly stuff while the maids dished out our food for us.

The two king's continued with their discussion on the event.

"It's a twilight event, the moon glowing brightly up in the sky and everyone having a good fun time." My father jovially said to Jina's father.

"And whose coming for the event?" King Steph asked more like he was being cautious about something.

"I've invited different kingdoms to the event, it's a twilight event they won't seize to forget."

My mother nodded in agreement. "We've got everything planned out, the event is tomorrow night and some of the kingdoms will be coming over tonight so they can help with the preparation."

King Steph kept himself collected. "I hope you've heard about the rumours going around the whole place."

I gazed at them as the sudden topic piqued my interest, my father's jovial expression creased into one of worry which he tried to hide but I knew my father too well to easily make out his expression.

"Can we not talk about that?" he whispered to King Steph.

"I'm bothered about the safety of everyone, if truly the rumours of wolves spotted in Syvilnia turns out to be true, it could be a big problem for us."

They kept whispering to themselves and I couldn't make out exactly what they said but I knew a wolf was being mentioned in their convo making me choke on my food.

"Woah, you okay?" Jina asked with concern handing me a glass of water.

I took the glass and drank every content in it, wiping my lips before dropping the glass down, all eyes on me with a worried expression and I suddenly felt guilty.

"Sorry about that, I'm fine."

"Why not swallow the whole plate instead." Alexis muttered and I rolled my eyes at her words.

My father sighed. "Try not to fit in a whole piece into your mouth again." he said and I nodded politely in response.


"Wow!, it really seems like a big event." Jina exclaimed as we both sat on my bed.

"Sure is." I wasn't as excited as she was, my father enjoys hosting event's like this very much so it wasn't new to me or her, there was only one thing which could get her this excited all for an event.

"Are you happy about the event or the guys that's going to show up at the event?" I asked.

I watched my friends lips curl up into a smirk as she placed a pillow on her lap.

"Maybe, it's been a while I saw handsome princes and with the fact a lot of kingdoms are coming for the party, enough chances I'll get to devour the handsome princes, who knows we might just get our suitors." she winked at me and I scoffed silently, as if.

The dream found it's way into my mind again and those golden eyes where the only thing I could think of, I glanced at my friend who was busy checking out her nails.

"Jina?" I called and she replied with a "hmm?"

"Is it true there are actually rumours about a werewolves showing up in Syvilnia?" I asked curiously but she shrugged.

"I heard but it's just rumours anyway, ninety nine percent of rumours are false in this place."

She paused and met my gaze with a lil bit of curiosity as well as excitement.

"It'll be great to actually see a werewolf for once, I mean just think about it, if the rumours actually turn out to be true then we'll definitely get to see some at the event too."

I gasped at her words but she mistook it for excitement as well.

"I mean think about it, I also heard they take the form of humans too, you can hardly tell the difference, it'll be fun to see one and it's the full moon tomorrow, do you think they'll be at the party in search of a mate?"

"Jina!" I yelled which left my friend a bit baffled, even I myself was stunned but I wasn't to blame, having a wolf torment me in my dreams was already enough and it's best if it remains a dream.

Jina's gaze lingered on me waiting for me to give an explanation about my sudden outburst and I felt bad for yelling at her like that.

"Sorry about that, I was just...I got carried away with the discussion but please let's drop the topic about werewolves, please."

I'm sure I sounded desperate and she nodded in agreement.

"Fine, no more werewolf talks."

She assured me and my smile came back, she also looked excited again.

"Can't wait for the twilight event though, it's the best but right now, I have to get dressed cause who knows, my future husband might be among the guests showing up today, I need to tell Alexis about this and figure out what she's doing too."

She got up and hurried out of my room, I shook my head with a sigh.

Typical Jina

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What will actually happen at the event and will Jina find a match or will the tables turn?

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