
fame and Jaime

Ausgustus was in bed, his body had bandages and the smell of medicine in the air, he had broken a few ribs but luckily nothing else.

"silly boy, I said you were too young to fight, and you Tywin are going to stand there looking like that? our son almost died" Joanna snapped angrily

"rest assured mama, it was just a simple wound, Ser Arthur lessened the force of the blow" Augustus

"calm down woman, every warrior has wounds, besides that should we celebrate, knight at 11 years old?" Tywin was so happy he could have jumped up and down.

luckily Tywin has poise, but his look doesn't hide the pride

despite the defeat, his son's name will spread across the continent, Twyin was so happy that even King Aerys's refusal to make Rhaegar and Cersei's marriage did not dampen his joy

Augustus smiled despite the pain, his only regret was not being able to say goodbye to the prince and try to seduce him again.

after all after talking to Arthur, Augustus fell into the arena and passed out, his body is only 11 years old after all

Joanna was also proud of her cute baby, but it can't be helped, a mother will always despair at any injury to her child.

Jaime at his side was quiet, although he loved his older brother it is inevitable to be jealous, they say he is a genius but at 10 he still faces teenagers and cannot defeat an adult

Jaime clenched his fists and made up his mind

"father, please allow me to go out and become a squire" Jaime said

this surprised Cersei and Joanna

"NO" Both girls said together

Tywin didn't respond right away, he understood what Jaime wanted.

In fact he already tried to make Jaime squire for Rhaegar but the king did not accept it, so he decided to make Jaime squire only at age 11

However, seeing his brother become a knight at age 11 put pressure on young Jaime.

Tywin sighed and spoke

"very well, get ready, in 2 days you will go home to Crakehall, Lord Sumner will accept you" Tywin

Jaime smiled

Joanna wanted to say something but Tywin's gaze silenced her, she knows her husband loves her, but she's wise enough not to get involved in running the household

Joanna wanted to say something but Tywin's gaze silenced her, she knows her husband loves her, but she's wise enough not to get involved in running the household

actually Jaime is stronger than in the original, after all Augustus loves to give tips and train with him

'come on brother, get strong soon, if you stay too far behind it will be boring without a rival' Augustus thought


meanwhile the days passed, the fame of Augustus soared

it is said that the old king was so angry on his return, that the poor queen was beaten more

from north to south, everyone talks about young Augustus, the number of marriage proposals has simply tripled, even House Tyrell this time wanted to marry a young woman from his house with Augustus

Augustus didn't care much, after recovering he wasted no time

2 months after the tournament, Augustus returned to training, this time he put heavy weights in his training.

Carrying weights, jogging, sword training, reading and shopping for dresses, everything returned to normal.

time passed and slowly a monster was born