
The Fateful Meeting of the Girls

In a beautiful kingdom Glasswood, there lived a royal family that had two troublesome daughters who were 15 years and a cute little son aged 8 years old. The King and Queen never failed to tend to the happiness of their children. They lived happy lives. Aisha the older daughter and had bronze skin, emerald green eyes like her father and curly long black hair. She was lady-like, elegant and talented. But she was quiet the prankster. Laila the second daughter had bronze skin with beautiful sapphire blue eyes like her mother, short dark raven-colored hair. She is nothing like her sister, very playful, always trying to escape the palace and creating trouble where ever she went. She even practices sword fighting with the other guards hoping to be on the battlefield with other soldiers one day. Everyone in the capital loved their princess and prince.

One day as she was running away as usual she noticed someone at the palace gates. After being caught by the guards for the nth time, she was bought back to the palace to the dining hall to have supper.

The entire royal family was laughing at Laila for another failed attempt. After a long pause of silence, the king cleared his throat and introduced Cyril to Laila.

"Laila, this is Cyril, she is here from Felicia."

"I hope both of you get along with each other. And Laila we want you to show Cyril around the palace and make her feel comfortable. She will be staying with us for a week.", the Queen told Laila.

"AND BE POLITE TO HER" intervened her brother.

But, Laila wasn't paying much attention to what they were saying and was more focused on eating. Finally, she responded, "Yes, yes fine."

After supper, Laila was showing Cyril around the palace and asking her to be comfortable around her. Cyril seemed very uptight and strict on herself to be proper and perfect, but inside Cyril envied Laila for her free spirit and happy nature, hoping she could be like her.

Later on, they bid farewell and went back to their respective rooms.

Late at night, Cyril was unable to breathe properly and was feeling uncomfortable, so she went to the balcony to get some fresh air. While she was looking around the beautiful night view from the palace balcony she noticed Laila practicing sword fighting with her little brother, inspiring him to become stronger. Since the weather was very pleasant and there was a cool breeze blowing through Cyril's face she leaned in the get some more. The height of the balcony fence was low, because of that she accidentally slipped and fell down.

At that moment she was sure to fall and die. So, she started saying her prayers, also thinking to herself, "Mother, I am finally coming to see you. Hope you are waiting for me up there. "At that time, Laila spotted Cyril falling and started running towards her to catch her.

Since the breeze was so soothing, Cyril thought she was in heaven with her mother and murmured, "Mother, I missed you so much. Why did you leave me so early? "

Just when she came back to consciousness, she saw Laila in front of her. She got startled and jumped back.

Clearing her throat with a stern voice, Laila told Cyril, "Be careful next time, I won't be there to catch you again."

Cyril's face had turned beet seeing Laila protect her like her prince charming.

A few days later, Cyril is ready to go back to her country.

On the way Cyril was reading a book but the greenery outside was so beautiful, that Cyril couldn't help but look outside and admire the beauty of the scenery. Cyril has always been very grateful for whatever she had. As time passed by it soon started getting dark, the travel party found a deserted village near a river. There were very few people inhabiting the village, mostly old-aged people in their 60s and 70s.

The party decided to stop at an old inn which was owned by a young girl.

"How many rooms would you gentlemen require?" inquired the young girl.

"We would like to have 5 rooms for 1 night, please" answered one of the men in the travel party.

"5 rooms right up. Here you go the keys. You may ring the bell if you require anything " replied the young girl.

"Surely, Thank you for your hospitality"

The inn seemed pretty shady since they were a lot of adventurers, thieves, and other criminals hanging out. It wasn't safe for them to stay there for a long time. A while later, one of the travelers requested some bread and soup for Cyril, so that she could eat and go to bed. It was going to be a long day the next day. Cyril enjoyed eating the food provided, it was absolutely delicious. Soon after, she read a few pages of her favorite book and went to sleep.

In the middle of the night, there was some weird movement near the rooms. The travelers knew Cyril would be in danger and they needed to protect her. By the time, they went into Cyril's room she wasn't there. They searched everywhere for her, but she was nowhere to be found.

The travel party started getting scared because they knew how terrifying Cyril's father was. He absolutely doted on his daughter and didn't want anything happening to her. Just when they were thinking what would be their next move, they noticed an apparition coming from the other end of the hall walking towards them.