
Transporting From a Normal Office To a Fantasy World

A perfectly normal day, The season of Spring was near and here I thought I would get a new start just like the trees out there. The last month was Dull and depressing, It didn't favor me. I thought this month will bring something new and I was quite correct... Normally people would perceive that they would get a new job or they would get a new place to live or even that they are moving from country to country. But...... No one would actually think about getting a whole new life in another world, would they? Well if you think it like that, you must be a weirdo. Though I wouldn't understand why I was special all I could say what happened was for the better

Fostier · Fantasía
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20 Chs

The Mysterious Man Arrives again [1]

They saw and the parties were in Chaos. Aqua Approaches one of them and asked, "Why are you running?". The woman replied "Don't you know that strangely a Higher rank of Monsters have appeared. Normal Adventurers like us can't fight with them." and continue running. Aqua asked whether they wanted to fight or not. Surprisingly enough, They agreed on fighting.

They also noticed that a new batch of adventurers now approached the monsters. The party was an experienced one and stronger than basic tiered ones. The Wolves appeared again but their color changed. The Wolves were now in red color. "Wait... These are Scarlet brute wolves! They are more cunning and stronger than Normal Brute wolves." Seige exclaimed. The wolves approached them. "Get in position everyone!" Preyley yelled. Siege who was the tank of the party took the lead and attracted the Wolves to him. Unfortunately, they were too clever and ignored the tank and attacked the healer. Preyley jumped to protect Freya and made a cut on the wolf. Freya immediately healed him by casting chant, She was almost out of mana. The wolf howled to attract the attention of his allies.

Soon after, A large pack of wolf surrounded them. The party was panicking. Aqua stepped in front of Preyley and asked, "How much time would it take you to kill them if I could immobilize them?". "Uhh, about 4 seconds per wolf." He replied. "Get ready then" She ordered. The wolf charged at them with a strong killing intent. Aqua Kneeled and yelled "Bind Movement!". Suddenly a hand was formed out of the grabbed and held all the wolves. Preyley immediately rushed and Killed wolves meanwhile Aqua got up and yelled "Crimson Javelin". Three fire arrows were formed and shot towards a wolf to kill it.

It took a lot of mana as she was only a beginner at Magic. Freya cast her recovery magic, "Healing Regime" which would heal her allies. The only one not doing anything was Fatty. He was simply standing there.

"I guess it's my turn," he said as he took out his strange device. He threw it in air and whispered "With Angel's authority, I summon forth any celestial being which could help me get rid of my enemies. Summon Caster!"

Suddenly the device took the shape of a golden clock and the hands started rotating at a very fast speed. It suddenly stopped and the clock opened. From the clock emerged a Strong looking creature. Full blue in color. Just like a mini dragon. The mini dragon charged at the wolves and killed them one by one. After 10 minutes of constant fighting, They finally defeated 30 wolves. \

Unexpectedly, The other parties were finished too clearing just as they were retreating, A stronger wave of monsters appeared. These monsters consisted of the Elephant looking monsters that she met when she got in this world. The adventurers retreated because they never expected such monsters to appear. Freyley suggested "We are no match for these monsters. Adventurer Guild's master can deal with these. Aqua knew about Rosy's Condition and said "You leave, I can't" She stepped forward and charged towards them. "Wait!" Freya yelled but it was of no use. She Chanted,

"Pandemonium of the Raging Water!"

This time she had her consciousness and The Dragon was bigger than before. Almost everyone in Leuneria saw that.

Aqua's Mana was Depleting was very fast. She waved her hand and the dragon charged at the elephant and she successfully killed 3 of them. But at 4th it became difficult but she did overcome it. But at the 5th it was over, Her mana got depleted and she collapsed. The elephant-like Monster was about to stamp on her but a beam of light was shot towards it which sent it flying further away. "So, we meet again." Said a male Voice.

Thanks for being patient <3. My work is done and will now try to update within a short period of time.

I love you guys ^_^

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